CV Y.M. Xie

Yi-Min (Mike) Xie


Date of birth





Program area







Civil Engineering

University of Wales

Swansea, United Kingdom



Engineering Mechanics

  Shanghai Jiao Tong University



 Area of Research and Consulting Expertise

 Professional Memberships

 Positions Held

 Previous Positions

  Professional Activities

  Selected Publications

  Other Achievements



  • Structural optimization
  • Computational mechanics
  • Structural dynamics 


  • Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
  • Fellow, Institution of Engineers Australia 


  • Jul. 2002 – present, Professor and Discipline Head of Civil Engineering, School of Civil, Environmental and Chemical Engineering, RMIT University, Australia
  • Jan. 2002 – Jun. 2002, Professor and Acting Head of School, School of the Built Environment, Victoria University, Australia
  • Jan. 1998 – Dec. 2001, Associate Professor, School of the Built Environment, Victoria University, Australia
  • Jul. 1995 - Dec. 1997, Senior Lecturer, Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Victoria University, Australia
  • May 1993 - Jun. 1995, Lecturer, Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Victoria University, Australia
  • Feb. 1992 - May 1993, Research Fellow of Department of Aeronautical Engineering and Manager of Finite Element Analysis Research Centre, University of Sydney, Australia
  • Oct. 1990 - Oct. 1991. Senior Research Assistant to Professor O.C. Zienkiewicz, FRS, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Wales, Swansea, UK 


  • Senior Research Assistant to Professor O.C. Zienkiewicz, FRS, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Wales, Swansea, U.K., Oct. 1990 - Oct. 1991. 
  • Research Fellow of Department of Aeronautical Engineering and Manager of Finite Element Analysis Research Centre, University of Sydney, Australia, Feb. 1992 - May 1993. 
  • Lecturer, Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Victoria University, Australia, May 1993 - Jun. 1995. 
  • Senior Lecturer, Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Victoria University, Australia, Jul. 1995 - Dec. 1997. 
  • Associate Professor, School of the Built Environment, Victoria University, Australia, Jan. 1998 – Dec. 2001. 
  • Professor and Acting Head of School, School of the Built Environment, Victoria University, Australia, Jan. – Jun. 2002. 


  • Chairman of Organising Committee for the Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics, Melbourne, 2005
  • Chairman of Organising Committee for the 4th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, 26-28 September 2007, Melbourne


  1. Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, Evolutionary Structural Optimization, Springer-Verlag, London, June, 1997, 200 pp., ISBN 3-540-76153-5.
  2. X. Huang and Y.M. Xie, Evolutionary Topology Optimization of Continuum Structures: Methods and Applications, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England, 2010, 235 pp., ISBN: 9780470746530.
  3. Z.H. Zuo, Y.M. Xie and X. Huang, ‘Reinventing the wheel’, ASME Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 133, pp 024502-1-024502-4, 2011.
  4. X. Huang, A. Radman and Y.M. Xie, ‘Topological design of microstructures of cellular materials for maximum bulk or shear modulus’, Computational Materials Science, 50, pp 1861-1870, 2011.
  5. X. Huang and Y.M. Xie, ‘Evolutionary topology optimization of continuum structures including design-dependent self-weight loads’, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 47, pp 942-948, 2011.
  6. X. Huang and Y.M. Xie, ‘Evolutionary topology optimization of geometrically and materially nonlinear structures under prescribed design load’, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 34(5), pp 581-595, 2010.
  7. Z.H. Zuo, Y.M. Xie and X. Huang, ‘An improved bi-directional evolutionary method for topology optimization for frequencies’, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 10(1), pp 55-75 , 2010.
  8. X. Huang and Y.M. Xie, ‘Evolutionary topology optimization of continuum structures with an additional displacement constraint’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 40, pp 409-416, 2010.
  9. X. Huang, Z.H. Zuo and Y.M. Xie, ‘Evolutionary topological optimization of vibrating continuum structures for natural frequencies’, Computers & Structures, 88, pp 357-364, 2010.
  10. Y.C. Koay, Y.M. Xie and S. Setunge, ‘Investigation of various methods for minimising uneven displacements in pedestrian concrete pavements’, accepted for publication in International Journal Road Materials and Pavement Design, 11(2), pp 479-488, 2010.
  11. K. Ghabraie, R.W. Chan, X. Huang and Y.M. Xie, ‘Shape optimization of metallic yielding devices for passive mitigation of seismic energy’, Engineering Structures, 32(8), pp 2258-2267, 2010.
  12. K. Ghabraie, Y.M. Xie, X. Huang and G. Ren, ‘Shape and reinforcement optimization of underground tunnels’, Journal of Computational Science and Technology, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 4(1), pp 51-63, 2010.
  13. X. Huang and Y.M. Xie, ‘A further review of ESO type methods for topology optimization’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 41(5), pp 671-683, 2010.
  14. J.W. Tang, Y.M. Xie, P. Felicetti, J.Y. Tu and J.D. Li, ‘Numerical simulations of wind drags of straight and twisted polygonal buildings’, accepted for publication in The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 11 June 2010 (available online: DOI: 10.1002/tal.657).
  15. Z.H. Zuo, Y.M. Xie and X. Huang, ‘Optimal topological design of periodic structures for natural frequencies’, accepted for publication in Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 6 November 2010.
  16. R. Das, R. Jones and Y.M. Xie, ‘Optimal topology design of industrial structures using an evolutionary algorithm’, accepted for publication in Optimization and Engineering, 20 December 2010 (available on line: DOI 10.1007/s11081-010-9132-0).
  17. X. Huang and Y.M. Xie, ‘Bi-directional evolutionary topology optimization of continuum structures with one or multiple materials’, Computational Mechanics, 43(3), pp 393-401, 2009.
  18. Z.H. Zuo, Y.M. Xie and X. Huang, ‘Combining genetic algorithms with BESO for topology optimization’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 38(5), pp 511- 523, 2009.
  19. J.A. Frumar, Y.Y. Zhou, Y.M. Xie and M.C. Burry, ‘Tensegrity structures with 3D compression members: development and assembly’, Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, 50(2), 99-110, 2009.
  20. Y.C. Koay, Y.M. Xie and S. Setunge, ‘Evaluating stepping displacement of pedestrian concrete pavements using EPDM rubber and PVC joiners’, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 9(4), pp 287-301, 2008.
  21. X. Huang and Y.M. Xie, ‘Topology optimization of nonlinear structures under displacement loading’, Engineering Structures, 30(7), pp 2057-2068, 2008.
  22. X. Huang and Y.M. Xie, ‘A new look at ESO and BESO optimization methods’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 35(1), pp 89-92, 2008.
  23. X. Huang and Y.M. Xie, ‘Optimal design of periodic structures using evolutionary topology optimization’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 36, pp 597-606, 2008.
  24. X. Huang, Y.M. Xie, and M.C. Burry, ‘Advantages of bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization (BESO) over evolutionary structural optimization (ESO)’, Advances in Structural Engineering, 10 (6), pp 727-737, 2007.
  25. T. Molyneaux, S. Setunge, R. Gravina and Y.M. Xie, ‘An evaluation of the learning of structural engineering concepts during the first two years of a project based engineering degree, European Journal of Engineering Education, 32(1), pp 1-8, 2007.
  26. X. Huang and Y.M. Xie, ‘Numerical stability and parameters study of an improved bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization method’, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 27(1), pp 49-61, 2007.
  27. X. Huang and Y.M. Xie, ‘Bi-directional evolutionary topology optimization for structures with geometrical and material nonlinearities”, AIAA Journal, 45(1), pp 308-313, 2007.
  28. X. Huang and Y.M. Xie, ‘Convergent and mesh-independent solutions for bi-directional evolutionary structural method’, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 43, pp 1039-1049, 2007.
  29. X. Huang, Y.M. Xie and G. Lu, ‘Topology optimization of energy absorption structures’, International Journal of Crashworthiness, 12(6), pp 663-673, 2007.
  30. J. Rong, J. Jiang and Y.M. Xie, ‘Evolutionary structural topology optimization for continuum structures with structural size and topology variables’, Advances in Structural Engineering, 10 (6), pp 681-695, 2007.
  31. X. Huang, Y.M. Xie, and M.C. Burry, ‘A new algorithm for bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization ’, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers International Journal Series A , 49(4), pp1091-1099, 2006.
  32. E. Kita, H. Saito, T. Tamaki, H. Shimizu and Y.M. Xie, ‘Three-dimensional structural design based on cellular automata simulation’, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 23, pp 29-42, 2006.
  33. X.Y. Yang, Y.M. Xie and G.P Steven, ‘Evolutionary methods for topology optimization of continuous structures with design dependent loads’, Computers & Structures, 83, pp 956-963, 2005.
  34. G. Ren, J.V. Smith, J.W. Tang and Y.M. Xie, ‘Underground excavation shape optimization using an evolutionary procedure’, Computers and Geotechnics, 32, pp 122-132, 2005.
  35. R. Das, R. Jones and Y.M. Xie, ‘Design of structures for optimal static strength using ESO’, Engineering Failure Analysis, 12(1), pp 61-80, 2005.
  36.   Y.M. Xie , P. Felicetti and J.W. Tang and M.C. Burry, ‘Form finding of complex structures using evolutionary structural optimisation’, Design Studies, 26(1), pp 55-72, 2005.
  37. J. Burry, P. Felicetti, J.W. Tang, M.C. Burry and Y.M. Xie, ‘Dynamical structural modelling – a collaborative design exploration’, International Journal of Architectural Computing, 3 (1), pp 27-42, 2005.
  38. W. Li, Q. Li, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘An evolutionary shape optimization for elastic contact problems subject to multiple load cases’, Computer Method in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 194 , pp 3394-3415, 2005.
  39. E. Kita, T. Toyoda, T. Tamaki and Y.M. Xie , ‘Design of truss structures based on concept of cellular automata’, Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, 11, pp 321-3335, 2004.
  40. Q. Li, G.P. Steven, Y.M. Xie and Q.M. Querin, ‘Evolutionary topology optimization for temperature reduction of heat conducting fields’, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 47 , pp 5071-5083, 2004.
  41. H. Kim, O.M. Querin, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘Improving efficiency of evolutionary structural optimization by implementing fixed grid mesh’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 24(6), pp 441-448, 2003.
  42. X.Y. Yang, Y.M Xie, J.S. Liu, G.T. Parks, P.J. Clarkson, ‘Perimeter control of the bi-directional evolutionary optimization method’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 24(6), pp 430-440, 2003.
  43. W. Li, Q. Li, G.P. Steven and Y. M. Xie, ‘An evolutionary approach to elastic contact optimization of frame structures’, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 40, pp 61-81, 2003.
  44. H. Guan, Y.J. Chen, Y.C. Loo, Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, ‘Bridge topology optimization with stress, displacement and frequency constraints’, Computers & Structures, 81, pp 131-145, 2003.
  45. W. Li, Q. Li, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘An evolutionary shape optimization procedure for contact problems in mechanical designs’, Proceedings of Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, C217, pp 435-446, 2003.
  46. A. Lencus, O.M. Querin, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘Aircraft wing design automation with ESO and GESO’, International Journal of Vehicle Design, 28(4), pp 356-369, 2002.
  47. H. Kim, O.A. Querin, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘Determination of an optimal topology with a predefined number of cavities’, AIAA Journal, 40 (4), pp 739-744, 2002.
  48. G.P. Steven, Q. Li and Y.M. Xie, ‘Multicriteria optimization that minimizes maximum stress and maximizes stiffness”, Computers & Structures, 80, pp 2433-2448, 2002.
  49. K.A. Proos, G.P. Steven, O.M. Querin, Y.M. Xie, ‘Multicriteria evolutionary structural optimization using the weighting and the global criterion methods’, AIAA Journal, 39(10), pp 2006-2012, 2001.
  50. Q. Li, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘Evolutionary structural optimization for connection topology design of multi-component systems’, Engineering Computations, 18, pp 460-479, 2001.
  51. Q. Li, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘Thermoelastic topology optimization for problems with varying temperature fields’, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 24(4), pp 347-366, 2001.
  52. Q.Q. Liang, Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, ‘A performance index for topology and shape optimization of plate bending problems with displacement constraints’, Structural Optimization, 21(5), pp 393-399, 2001.
  53.   Q.Q. Liang, Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, ‘Generating optimal strut-and-tie models in prestressed concrete beams by performance-based optimization’, American Concrete Institute Structural Journal, 98(2), pp 226-232, 2001.
  54.   Q. Li, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘A simple checkerboard suppression algorithm for evolutionary structural optimization’, Structural and. Multidisciplinary Optimization, 22(3), pp 230-239, 2001.
  55.   Q. Li, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘Evolutionary thickness design with stiffness maximization and stress minimization criteria’, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 52, pp 979-995, 2001.
  56.   W. Li, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘Shape design for two- and three-dimensional contact problems using an evolutionary method’, International Journal of Computational Engineering and Sciences, 2, pp181-198, 2001.
  57.   J.H. Rong, Y.M. Xie, J.S. Jiang, B. Xu and J.Q. Fu, ‘Present situation and development of evolutionary structural optimization method’, Journal of Changsha Communications University, 17(3), pp 16-23, 2001.
  58.   K.A. Proos, G.P. Steven, O.M. Querin, Y.M. Xie, ‘Stiffness and inertia multicriteria evolutionary structural optimization’, Engineering Computations, 18(7), pp 1031-1054, 2001.
  59.   Q. Li, G.P. Steven, O.M. Querin, and Y.M. Xie, ‘Stress based optimization of torsional shafts using an evolutionary procedure’, International Journal of Solids & Structures, 38(32-33), pp 5661-5677, 2001.
  60.   Q. Li, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘Evolutionary structural optimization for stress minimization problems by discrete thickness design’, Computers & Structures, 78, pp 769-780, 2000.
  61.   D. Manickarajah, Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, ‘Optimum design of frames with multiple constraints using an evolutionary method’, Computers & Structures, 74, pp 731-741, 2000.
  62.   O.M. Querin, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘Evolutionary structural optimization using an additive algorithm’, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 34, pp 291-308, 2000.
  63.   H. Kim, O.M. Querin, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘A method for controlling the number of cavities in an optimized topology using evolutionary structural optimization’, Structural Optimization, 19(2), pp 140-147, 2000.
  64.   Q.Q. Liang, Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, ‘Optimal topology selection of continuum structures with displacement constraints’, Computers & Structures, 77(6), pp 635-644, 2000.
  65.   Q.Q. Liang, Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, ‘Topology optimization of strut-and-tie models in reinforced concrete structures using an evolutionary procedure’, American Concrete Institute Structural Journal, 97(2), pp 322-330, 2000.
  66.   J.H. Rong, Y.M. Xie and X.Y. Yang, “An improved method for evolutionary structural optimization against buckling”, Computers & Structures, 79, pp 253-263, 2000.
  67.   Q. Li, G.P. Steven, O.M. Querin and Y.M. Xie, ‘Structural topology design with multiple thermal criteria’, Engineering Computation, 17(6), pp 715-734, 2000.
  68.   J.H. Rong, Y.M. Xie, X.Y. Yang and Q.Q. Liang, “Topology optimization of structures under dynamic response constraints”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 234(2), pp 177-189, 2000.
  69.   G.P. Steven, Q. Li and Y.M. Xie, ‘Evolutionary topology and shape design for general physical field problems’, Computational Mechanics, 26, pp 129-139, 2000.
  70.   Q.Q. Liang, Y.M Xie and G.P. Steven, ‘Optimal topology design of bracing systems for multi-storey steel building frameworks’, Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 126(7), pp 823-829, 2000.
  71.   H. Kim, M.J. Garcia, O.M. Querin, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘Introduction of fixed grid in evolutionary structural optimisation’, Engineering Computations, 17(4), pp 427-439, 2000.
  72.   D. Manickarajah, Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, 'Optimization of columns and frames against buckling', Computers & Structures, 75, pp 45-54, 2000.
  73.   O.M. Querin, V. Young, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘Computational efficiency and validation of bi-directional evolutionary structural optimisation’, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 189, pp 559-573, 2000.
  74.   G.P. Steven, O.M. Querin and Y.M. Xie, ‘Evolutionary structural optimization (ESO) for combined topology and size of discrete structures’, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 188, pp 743-754, 2000.
  75.   Q.Q. Liang, Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, ‘Optimal selection of topologies for the minimum-weight design of continuum structures with stress constraints’, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science: Part C of Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, 213, pp 755-762, 1999.
  76.   X.Y. Yang, Y.M. Xie, G.P. Steven and O.M. Querin, ‘Topology optimization for frequencies using an evolutionary method’, Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 125(12), pp 1432-1438, 1999.
  77.   Q. Li, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘Displacement minimization of thermoelastic structures by evolutionary thickness design’, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 179, pp 361-378, 1999.
  78.   Q. Li, G.P. Steven, O.M. Querin and Y.M. Xie, ‘Shape and topology design for heat conduction by evolutionary structural optimization’, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 42, pp 3361-3371, 1999.
  79.   X.Y. Yang, W.J. Yi and Y.M. Xie, ‘Eigenvalue sensitivity of cracked beam structures’, Advances in Structural Engineering, 2, pp 199-205, 1999.
  80.   D.N. Chu, Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, 'An evolutionary method for optimal design of plates with discrete variable thickness subject to constant weight’, Structural Optimization, 17, pp 55-64, 1999.
  81.   X.Y. Yang, Y.M. Xie, G.P. Steven and O.M. Querin, ‘Bidirectional evolutionary method for stiffness optimization’, AIAA Journal, 37(11), pp 1483-1488, 1999.
  82.   H. Guan, G.P. Steven, and Y.M. Xie, 'Evolutionary structural optimization incorporating tension and compression materials’, Advances in Structural Engineering, 2(4), pp 273-288, 1999
  83.   Q. Li, G.P. Steven, O.M. Querin and Y.M. Xie, ‘Optimization of thin shell structures subjected to thermal loading’, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 7, pp. 401-412, 1999.
  84.   Q. Li, G.P. Steven, O.M. Querin and Y.M. Xie, ‘Evolutionary structural optimization for stress minimization’, Mechanics Research Communications, 26, pp 657-664, 1999. 
  85.   Y.M Xie , X.Y. Yang, G.P. Steven and O.M. Querin, ‘The theory and application of evolutionary structural optimization method’, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 16(6), pp 70-81, 1999.
  86.   V. Young, O.M. Querin, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘3D and multiple load case bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization (BESO)’, Structural Optimization, 18, pp 183-192, 1999.
  87.   H. Guan, G.P. Steven, O.M. Querin and Y.M. Xie, 'Optimization of bridge deck positioning by the evolutionary procedure’, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 7(6), pp 551-559, 1999.
  88.   Q. Li, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘On equivalence between stress criterion and stiffness criterion in evolutionary structural optimization’, Structural Optimization, 18, pp 67-73, 1999.
  89.   C. Zhao, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, 'Simultaneously evolutionary optimization of several natural frequencies of a two dimensional structure’, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 7, pp 447-456, 1999.
  90.   D.N. Chu, Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, 'An evolutionary structural optimization method for sizing problems with discrete design variables', Computers & Structures, 68, pp 419-431, 1998.
  91.   D. Manickarajah, Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, 'An evolutionary method for optimization of plate buckling resistance’, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 29, pp 203-230, 1998.
  92.   C. Zhao, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘A generalized evolutionary method for natural frequency optimization of membrane vibration problems in finite element analysis’, Computers & Structures, 66(2-3), pp 353-364, 1998.
  93.   C. Zhao, P. Hornby, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘A generalized evolutionary method for numerical topology optimization of structures under static loading conditions’, Structural Optimization, 15, pp 251-260, 1998.
  94.   O.M. Querin, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘Evolutionary structural optimization (ESO) using a bi-directional algorithm’, Engineering Computations, 15, pp 1031-1048, 1998.
  95.   C. Zhao, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, 'Effect of initial nondesign domain on optimal topologies of structures during natural frequency optimization', Computers & Structures, 62, pp 119-131, 1997.
  96.   Y.M. Xie , 'An assessment of time integration schemes for nonlinear dynamic equations: author’s reply', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 201, p. 257, 1997.
  97.   C. Zhao, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, 'Evolutionary natural frequency optimization of two dimensional structures with nonstructural lumped masses', Engineering Computations, 14(2), 233-251, 1997.
  98.   C. Zhao, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, 'Evolutionary optimization of maximizing the difference between two natural frequencies of a vibrating structure', Structural Optimization, 13, pp 148-154, 1997.
  99.   D.N. Chu, Y.M. Xie, A. Hira and G.P. Steven, 'On various aspects of evolutionary structural optimization for problems with stiffness constraints', Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 24, pp 197-212, 1997.
  100.   B.G. Falzon, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, 'Multiple cutout optimization in composite plates using evolutionary structural optimization', Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 5(5), pp 609-624, 1997.
  101.   D.N. Chu, Y.M. Xie, A. Hira and G.P. Steven, 'Evolutionary structural optimization for problems with stiffness constraints', Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 21, pp 239-251, 1996.
  102.   Y.M. Xie , 'An assessment of time integration schemes for nonlinear dynamic equations', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 192, pp 321-331, 1996.
  103.   Y.M. Xie, 'An unusual stability property of a direct integration algorithm', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 192, pp 1015-1017, 1996.
  104.   Y.M. Xie, ‘Discussion on a precise time step integration method', Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science: Part C of Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, Vol. 210, 395-396, 1996.
  105.   Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, 'Evolutionary structural optimization for dynamic problems', Computers & Structures, 58, pp 1067-1073, 1996.
  106.   C. Zhao, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, 'Evolutionary natural frequency optimization of thin plate bending vibration problems', Structural Optimization, 11, pp 244-251, 1996.
  107.   Y.M. Xie, 'Comments on a direct integration algorithm and the consequence of numerical stability', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 192, p. 605, 1996.
  108.   B.G. Falzon, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, 'Shape optimization of interior cutouts in composite panels', Structural Optimization, 11, pp 43-49, 1996.
  109.   C. Zhao, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, 'General evolutionary path for fundamental natural frequencies of membrane vibration problems: towards optimum from below', Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 4, pp 513-527, 1996.
  110.   Y.M. Xie , 'Further comments on relationship between fundamental natural frequency and maximum static deflection for various linear vibratory systems', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 186, pp 689-693, 1995.
  111.   Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, 'Instability, chaos, and growth and decay of energy of time-stepping schemes for nonlinear dynamic equations', Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 10, pp 393-401, 1994.
  112.   Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, 'Improving finite element predictions of buckling loads of beams and frames', Computers & Structures, 52, pp 381-385, 1994.
  113.   Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, 'Optimal design of multiple load case structures using an evolutionary procedure', Engineering Computations, 11, pp 295-302, 1994.
  114.   Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, 'A simple approach to structural frequency optimization', Computers & Structures, 53, pp 1487-1491, 1994.
  115.   Y.M. Xie and W.L. Wood, 'On the accuracy of time-stepping schemes for dynamic problems with negative stiffness', Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 9, pp 131-137, February, 1993.
  116.   Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, 'Explicit formulas for correcting finite-element predictions of natural frequencies', Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 9, pp 671-680, August, 1993.
  117.   Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, 'A simple evolutionary procedure for structural optimization', Computers & Structures, 49, No. 5, pp 885-896, 1993.
  118.   L.F. Zeng, N.-E. Wiberg, X.D. Li and Y.M. Xie, 'A posteriori local error estimation and adaptive time-stepping for Newmark integration in dynamic analysis', Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 21, pp 555-571, 1992.
  119.   O.C. Zienkiewicz and Y.M. Xie, 'A simple error estimator and adaptive time-stepping procedure for dynamic analysis', Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 20, pp 871-887, 1991.
  120.   O.C. Zienkiewicz and Y.M. Xie, 'Analysis of the Lower San Fernando Dam failure under earthquake', Dam Engineering, 2, pp 307-322, 1991.
  121.   Xikui Li, O.C. Zienkiewicz and Y.M. Xie, 'A numerical model for immiscible two-phase fluid flow in porous medium and its time domain solution', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 30, pp 1195-1212, 1990.
  122.   O.C. Zienkiewicz, Y.M. Xie, B.A. Schrefler, A. Ledesma and N. Bicanic, 'Static and dynamic behaviour of soils: a rational approach to quantitative solutions. II. Semi-saturated problems', Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, A429, pp 311-321, 1990.


  • Awarded The Most Inspiring Lecturer in Civil Engineering prize in 1999, Victoria University.
  • Awarded Vice-Chancellor’s Medal for Excellence in Research in 2000, Victoria University (the highest research award of the University).

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