CV F. Mistree

Farrokh Mistree


Date of birth





Program area

Mechanical Engineering


+98 541 2443387         Fax: +98 541 2443387


farrokh.mistree AT




  University of California



MS. c


  University of California



B. Tech

  Naval Architecture

  I.I.T. Kharagpur





 Chapters in Books

 Refereed Journal Articles

 Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings

 Awards and Honors


 Professor / Director

  School. of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

  Since 8/09

 LA Comp Chair

  University of Oklahoma, Norman

  Since 8/09


  Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta

  9/92 – 7/09

 Associate Chair

  Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering

  July 1, 2005


  Georgia Tech – Savannah

  December 15, 2008


  University of Houston, Houston


 Associate Professor

  University of Houston, Houston

  1/81- 8/87

 Senior Lecturer

  University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

  6/80 - 1/81


  University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

  2/76 - 5/80

 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

  University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

  3/74 - 1/76

 Senior Engineering Aid

  University of California, Berkeley

  10/72 - 9/73

 Research Assistant

  University of California, Berkeley

  8/68 - 6/72



  1.   McD owell D.L., Panchal, J. H., Choi, H.-J., Seepersad C. C., Allen J. K. and Mistree F., Integrated Design of Multiscale Materials and Products, Elsevier, New York, (2010).
  2.  Shoup, T. E. and Mistree, F., Optimization Methods for the Personal Computer. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, (1987).
  3.  Mistre e , F. and Leonardi, E., Program Implementation using KOPE. Sydney, Australia: Unisearch Ltd., (1981).


 Chapters in Books

  1.  Panchal, J.H., Choi, H-J., Allen, J.K., Rosen, D., and Mistree, F., 2007, An Adaptive Service-Based Framework for Distributed Product Realization, in Collaborative Product Design and Manufacturing Methodologies and Applications. (W.D. Li, S.K. Ong, A.Y.C. Nee, and C. McMahon, Eds.) Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing, pp. 1-36.
  2.  Panchal, J.H., Fernández, M.G., Paredis, C.J.J., Allen, J.K., and Mistree, F., 2007, Leveraging Design Process Related Intellectual Capital – A Key to Enhancing Enterprise Agility. in Collaborative Product Design and Manufacturing Methodologies and Applications. (W.D. Li, S.K. Ong, A.Y.C. Nee and C. McMahon, Eds.) Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing. pp. 202-233.
  3.  Seepersad, C.C, Pedersen, K., Emblesvåg, J. Bailey, R.R., Allen, J.K., and Mistree, F., 2006, The Validation Square: How Does One Validate Design Methods? in Decision-Based Design: Making Effective Decisions in Product and Systems Design. (W. Chen, K. Lewis, and L. Schmidt, Eds.) New York, NY. ASME Press. Chapter 25, pp. 305-3262.
  4.  Williams, C.B., Allen, J.K., Rosen, D.W., and Mistree, F., 2006, Process Parameter Platform Design to Manage Workstation Capacity, in Product Platform and Product Family Design: Methods and Applications. (T. Simpson, Z. Siddique, R. Jiao, Eds.) New York, NY. Springer Press. pp. 421-456.
  5.  Allen, J.K., Bras, B., Mistree, F., Paredis, C.J.J., Rosen, D., 2005, Georgia Institute of Technology: The Systems Realization Laboratory Chapter 26 in Design Process Improvement - A Review of Current Practice, pages 490-493, (Clarkson, P.J. and Eckert, C. Eds.), Springer, New York. ISBN: 1-85233-701-X.
  6.  Chen, W., Allen, J.K., and Mistree, F., 2000, Design Knowledge Development Techniques and Applications in Productivity Enhancement in Concurrent Systems Design, in Knowledge Based Systems Techniques and Applications, pages 1037-1060, (Leondes, C.T. Eds), San Diego, California: Academic Press.
  7.  Simpson, T.W., Chen, W., Allen, J.K. and Mistree, F., 1999, Use of the Robust Concept Exploration Method to Facilitate the Design of a Family of Products, in Simultaneous Engineering: Methodologies and Applications, pages 247-278, (U. Roy, J.M. Usher and H.R. Parsaei, Eds.), New York: Chapman-Hall.
  8.  Lewis, K., Smith W.F. and Mistree, F., 1999, Ranged Set of Specifications for Complex Engineering Systems in Simultaneous Engineering: Methodologies and Applications, pages 279-304, (U. Roy, J.M. Usher and H.R. Parsaei, Eds.), New York: Chapman-Hall.
  9.  Peplinski, J., Koch, P.N. and Mistree, F., 1998, Hierarchy and Integration in Organizations and their Products in Handbook of Technology Management, pages 7.18-7.24, (R.C. Dorf, Ed.), Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press.
  10.  Lewis, K., Mistree, F. and Rao, J.R.J., 1998, Optimization in Multidisciplinary Design, in CRC Handbook of Mechanical Engineering, (F. Kreith, Ed.), Boca Raton, Florida: Chapter 11 Engineering Design; LD Albano & NP Suh, lead authors, pages 11.99-11.109.
  11.  Simpson, T.W., Lautenschlager, U. and Mistree, F., 1998, Mass Customization in the Age of Information: The Case for Open Engineering Systems, in The Information Revolution: Current and Future Consequences, pages 49-71, (W. Read and A Porter, Eds.), Ablex Publications, Greenwich, Connecticut.
  12.  Koch, P. N., Peplinski, J. D., Mistree, F. and Allen, J. K., 1996, Configuring Systems Using Available Assets: A Conceptual Decision-Based Perspective in Mechanical Design Theory and Methodology, pages 127-160, (M. Waldron, Ed.), New York: Springer-Verlag.
  13.  Mistree, F., Hughes, O. F. and Bras, B. A., 1993, The Compromise Decision Support Problem and the Adaptive Linear Programming Algorithm in Structural Optimization: Status and Promise, pages 247-286, (M. P. Kamat, Ed.), Washington, D.C.: AIAA.
  14.  Karandikar, H. M. and Mistree, F., 1993, Modeling Concurrency in the Design of Composite Structures in Structural Optimization: Status and Promise, pages 769-806, (M. P. Kamat, Ed.), Washington, D.C.: AIAA.
  15.  Mistree, F., Smith, W. F. and Bras, B. A., 1993, A Decision-Based Approach to Concurrent Engineering in Handbook of Concurrent Engineering, pages 127-158, (H. R. Paresai and W. Sullivan, Eds.), New York: Chapman & Hall.
  16.  Bras, B., Smith, W. F. and Mistree, F., 1990, The Development of a Design Guidance System for the Early Stages of Design in CFD and CAD in Ship Design, pp. 221-231, (G. van Oortmerssen, Ed.), Wageningen, The Netherlands: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V..
  17.  Shupe, J. A., Muster, D., Allen, J. K. and Mistree, F., 1988, Decision-Based Design: Some Concepts and Research Issues in Expert Systems, Strategies and Solutions in Manufacturing Design and Planning, pages 3-37, (A. Kusiak, Ed.), Dearborn, Michigan: Society of Manu­facturing Engineers.
  18.  Kamal, S. Z., Karandikar, H. M., Mistree, F. and Muster, D., 1987,Knowledge Representation for Discipline-Independent Decision Making in Expert Systems in Computer-Aided Design, pages 289-321, (J. Gero, Ed.), Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V..
  19.  Kamal, S. Z., Karandikar, H. M. and Mistree, F., 1987, Knowledge-Based Mathematical Programming: A Hybrid Approach for Decision Making in Design in Design Theory for CAD, pages 201-240, (H. Yoshikawa and E. Warman, Eds.), Amsterdam: North-Holland, Amsterdam.
  20.  Mistree, F. and Muster, D., 1985, Design Harmonization: A Computer-Based Approach for Design in the Systems Age in Optimization in Computer-Aided Design, pages 1-30, (J. S. Gero, Ed.), Amsterdam: North-Holland.
  21.  Hughes, O. F. and Mistree, F., 1976, An Automated Ship Structural Optimization Method in Computer Applications in the Automation of Shipyard Operation and Ship Design, pages 203-212, (Jacobson et al., Eds.), Amsterdam: North-Holland.  

 Refereed Journal Articles

  1.  Samadiani, E., Joshi, Y., Allen, J.K. and Mistree, F., 2010, Adaptable Robust Design of Multi-scale Convective Systems Applied to Energy Efficient Data Centers, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, vol. 57, no. 2, 69-100.
  2.  Samadiani, E., Joshi, Y., Allen, J.K. and Mistree, F., 2010, Adaptable Robust Design of Multi-scale Convective Systems Applied to Energy Efficient Data Centers, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, vol. 57, no. 2, 69-100, 2010.
  3.  Panchal, J.H., Paredis, C. J. J., Allen, J. K., and Mistree, F., 2009, Design Process Simplification Via Scale and Decision Decoupling -A Value-of-information Based Approach, Journal of Computing and Information Sciences in Engineering, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. (021005) 1-12.
  4.  Panchal, J. H., Fernández, M. G., Paredis, C. J. J., Allen, J. K., and Mistree, F., 2009, A Modular Decision Centric Approach for Reusable Design Processes, Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 5-19.
  5.  Rippel, M., Schaefer. D., Mistree, F. and Panchal, J.H., 2009, Fostering Collaborative Learning and Mass-Customization of Education in a Graduate Engineering Design Course, International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 729-744.
  6.  Samadiani, E., Joshi, Y. and Mistree, F., 2008, The Thermal Design of a Next Generation Data Center: A Conceptual Exposition, ASME Journal of Electronic Packaging, vol. 130, no. 4, pp. 041104-1/8.
  7.  Zha, X.F., Sriram, R.D., Fernandez, M.G. and Mistree, F., 2008, Knowledge-Intensive Collaborative Decision Support for Design Processes: A Hybrid Decision Support Model and Agent, Computers in Industry, vol. 59, no. 9, pp. 905-922.
  8.  Panchal, J., Fernández, M.G., Paredis, C.J.J., Allen, J.K., Mistree, F., 2008, A Modular Decision-Centric Approach for Reusable Design Processes, Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, vol. 15, no. 3, pp.309-323.
  9.  Choi, H-J., McDowell, D.L., Allen, J.K., and Mistree, F., 2008, An Inductive Design Exploration Method for Hierarchical Systems Design Under Uncertainty, Engineering Optimization, vol. 40., no. 4, pp. 287-307.
  10.  Choi H-J., McDowell D. L., Rosen D., Allen J. K. and Mistree F., 2008, An Inductive Design Exploration Method for Robust Multiscale Materials Design, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, vol. 130, no. 3, pp. 031402-1/13.
  11.  Schaefer, D., Panchal, J.H., Choi, S.K and F. Mistree, 2008, Strategic Design of Engineering Education for the Flat World, International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 274-282.
  12.  Panchal, J., Paredis, C.J.J., Allen, J.K., and Mistree, F., 2008, A Value of Information Based Approach to Simulation Model Refinement. Engineering Optimization. vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 223-251.
  13.  Seepersad, C.C., Allen, J.K., McDowell, D.L., and Mistree, F., 2008, Multifunctional Topology Design of Cellular Material Structures, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, vol. 130, no 3, pp. 1285-1297.
  14.  Xiao, A., Seepersad, C.C., Allen, J.K., Rosen, D., and Mistree, F., 2007, A Collaborative, Multidisciplinary Decision Making Methodology for Distributed Environments. Engineering Optimization. vol. 39. no. 4, pp. 429-451.
  15.  Panchal, J. H., Choi, H.-J., Allen, J. K., McDowell, D. L. and Mistree, F., 2007, A Systems Based Approach for Integrated Design of Materials, Products & Design Process Chains, Journal of Computer-Aided Materials Design, vol. 14, n supplement 1., pp. 265-293.
  16.  Panchal, J.H., Fernández, M.G., Paredis, C.J.J., Allen, J.K., and Mistree, F., 2007, An Interval-Based Constraint Satisfaction (IBCS) Method for Decentralized, Collaborative Multifunctional Design, Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 309-323.
  17.  McDowell, D.L., Choi, H-J., Panchal, J., Austin, R., Allen, J., and Mistree, F., 2007, Plasticity-related Microstructure-Property Relations for Materials Design, Key Engineering Materials, vol. 340-341 I, pg. 21-30.
  18.  Williams, C.B., Allen, J.K., Rosen, D.W., and Mistree, F., 2007, Designing Platforms for Customizable Products and Processes in Markets of Non-Uniform Demand, Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, vol. 15. no. 7. pp. 201-216.
  19.  Rolander, N., Rambo, J., Joshi, Y., Allen, J.K. and Mistree, F., 2006, An Approach for the Robust Design of Turbulent Convective Systems, 2006, Journal of Mechanical Design, special issue on Risk-based and Robust Design, Editors S. Azarm and Z. Mourelatos, vol. 128, no. 4, pp. 844-855.
  20.  Allen, J.K., Seepersad, C.C. and Mistree, F., 2006, A Survey of Robust Design with Applications to Multidisciplinary and Multiscale Systems, Journal of Mechanical Design, special issue on Risk-based and Robust Design, Editors S. Azarm and Z. Mourelatos,.vol. 128, no. 4, pp. 832-843.  

 Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings

  1.  Siddique, Z., Hardré, P., Bradshaw, A, and Mistree, F., 2010, Unleashing Innovation Through Experiential Learning, 2010 ASEE Global Colloquium on Engineering Education, Singapore. Paper Number: GC 2010-215.
  2.  Siddique, Z., Hardré, P., Bradshaw, A., Saha, M., and Mistree F., 2010, Fostering Innovation Through Experiential Learning, ASME Symposium on International Design and Design Education, Montreal, Canada. Paper Number: DETC2010-288924.
  3.  Sinha, A., Mistree, F. and Allen, J.K.,2010, Game Theoretic Protocols for Multilevel Design, ASME Design Automation Conference, Montreal, Canada, August 15-18, 2010. Paper Number DETC2010-28818.
  4.  Rippel, M., Choi, S-K., Mistree, F., and Allen, J.K., 2010, A Simulation-Based Robust Concept Exploration Method, ASME Design Automation Conference, Montreal, Canada. Paper Number DETC2010-28767.
  5.  Singhee, M., Holmes, J., Mistree, F., and Allen, J.K., Layout Design of a WII Remote Motion Capture System: Formulation and Solution, 2009 ASME Design Automation Conference, Montreal, Canada. Paper Number DETC2010-28795.
  6.  Koca, A., Brombacher, A. C., Panchal, J. H., and Mistree, F., 2009, Engineering Soft-Reliability in Product Realization, 2009 ASME Design Theory and Methodology, San Diego, CA. Paper Number: DETC2009/DTM-87261.
  7.  Sinha, A., Chakraborty, M., Ghosh, S., Kumar, C. S., Panchal, J. H., Allen, J. K., McDowell, D. L., and Mistree, F., 2009, Microstructure-Mediated Integration of Material and Product Design - Undersea Submersible, 2009 ASME Design Automation Conference, San Diego, CA. Paper Number: DETC2009/DAC-87276.
  8.  Dietz, T.P. and Mistree, F., 2009, The Integration of Pahl and Beitz and the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving for the Conceptual Design of Multi-Domain Systems, 2009 ASME Design Automation Conference, San Diego, CA. Paper Number: DETC2009/DAC­87311.
  9.  Wang, C., Krishnamurthy, V., Klein, B., Choi, S-K., Allen, J.K. and Mistree, F. A Design Exploration Method for Adaptive Design Systems, ASME Design Automation Conference, San Diego, CA. Paper Number DETC2009/DAC-87217.
  10.  Williams, C.B., Mistree, F. and Rosen, D. W., 2008, A Functional Classification Framework for the Conceptual Design of Layered Manufacturing Techniques, ASME Design for Manufacturing and Life-Cycle Conference, (M. Esterman, Ed.), New York, NY. ASME– DETC2008-49353.5
  11.  Messer, M, Panchal, J.H., Allen, J.K., Mistree, F, Krishnamurthy, V., Klein, B. and Yoder P.D., 2008, Designing Embodiment Design-Processes Using a Value-of-Information-Based Approach, ASME Design Automation Conference, (K. Saitu, Ed.), New York, NY. ASME–DETC2008-49395.
  12.  Chamberlain, M., Allen, J.K. and Mistree F., 2008, Decision support for Strategic Redesign, ASME Design Automation Conference, (K. Saitu, Ed.), New York, NY. ASME– DETC2008-49356.
  13.  Williams, C.B, Mistree, F. and Rosen, D. W., 2008, Systemeatic Design of Layered Manufacturing Process for the Realization of Metallic Parts of Designed Mesostructure, ASME Symposium on International Design and Design Education, (P. Jones and J.R. Mountain, Eds.), New York, NY. ASME–DETC2008-49457.
  14.  Choi, H-J., and Allen, J.K., 2007, Empirical Models for Non-Deterministic Simulation-Based Robust Design. ASME Design Automation Conference, (F. Liou, Ed.), Las Vegas, NV. ASME-DETC2007-35606.
  15.  Messer, M., Panchal, J.H., Allen, J.K., McDowell, D.L., and Mistree, F., 2007, A Function-Based Approach for Integrated Design of Materials and Product Concepts, ASME Design Automation Conference, (F. Liou, Ed.), Las Vegas, NV. ASME-DETC2007-35743.
  16.  Muchnick, H., Allen, J.K., McDowell, D.L., and Mistree, F., 2007, A Template-Based Approach for Multilevel Blast Resistant Panel Design, ASME Design Automation Conference, (F. Liou, Ed.), Las Vegas, NV. ASME-DETC2007-35447.
  17.  Panchal, J.H., Paredis, C.J.J., Allen, J.K., and Mistree, F., 2007, Managing Design Complexity: A Value-of-Information Based Approach for Scale and Decision Decoupling, ASME Design Automation Conference, (F. Liou, Ed.), Las Vegas, NV. ASME- DETC2007­35686.
  18.  Messer, M., Pedersen, K., Allen, J.K., and Mistree, F., 2006, Domain Independent Approach to Designing Hierarchical Platforms on Multiple Levels of Abstraction and Scales, ASME Design Automation Conference, (T. Simpson, Ed.), Philadelphia, PA. ASME- DETC2006­99474.
  19.  Muchnick, H., Thompson, S.C., Samadiani, E., Allen, J.K., Joshi, Y., and Mistree, F., 2006, Exploring the Advantages of Materials Design in a Product Design Process, ASME Design Automation Conference, (T. Simpson, Ed.), Philadelphia, PA. ASME-DETC2006-99492.  

Awards and Honors

  •  ASME International, Design Engineering Division’s Distinguished Service Award, 1999 and 2003.
  •  Jack M. Zeigler, ‘Woodruff School Outstanding Educator Award,’ Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia, 2001.
  •  ASME Design Automation Committee’s Design Automation Award, 1999.
  •  Fellow of ASME, Associate Fellow of AIAA, Life member Phi Kappa Phi, Member of ASEE, Honorary Member, Pi Tau Sigma Mechanical Engineering Honor Society.
  •  Professor Emeritus, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia.

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