CV B. Farshi

Behroz Farshi


Date of birth




Associate Professor

Program area

Mechanical Engineering


98-21-77240540-50             Fax: 98-21-77240488


farshi AT

Current Research

  • Optimization of Structural and Mechanical Systems 
  • Computational Mechanics 
  • Eigenproblems in Stability & Vibration

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CV B. Farshi

Behroz Farshi


Date of birth




Associate Professor

Program area

Mechanical Engineering


98-21-77240540-50                Fax: 98-21-77240488


farshi AT

Current Research

  • Optimization of Structural and Mechanical Systems 
  • Computational Mechanics 
  • Eigenproblems in Stability & Vibration

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CV ZW. Geem

Zong Woo Geem


 Date of birth





 Program area

 Structural Engineering


 0201-82743-0                  Fax: 0201-82743-40


 zwgeem AT




 Chung-Ang University



MS. c


 Korea University



BS. c 


 The Johns Hopkins University




Groups and Associations

 Papers Published



  •  Faculty in Energy IT
  •  Gachon University
  •  March 2012Present (1 month) South Korea

Groups and Associations

  • Civil Engineering Central Group 
  • Water Distribution System Professionals

Papers Published

  1. Mehmet Polat Saka , I. Aydogdu , O. Hasancebi , Zong Woo Geem: Harmony Search Algorithms in Structural Engineering. Computational Optimization and Applications in Engineering and Industry 2011: 145-182
  2. Zong Woo Geem: Recent Advances In Harmony Search Algorithm Springer 2010
  3. Zong Woo Geem: State-of-the-Art in the Structure of Harmony Search Algorithm. Recent Advances In Harmony Search Algorithm 2010: 1-10
  4. Zong Woo Geem, Kwee-Bo Sim: Parameter-setting-free harmony search algorithm. Applied Mathematics and Computation 217(8): 3881-3889 (2010)
  5. Zong Woo Geem: Research Commentary: Survival of the Fittest Algorithm or the Novelest Algorithm? Int. J. of Applied Metaheuristic Computing 1(4): 75-79 (2010)
  6. Zong Woo Geem: Harmony Search for Multiple Dam Scheduling. Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence 2009: 803-807
  7. Zong Woo Geem: Global Optimization Using Harmony Search: Theoretical Foundations and Applications. Foundations of Computational Intelligence (3) 2009: 57-73
  8. Zong Woo Geem: Harmony Search Applications in Industry. Soft Computing Applications in Industry 2008: 117-134
  9. Zong Woo Geem: Novel derivative of harmony search algorithm for discrete design variables. Applied Mathematics and Computation 199(1): 223-230 (2008)
  10. Zong Woo Geem, Jeong-Yoon Choi: Music Composition Using Harmony Search Algorithm. EvoWorkshops 2007: 593-600
  11. Zong Woo Geem: Geometry Layout for Real-World Tree Networks Using Harmony Search. IICAI 2007: 268-276
  12. Zong Woo Geem: Optimal Scheduling of Multiple Dam System Using Harmony Search Algorithm. IWANN 2007: 316-323
  13. Zong Woo Geem: Harmony Search Algorithm for Solving Sudoku. KES (1) 2007: 371-378
  14. Zong Woo Geem: Improved Harmony Search from Ensemble of Music Players. KES (1) 2006: 86-93
  15. Zong Woo Geem, Kang Seok Lee, Chung-Li Tseng: Harmony search for structural design. GECCO 2005: 651-652
  16. Zong Woo Geem, Chung-Li Tseng, Yongjin Park: Harmony Search for Generalized Orienteering Problem: Best Touring in China. ICNC (3) 2005: 741-750
  17. Zong Woo Geem: Harmony Search in Water Pump Switching Problem. ICNC (3) 2005: 751-760
  18. Joong-Hoon Kim, Chun-Woo Baek, Eung-Seok Kim, Zong Woo Geem, Moo-Jong Park: Harmony Search Algorithm: Application to Optimal Planning of Pipe Network Rehabilitation. Modelling, Simulation, and Optimization 2003: 147-152
  19. Zong Woo Geem, Chung-Li Tseng: Engineering Applications of Harmony Search. GECCO Late Breaking Papers 2002: 169-173
  20. Zong Woo Geem, Chung-Li Tseng: New Methodology, Harmony Search, its Robustness. GECCO Late Breaking Papers 2002: 174-178
  21. Zong Woo Geem, Joong-Hoon Kim , G. V. Loganathan : A New Heuristic Optimization Algorithm: Harmony Search. Simulation 76 (2): 60-68 (2001) 

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CV G. Thierauf

Georg Thierauf


Date of birth





Program area

 Structural Engineering


 0201-82743-0                 Fax: 0201-82743-40




 Computer Aided Design(CivilEngineering)

 City University




  Civil Engineering




 Curriculum Vitae


  Editorial Board Member



Curriculum Vitae

  •   Student of Civil Engineering at TUM (Technical University of Munich), Germany
  •   Diploma of Civil Engineering in 1966 at TUM
  •   Research Assistant Dept. Civil Engineering, TUM
  •   Dissertation (Dr.-Ing.) in 1968, TUM
  •   Habilitation (Venia legend: Structural Engineering) in 1972, TUM
  •   Professor at TUM (nominated in 1972 for Statics in Architectural Engineering)
  •   Professor at Bochum University, Germany from 1972 – 1975
  •   Full Professor Essen University, Germany, from 1975 – 2005
  •   Visiting Professor (1979) Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
  •   Research Grant Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
  •   Emeritus Professor University Duisburg-Essen, Germany, since 2005
  •   Prorector University of Essen, 1982-1986
  •   Professional Engineer (Statics, Metal Structures, German: Prüfingenieur)
  •   Head of Engineering Office (Statics, Dynamics and Optimization of Structures), Essen, Germany


  •   Statics and Dynamics of Structures
  •   Sructural Optimization
  •   Numerical Methods in Engineering
  •   Probabilistic Analysis and Design of Steel-Lattice Towers

Editorial Board Member

  •   International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering
  •   Engineering Optimization Taylor & Francis
  •   Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, BHRC
  •   Civil-Comp. Conferences

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CV Logo Janos

Lógó János


Date of birth




Associate Professor

Program area

Civil & Environmental Engineering


 (06-1)-463-1325                Fax: (06-1)-463-1099


logo AT


  • Diplomái, minősítései, tudományos fokozatai:
  • 2003 - Dr. Habil., Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Száma:275-H,
  • 1995 - PhD., Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem Száma:305-PhD
  • 1994 - Műszaki Tud. Kandidátusa, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Száma:15.585
  • 1988 - Egyetemi doktori, Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem, Építőmérnöki Kar Száma: 4819
  • 1988 - Okl. mérnök-matematikus szakmérnök, BME, Építőmérnöki Kar Száma: 9414
  • 1985 - Okl. Építőmérnök, Szerkezetépítő Szak, BME, Építőmérnöki Kar Száma: 142/1985

Journal Papers

  1. Kaliszky, S., Lógó, J.: Plastic Behaviour and Stability Constraints in the Shakedown Analysis and Optimal Design of Trusses, Journal of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization.,(2002), Vol.24. No.2. pp. 118-124. Imp.f. 0.535.
  2. Kaliszky, S., Lógó, J.: Layout Optimization of Rigid-Plastic Structures under High Intensity Short Time Dynamic Pressure. Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines.31(2), (2003), pp131-149. Imp.f. 0.265.
  3. Kaliszky, S., Lógó, J.: Optimimal Design of Elasto-plastic Structures Subjected to Normal and Extreme Loads, Computers and Structures, (2006), 84, (28), pp. 1770-1779.
  4. Lógó, J.: New Type of Optimal Topologies by Iterative Method, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, (2005), 33, (2), pp. 149-172. Imp.f. 0.245.
  5. Lógó, J.: Optimal Limit Design of Elasto-Plastic Structures for Time-dependent Loading, Journal of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization., (2007), DOI 10.1007/s00158-006-0053-7, (2007) 33(3), pp.269-273 Imp.f..
  6. Rozvany, G.I.N., Querin, O.M., Lógó, J., Pomezanski, V.: Exact Analytical Theory of Topology Optimization with Some Pre-existing Members or Elements, Journal of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, (2006), 31, (5), pp. 373-377 Imp.f..
  7. Lógó, J., New Type of Optimality Criteria Method in Case of Probabilistic Loading Conditions, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, (2007),35, (2), pp.147-162 . DOI: 10.1080/15397730701243066 Imp.f..
    Lógó, J.: Rugalmas-képlékeny szerkezetek méretezése időtől függő statikus jellegű terhelés esetén parametrikus matematikai programozással, Építés,-Építészettudomány, (2007), 35(1), 63-84.
  8. Lógó,J.: On the Optimal Topologies for Correlated Loading, Proc. of 7th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, May 21-25, 2007, Seoul, Korea, 9 old CD paper, ISBN 978-959384-2-3-98550.
  9. Lógó J.. Ghaemi M.: Parametric Study on Optimal Topologies in Case of Probabilistic Loading, in Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, B.H.V. Topping, (Editor), Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, United Kingdom, paper 32, 19 old CD paper 2007.

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CV M. Marrino

Miguel A. MariÑ o


Date of birth





Program area

  Civil & Environmental Engineering


  (530) 758-7408                  Fax:


  MAMarino AT



 Civil Engineering Systems




MS. c

 Groundwater Hydrology

 New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology



BS. c

 Petroleum Engineering

  I.I.T. Kharagpur




 Liberal Arts

 Andrew College

 Cuthbert, GA


 Teaching and Research Areas

 Professional Record

 Honors and Awards

 Professional Society Affiliations

 Books and Editorships


Teaching and Research Areas

  •  Environmental Hydrology;
  • Fluid Transport Processes and Biogeochemical Transformations in Soils,
  • Aquifers and Rivers;
  • Planning, Design and Management of Subsurface and Surface Reservoirs and Irrigation Systems

Professional Record

  •  Assistant Geohydrologist, New Mexico State Engineers Office, Santa Fe, NM (1964)
  •  Assistant Hydrologist, Illinois State Water Survey, Champaign-Urbana, IL (1965-69)
  •  Postgraduate Research Engineer, UCLA (1969-72)
  •  Assistant Professor of Water Science and Civil Engineering, UC Davis (1972-76)
  •  Associate Professor of Water Science, Civil Engineering, and Agricultural Engineering, UC Davis (1976-80)
  •  Professor of Hydrologic Sciences, Civil & Environmental Engineering, and Biological & Agricultural Engineering, UC Davis (1980-99)
  •  Professor, Above-Scale, UC Davis (1999-03)
  •  Professor, Further Above-Scale, UC Davis (2003-08)
  •  Professor, Further Above-Scale II, UC Davis (2008-09)
  •  Distinguished Professor, UC Davis (2003-09)
  •  Distinguished Professor Emeritus, UC Davis (7/1/2009)

Honors and Awards

  •  Richard R. Torrens Award, American Society of Civil Engineers (1986)
  •  Outstanding Journal Paper Award, American Society of Civil Engineers (1986)
  •  Outstanding Journal Paper Award, American Society of Civil Engineers (1990)
  •  Best Paper Award, Iranian Research Council in the Water Industry (1993)
  •  Best Paper Award, Iranian Supreme Council, (1995)
  •  Fellow, American Water Resources Association (1995)
  •  Julian Hinds Award, American Society of Civil Engineers (1996)
  •  Distinguished Member,, American Society of Civil Engineers (1999)
  •  Corresponding Member, Mexico’s National Academy of Engineering (1999)
  •  Best Paper Award, International Water Resources Association (2001)
  •  Fellow, American Geophysical :::union::: (2001)
  •  Honorary Member, American Water Resources Association (2001)
  •  Warren A. Hall Medal, Universities Council on Water Resources (2002)
  •  Omar Khayyam Award, Scientia Iranica & Sharif University of Technology, Iran (2007)
  •  Career Achievement Award, California Water and Environmental Modeling Forum (2011)
  •  Professional Society Affiliations
  •  American Society of Civil Engineers (Life Member and Distinguished Member)
  •  Member, Groundwater Committee, Irrigation & Drainage Div. (1979-85)
  •  Chair, Publications Committee, Wat Res Plng & Managt Div. (1984-88)
  •  Member, Publications Committee, Irrigation & Drainage Div. (1988-08 )
  •  Member, Task Comm. on Systems Analysis Tech., Hydraulics Div. (1989-92)
  •  Member, Social and Environ. Objectives Committee, Wat Res Plng & Managt Div. (1993-00)
  •  Chair, Water Resources Systems Committee, Wat Res Plng & Managt Div. (1993-94)
  •  Chair, Awards Committee, Wat Res Plng & Managt Div. (1994-95)
  •  Member, Environmental and Water Resour. Systems Committee, Env & Wat Resour Inst (2000- )
  •  Member, International Cooperation Council, EWRI (2000- )
  •  Chair, Groundwater Management Committee, EWRI (2003-05)
  •  American Geophysical :::union::: (Member and Fellow)
  •  Member, Education and Human Resources Committee (1984-86; 1992-94)
  •  Co-Chair, Policy Sciences Technical Committee, Hydrology Section (1998-03)
  •  Member, Groundwater Committee, Hydrology Section (2001- )
  •  American Institute of Hydrology (Member)
  •  Certified Professional Hydrologist (Groundwater) (1990)
  •  Member, Board of Registration (1990-93)
  •  President-Elect (2003-04)
  •  President (2005-06); Past President (2007-08)
  •  International Association of Hydrological Sciences (Member)
  •  Vice President, Commission on Water Resources Systems (1999-07)
  •  Chair, Organizing and Tech. Program Committees, International Symposium (1999-00)
  •  U.S. National Representative to the IAHS (2003-08 )
  •  U.S. National Correspondent to the IAHS (2003-08 )
  •  Co-Convenor, Symposia on: Integrated Water Resources Management (1999-00), Regional Management of Water Resources (2000-01), and Sustainable Water for Large Cities (2004-05)
  •  American Water Resources Association (Member, Fellow, and Honorary Member)
  •  Member, Editorial Board, Water Resources Bulletin (1978-82)
  •  Member, Selection Committee for Boggess Award (1977-91)
  •  Member, Publications Committee (1986-94)
  •  Member, Awards Committee (1992-96)
  •  Member, International Affairs Committee (1994-00)
  •  The Universities Council on Water Resources (Member)
  •  Lead Delegate, UC Davis (1995-08)
  •  Member, International Programs Committee (1995-98)
  •  Member, Board of Directors (1997-00)
  •  Chair, Research Committee (1997-00)
  •  International Water Resources Association (Member)
  •  Mexico’s National Academy of Engineering (Corresponding Member)
  •  International :::union::: of Geodesy and Geophysics (Member of the U.S. National Comm.,
    National Research Council, (2004-08)
  •  American Association for the Advancement of Science (Member)
  •  The New York Academy of Sciences (Member)
  •  Tau Beta Pi, National Engineering Honor Society (Member)  

Books and Editorships

  1.  Mariño, M. A. and Luthin, J. N., Seepage and Groundwater, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., Amsterdam-Oxford-New York (1982)
  2.  Topical Editor, Groundwater, The Encyclopedia of Water Science, Marcel Dekker, Inc. (2000-09 )
  3.  Editor, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE (1984-88)
  4.  Editor, Subsurface Flow and Contamination: Methods of Analysis and Parameter Uncertainty, Monograph Series No. 8, Amer. Water Resources Assoc. (1987)
  5.  Editor, Proceedings of the National Symposium on Groundwater Hydrology, American Water Resources Association (1967)
  6.  Co-Editor, Integrated Water Resources Management, Publication No. 272, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Wallingford, U.K. (2001)
  7.  Co-Editor, Regional Management of Water Resources, Publication No. 268, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Wallingford, U.K. (2001)
  8.  Co-Editor, Sustainable Water Management Solutions for Large Cities, Publication No. 293, International Assoc. of Hydrological Sciences, Wallingford, U.K. (2005)
  9.  Assoc. Editor, Hydrology Research (2004-09)
  10.  Assoc. Editor, Hydrological Sciences Journal (1999-05)
  11.  Assoc. Editor, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE (1982-84)
  12.  Assoc. Editor, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE (1995-00)
  13.  Assoc. Editor, Water Resources Bulletin, American Water Resources Assoc. (1982-88)
  14.  Editorial Board, Scientia Iranica (1992-08)
  15.  Editorial Board, Iranian Journal of Water Resources Engineering (1993-08)
  16.  Editorial Board, Journal Aqua - LAC, UNESCO (2007-08)

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CV C.M. Chan

Chun-Man CHAN


Date of birth




  Associate Professor

Program area

  Structural Optimization




  cecmchan AT

 Research Intersts

Research Projects

Selected Publications


Research Intersts

  •   Structural optimization of tall buildings
  •   Computer aided engineering
  •   Wind effects on buildings
  •   Seismic performance based design
  •   Steel and composite structures

Research Projects

  • Numerical wind load prediction and aerodynamic shape optimization of tall buildings – C.M. CHAN
  • Innovative design technologies for tall buildings in a typhoon-prone urban environment – K.C.S. KWOK, C.M. CHAN, CC CHANG, X.L. DING, P.A. HITCHCOCK, L. KATAFYGIOTIS and K.M. LAM
  • An Evolutionary Structural Form Optimization for the Design of High-rise Residential Buildings – C.M. CHAN
  • Structural Optimization for Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings – C.M. CHAN
  • Structural Optimization to Limit Wind-Induced Vibrations of Tall Steel Buildings – C.M. CHAN
  • Development of a Research Platform for Intelligent CAD Systems in Structural Engineering – C.M. CHAN, P. CHANG, M.F. YUEN and C.Y. KEAN

 Selected Publications

  1.   C.M. Chan, and K.-M. Wong, “Structural Topology and Element Sizing Design Optimization of Tall Steel Frameworks Using a Hybrid OC-GA Method”, Journal of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (published online DOI:10.1007/s00158-007-0151-1).
  2.   X.-K. Zou, C.-M. Chan, G. Li and Q. Wang, “Multi-objective Optimization for Performance-Based Design of Reinforced Concrete Frames”, J. of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 133, No. 10, 2007, 1462-1474.
  3.   C.M. Chan, and J.K.L. Chui, “Wind-induced Response and Serviceability Design Optimization of Tall Steel Buildings”, Journal of Engineering Structures, Vol. 28, No. 4, March 2006, 503-513.
  4.   C.M. Chan and Q. Wang, “Nonlinear Stiffness Design Optimization of Tall Reinforced Concrete Buildings under Service Loads”, J. of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 132, No. 6, June, 2006, 978-990.
  5.   X.-K. Zou and C.-M. Chan, “Optimal Seismic Performance-Based Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings Using Nonlinear Pushover Analysis”, Journal of Engineering Structures, Elsevier, Vol. 27, No. 8, July 2005, 1289-1302.
  6.   C.-M. Chan and Q. Wang, “Optimal Drift Design of Tall Reinforced Concrete Buildings with Nonlinear Cracking Effects”, J. Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, Vol. 14, Dec., 2005, 331-351.
  7.   X.-K. Zou and C.-M. Chan, “An Optimal Resizing Technique for Seismic Drift Design of Concrete Buildings Subjected to Response Spectrum and Time History Loadings”, Computers and Structures, Elsevier, Vol. 83, Nos. 19-20, July 2005, 1689-1704.
  8.   C.-M. Chan and X-K. Zou, “Elastic and Inelastic Drift Performance Optimization for Reinforced Concrete Buildings under Earthquake Loads”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 33, No 8, July, 2004, 929-950

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CV F. Mistree

Farrokh Mistree


Date of birth





Program area

Mechanical Engineering


+98 541 2443387         Fax: +98 541 2443387


farrokh.mistree AT




  University of California



MS. c


  University of California



B. Tech

  Naval Architecture

  I.I.T. Kharagpur





 Chapters in Books

 Refereed Journal Articles

 Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings

 Awards and Honors


 Professor / Director

  School. of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

  Since 8/09

 LA Comp Chair

  University of Oklahoma, Norman

  Since 8/09


  Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta

  9/92 – 7/09

 Associate Chair

  Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering

  July 1, 2005


  Georgia Tech – Savannah

  December 15, 2008


  University of Houston, Houston


 Associate Professor

  University of Houston, Houston

  1/81- 8/87

 Senior Lecturer

  University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

  6/80 - 1/81


  University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

  2/76 - 5/80

 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

  University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

  3/74 - 1/76

 Senior Engineering Aid

  University of California, Berkeley

  10/72 - 9/73

 Research Assistant

  University of California, Berkeley

  8/68 - 6/72



  1.   McD owell D.L., Panchal, J. H., Choi, H.-J., Seepersad C. C., Allen J. K. and Mistree F., Integrated Design of Multiscale Materials and Products, Elsevier, New York, (2010).
  2.  Shoup, T. E. and Mistree, F., Optimization Methods for the Personal Computer. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, (1987).
  3.  Mistre e , F. and Leonardi, E., Program Implementation using KOPE. Sydney, Australia: Unisearch Ltd., (1981).


 Chapters in Books

  1.  Panchal, J.H., Choi, H-J., Allen, J.K., Rosen, D., and Mistree, F., 2007, An Adaptive Service-Based Framework for Distributed Product Realization, in Collaborative Product Design and Manufacturing Methodologies and Applications. (W.D. Li, S.K. Ong, A.Y.C. Nee, and C. McMahon, Eds.) Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing, pp. 1-36.
  2.  Panchal, J.H., Fernández, M.G., Paredis, C.J.J., Allen, J.K., and Mistree, F., 2007, Leveraging Design Process Related Intellectual Capital – A Key to Enhancing Enterprise Agility. in Collaborative Product Design and Manufacturing Methodologies and Applications. (W.D. Li, S.K. Ong, A.Y.C. Nee and C. McMahon, Eds.) Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing. pp. 202-233.
  3.  Seepersad, C.C, Pedersen, K., Emblesvåg, J. Bailey, R.R., Allen, J.K., and Mistree, F., 2006, The Validation Square: How Does One Validate Design Methods? in Decision-Based Design: Making Effective Decisions in Product and Systems Design. (W. Chen, K. Lewis, and L. Schmidt, Eds.) New York, NY. ASME Press. Chapter 25, pp. 305-3262.
  4.  Williams, C.B., Allen, J.K., Rosen, D.W., and Mistree, F., 2006, Process Parameter Platform Design to Manage Workstation Capacity, in Product Platform and Product Family Design: Methods and Applications. (T. Simpson, Z. Siddique, R. Jiao, Eds.) New York, NY. Springer Press. pp. 421-456.
  5.  Allen, J.K., Bras, B., Mistree, F., Paredis, C.J.J., Rosen, D., 2005, Georgia Institute of Technology: The Systems Realization Laboratory Chapter 26 in Design Process Improvement - A Review of Current Practice, pages 490-493, (Clarkson, P.J. and Eckert, C. Eds.), Springer, New York. ISBN: 1-85233-701-X.
  6.  Chen, W., Allen, J.K., and Mistree, F., 2000, Design Knowledge Development Techniques and Applications in Productivity Enhancement in Concurrent Systems Design, in Knowledge Based Systems Techniques and Applications, pages 1037-1060, (Leondes, C.T. Eds), San Diego, California: Academic Press.
  7.  Simpson, T.W., Chen, W., Allen, J.K. and Mistree, F., 1999, Use of the Robust Concept Exploration Method to Facilitate the Design of a Family of Products, in Simultaneous Engineering: Methodologies and Applications, pages 247-278, (U. Roy, J.M. Usher and H.R. Parsaei, Eds.), New York: Chapman-Hall.
  8.  Lewis, K., Smith W.F. and Mistree, F., 1999, Ranged Set of Specifications for Complex Engineering Systems in Simultaneous Engineering: Methodologies and Applications, pages 279-304, (U. Roy, J.M. Usher and H.R. Parsaei, Eds.), New York: Chapman-Hall.
  9.  Peplinski, J., Koch, P.N. and Mistree, F., 1998, Hierarchy and Integration in Organizations and their Products in Handbook of Technology Management, pages 7.18-7.24, (R.C. Dorf, Ed.), Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press.
  10.  Lewis, K., Mistree, F. and Rao, J.R.J., 1998, Optimization in Multidisciplinary Design, in CRC Handbook of Mechanical Engineering, (F. Kreith, Ed.), Boca Raton, Florida: Chapter 11 Engineering Design; LD Albano & NP Suh, lead authors, pages 11.99-11.109.
  11.  Simpson, T.W., Lautenschlager, U. and Mistree, F., 1998, Mass Customization in the Age of Information: The Case for Open Engineering Systems, in The Information Revolution: Current and Future Consequences, pages 49-71, (W. Read and A Porter, Eds.), Ablex Publications, Greenwich, Connecticut.
  12.  Koch, P. N., Peplinski, J. D., Mistree, F. and Allen, J. K., 1996, Configuring Systems Using Available Assets: A Conceptual Decision-Based Perspective in Mechanical Design Theory and Methodology, pages 127-160, (M. Waldron, Ed.), New York: Springer-Verlag.
  13.  Mistree, F., Hughes, O. F. and Bras, B. A., 1993, The Compromise Decision Support Problem and the Adaptive Linear Programming Algorithm in Structural Optimization: Status and Promise, pages 247-286, (M. P. Kamat, Ed.), Washington, D.C.: AIAA.
  14.  Karandikar, H. M. and Mistree, F., 1993, Modeling Concurrency in the Design of Composite Structures in Structural Optimization: Status and Promise, pages 769-806, (M. P. Kamat, Ed.), Washington, D.C.: AIAA.
  15.  Mistree, F., Smith, W. F. and Bras, B. A., 1993, A Decision-Based Approach to Concurrent Engineering in Handbook of Concurrent Engineering, pages 127-158, (H. R. Paresai and W. Sullivan, Eds.), New York: Chapman & Hall.
  16.  Bras, B., Smith, W. F. and Mistree, F., 1990, The Development of a Design Guidance System for the Early Stages of Design in CFD and CAD in Ship Design, pp. 221-231, (G. van Oortmerssen, Ed.), Wageningen, The Netherlands: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V..
  17.  Shupe, J. A., Muster, D., Allen, J. K. and Mistree, F., 1988, Decision-Based Design: Some Concepts and Research Issues in Expert Systems, Strategies and Solutions in Manufacturing Design and Planning, pages 3-37, (A. Kusiak, Ed.), Dearborn, Michigan: Society of Manu­facturing Engineers.
  18.  Kamal, S. Z., Karandikar, H. M., Mistree, F. and Muster, D., 1987,Knowledge Representation for Discipline-Independent Decision Making in Expert Systems in Computer-Aided Design, pages 289-321, (J. Gero, Ed.), Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V..
  19.  Kamal, S. Z., Karandikar, H. M. and Mistree, F., 1987, Knowledge-Based Mathematical Programming: A Hybrid Approach for Decision Making in Design in Design Theory for CAD, pages 201-240, (H. Yoshikawa and E. Warman, Eds.), Amsterdam: North-Holland, Amsterdam.
  20.  Mistree, F. and Muster, D., 1985, Design Harmonization: A Computer-Based Approach for Design in the Systems Age in Optimization in Computer-Aided Design, pages 1-30, (J. S. Gero, Ed.), Amsterdam: North-Holland.
  21.  Hughes, O. F. and Mistree, F., 1976, An Automated Ship Structural Optimization Method in Computer Applications in the Automation of Shipyard Operation and Ship Design, pages 203-212, (Jacobson et al., Eds.), Amsterdam: North-Holland.  

 Refereed Journal Articles

  1.  Samadiani, E., Joshi, Y., Allen, J.K. and Mistree, F., 2010, Adaptable Robust Design of Multi-scale Convective Systems Applied to Energy Efficient Data Centers, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, vol. 57, no. 2, 69-100.
  2.  Samadiani, E., Joshi, Y., Allen, J.K. and Mistree, F., 2010, Adaptable Robust Design of Multi-scale Convective Systems Applied to Energy Efficient Data Centers, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, vol. 57, no. 2, 69-100, 2010.
  3.  Panchal, J.H., Paredis, C. J. J., Allen, J. K., and Mistree, F., 2009, Design Process Simplification Via Scale and Decision Decoupling -A Value-of-information Based Approach, Journal of Computing and Information Sciences in Engineering, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. (021005) 1-12.
  4.  Panchal, J. H., Fernández, M. G., Paredis, C. J. J., Allen, J. K., and Mistree, F., 2009, A Modular Decision Centric Approach for Reusable Design Processes, Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 5-19.
  5.  Rippel, M., Schaefer. D., Mistree, F. and Panchal, J.H., 2009, Fostering Collaborative Learning and Mass-Customization of Education in a Graduate Engineering Design Course, International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 729-744.
  6.  Samadiani, E., Joshi, Y. and Mistree, F., 2008, The Thermal Design of a Next Generation Data Center: A Conceptual Exposition, ASME Journal of Electronic Packaging, vol. 130, no. 4, pp. 041104-1/8.
  7.  Zha, X.F., Sriram, R.D., Fernandez, M.G. and Mistree, F., 2008, Knowledge-Intensive Collaborative Decision Support for Design Processes: A Hybrid Decision Support Model and Agent, Computers in Industry, vol. 59, no. 9, pp. 905-922.
  8.  Panchal, J., Fernández, M.G., Paredis, C.J.J., Allen, J.K., Mistree, F., 2008, A Modular Decision-Centric Approach for Reusable Design Processes, Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, vol. 15, no. 3, pp.309-323.
  9.  Choi, H-J., McDowell, D.L., Allen, J.K., and Mistree, F., 2008, An Inductive Design Exploration Method for Hierarchical Systems Design Under Uncertainty, Engineering Optimization, vol. 40., no. 4, pp. 287-307.
  10.  Choi H-J., McDowell D. L., Rosen D., Allen J. K. and Mistree F., 2008, An Inductive Design Exploration Method for Robust Multiscale Materials Design, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, vol. 130, no. 3, pp. 031402-1/13.
  11.  Schaefer, D., Panchal, J.H., Choi, S.K and F. Mistree, 2008, Strategic Design of Engineering Education for the Flat World, International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 274-282.
  12.  Panchal, J., Paredis, C.J.J., Allen, J.K., and Mistree, F., 2008, A Value of Information Based Approach to Simulation Model Refinement. Engineering Optimization. vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 223-251.
  13.  Seepersad, C.C., Allen, J.K., McDowell, D.L., and Mistree, F., 2008, Multifunctional Topology Design of Cellular Material Structures, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, vol. 130, no 3, pp. 1285-1297.
  14.  Xiao, A., Seepersad, C.C., Allen, J.K., Rosen, D., and Mistree, F., 2007, A Collaborative, Multidisciplinary Decision Making Methodology for Distributed Environments. Engineering Optimization. vol. 39. no. 4, pp. 429-451.
  15.  Panchal, J. H., Choi, H.-J., Allen, J. K., McDowell, D. L. and Mistree, F., 2007, A Systems Based Approach for Integrated Design of Materials, Products & Design Process Chains, Journal of Computer-Aided Materials Design, vol. 14, n supplement 1., pp. 265-293.
  16.  Panchal, J.H., Fernández, M.G., Paredis, C.J.J., Allen, J.K., and Mistree, F., 2007, An Interval-Based Constraint Satisfaction (IBCS) Method for Decentralized, Collaborative Multifunctional Design, Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 309-323.
  17.  McDowell, D.L., Choi, H-J., Panchal, J., Austin, R., Allen, J., and Mistree, F., 2007, Plasticity-related Microstructure-Property Relations for Materials Design, Key Engineering Materials, vol. 340-341 I, pg. 21-30.
  18.  Williams, C.B., Allen, J.K., Rosen, D.W., and Mistree, F., 2007, Designing Platforms for Customizable Products and Processes in Markets of Non-Uniform Demand, Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, vol. 15. no. 7. pp. 201-216.
  19.  Rolander, N., Rambo, J., Joshi, Y., Allen, J.K. and Mistree, F., 2006, An Approach for the Robust Design of Turbulent Convective Systems, 2006, Journal of Mechanical Design, special issue on Risk-based and Robust Design, Editors S. Azarm and Z. Mourelatos, vol. 128, no. 4, pp. 844-855.
  20.  Allen, J.K., Seepersad, C.C. and Mistree, F., 2006, A Survey of Robust Design with Applications to Multidisciplinary and Multiscale Systems, Journal of Mechanical Design, special issue on Risk-based and Robust Design, Editors S. Azarm and Z. Mourelatos,.vol. 128, no. 4, pp. 832-843.  

 Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings

  1.  Siddique, Z., Hardré, P., Bradshaw, A, and Mistree, F., 2010, Unleashing Innovation Through Experiential Learning, 2010 ASEE Global Colloquium on Engineering Education, Singapore. Paper Number: GC 2010-215.
  2.  Siddique, Z., Hardré, P., Bradshaw, A., Saha, M., and Mistree F., 2010, Fostering Innovation Through Experiential Learning, ASME Symposium on International Design and Design Education, Montreal, Canada. Paper Number: DETC2010-288924.
  3.  Sinha, A., Mistree, F. and Allen, J.K.,2010, Game Theoretic Protocols for Multilevel Design, ASME Design Automation Conference, Montreal, Canada, August 15-18, 2010. Paper Number DETC2010-28818.
  4.  Rippel, M., Choi, S-K., Mistree, F., and Allen, J.K., 2010, A Simulation-Based Robust Concept Exploration Method, ASME Design Automation Conference, Montreal, Canada. Paper Number DETC2010-28767.
  5.  Singhee, M., Holmes, J., Mistree, F., and Allen, J.K., Layout Design of a WII Remote Motion Capture System: Formulation and Solution, 2009 ASME Design Automation Conference, Montreal, Canada. Paper Number DETC2010-28795.
  6.  Koca, A., Brombacher, A. C., Panchal, J. H., and Mistree, F., 2009, Engineering Soft-Reliability in Product Realization, 2009 ASME Design Theory and Methodology, San Diego, CA. Paper Number: DETC2009/DTM-87261.
  7.  Sinha, A., Chakraborty, M., Ghosh, S., Kumar, C. S., Panchal, J. H., Allen, J. K., McDowell, D. L., and Mistree, F., 2009, Microstructure-Mediated Integration of Material and Product Design - Undersea Submersible, 2009 ASME Design Automation Conference, San Diego, CA. Paper Number: DETC2009/DAC-87276.
  8.  Dietz, T.P. and Mistree, F., 2009, The Integration of Pahl and Beitz and the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving for the Conceptual Design of Multi-Domain Systems, 2009 ASME Design Automation Conference, San Diego, CA. Paper Number: DETC2009/DAC­87311.
  9.  Wang, C., Krishnamurthy, V., Klein, B., Choi, S-K., Allen, J.K. and Mistree, F. A Design Exploration Method for Adaptive Design Systems, ASME Design Automation Conference, San Diego, CA. Paper Number DETC2009/DAC-87217.
  10.  Williams, C.B., Mistree, F. and Rosen, D. W., 2008, A Functional Classification Framework for the Conceptual Design of Layered Manufacturing Techniques, ASME Design for Manufacturing and Life-Cycle Conference, (M. Esterman, Ed.), New York, NY. ASME– DETC2008-49353.5
  11.  Messer, M, Panchal, J.H., Allen, J.K., Mistree, F, Krishnamurthy, V., Klein, B. and Yoder P.D., 2008, Designing Embodiment Design-Processes Using a Value-of-Information-Based Approach, ASME Design Automation Conference, (K. Saitu, Ed.), New York, NY. ASME–DETC2008-49395.
  12.  Chamberlain, M., Allen, J.K. and Mistree F., 2008, Decision support for Strategic Redesign, ASME Design Automation Conference, (K. Saitu, Ed.), New York, NY. ASME– DETC2008-49356.
  13.  Williams, C.B, Mistree, F. and Rosen, D. W., 2008, Systemeatic Design of Layered Manufacturing Process for the Realization of Metallic Parts of Designed Mesostructure, ASME Symposium on International Design and Design Education, (P. Jones and J.R. Mountain, Eds.), New York, NY. ASME–DETC2008-49457.
  14.  Choi, H-J., and Allen, J.K., 2007, Empirical Models for Non-Deterministic Simulation-Based Robust Design. ASME Design Automation Conference, (F. Liou, Ed.), Las Vegas, NV. ASME-DETC2007-35606.
  15.  Messer, M., Panchal, J.H., Allen, J.K., McDowell, D.L., and Mistree, F., 2007, A Function-Based Approach for Integrated Design of Materials and Product Concepts, ASME Design Automation Conference, (F. Liou, Ed.), Las Vegas, NV. ASME-DETC2007-35743.
  16.  Muchnick, H., Allen, J.K., McDowell, D.L., and Mistree, F., 2007, A Template-Based Approach for Multilevel Blast Resistant Panel Design, ASME Design Automation Conference, (F. Liou, Ed.), Las Vegas, NV. ASME-DETC2007-35447.
  17.  Panchal, J.H., Paredis, C.J.J., Allen, J.K., and Mistree, F., 2007, Managing Design Complexity: A Value-of-Information Based Approach for Scale and Decision Decoupling, ASME Design Automation Conference, (F. Liou, Ed.), Las Vegas, NV. ASME- DETC2007­35686.
  18.  Messer, M., Pedersen, K., Allen, J.K., and Mistree, F., 2006, Domain Independent Approach to Designing Hierarchical Platforms on Multiple Levels of Abstraction and Scales, ASME Design Automation Conference, (T. Simpson, Ed.), Philadelphia, PA. ASME- DETC2006­99474.
  19.  Muchnick, H., Thompson, S.C., Samadiani, E., Allen, J.K., Joshi, Y., and Mistree, F., 2006, Exploring the Advantages of Materials Design in a Product Design Process, ASME Design Automation Conference, (T. Simpson, Ed.), Philadelphia, PA. ASME-DETC2006-99492.  

Awards and Honors

  •  ASME International, Design Engineering Division’s Distinguished Service Award, 1999 and 2003.
  •  Jack M. Zeigler, ‘Woodruff School Outstanding Educator Award,’ Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia, 2001.
  •  ASME Design Automation Committee’s Design Automation Award, 1999.
  •  Fellow of ASME, Associate Fellow of AIAA, Life member Phi Kappa Phi, Member of ASEE, Honorary Member, Pi Tau Sigma Mechanical Engineering Honor Society.
  •  Professor Emeritus, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia.

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CV M.R. Ghasemi

Mohammad Reza Ghasemi


Date of birth




Associate professor

Program area

Structural Engineering


+98 541 2443387              Fax: +98 541 2443387


mrghasemi AT



Civil-Structural Engineering (Optimization)

University of Wales

College of Swansea


MS. c

Civil-Structural Engineering

University of Wales

College of Cardiff


A Levels

A Level taught course (Pre-University Requirements)

Southgate Technical College



BS. c

Aeronautical Engineering

The City University

The City University


Research Interests




Research Interests

  • Multiobjective optimization applicable to structures using evolutionary Algorithms
  • Active-Passive Controllers in Buildings, resisting the Seismic Loading
  • Role of FRP in Strengthening the Structures
  • Neural Networks in optimization of skeletal stuctures
  • Neural Networks in optimization of continuum structures
  • Penalty functions in constraints handling with Genetic Algorithms
  • Study of Meshless Finite Element method & its applications in Structural Enineering
  • Preprocessing & postprocessing Visualization Algorithms linked to an optimization code
  • Studies made on the optimization of Fiberous concrete structures
  • Analysis and optimization of composite laminate structures
  • Reliability-Based Optimization, applicable to skeletal and continuum structures
  • Study & optimization of stiffeners on plate and shell structures.
  • Ant Colony Multiobjective Optimization applicable to structures



A Hybrid Radial-Based Neuro-GA Multiobjective Design of Laminated Composite Plates under Moisture and Thermal Actions

Authors: M.R. Ghasemi and A. Ehsani

JournalInternational Journal of Computer, Information, and Systems Science, and Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2007, pp 109-116 ISSN 1307-2331

Date    2007

An Efficient Selection Operator for Genetic Search of Pipe Networks Optimal Design

Authors: M.H. Afshar and M.R. Ghasemi

JournalInternational Journal of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology

Date  June  2005

Optimization of Trusses using Genetic Algorithms for Discrete and Continuous Variables

Authors: M. R. Ghasemi, E. Hinton and R.D. Wood

JournalEngineering Computations, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 272-301

Date    1999

Concept of Rebirthing on Optimization of Trusses using Genetic Algorithms

Authors: M.R. Ghasemi, E. Hinton & R.D. Wood

JournalAccepted for Publication in ‘ COMPUTERS AND STRUCTURES

Date  April  1998



Multi objective Optimisation of Composite Laminates under Heat and Moisture Effects using a Hybrid-Neuro GA Algorithm

Authors: M.R. GHASEMI and A. Ehsani

ConferenceInternational Conference CISE 2007

Date  January  2007, Place: Bangkok, Thailand, Vol. 19, pp 187-193 ISSN 1305-5313


Authors: R. GHASEMI and M. GHASEMI

ConferenceProceeding of Fifth International Conference on ASMO-UK/ISSMO Conference

Date  July  2004, Place: Great Britain


Authors: M.R. GHASEMI and M. AKBARI

ConferenceProceeding of Fifth International Conference on ASMO-UK/ISSMO Conference

Date  July  2004, Place: Great Britain



ConferenceProceeding of Fifth International Conference on WCSMO/ISSMO Congress

Date  May  2003, Place: Lido de Isolo, Italy


Authors: M.R. GHASEMI

Conference Invited Paper Publiushed in the Proceeding of Fifth International Conference on Civil Eng




Conference4th world congress on Computational Mechanics’ as an invited paper

Date  July  1998, Place: BUENOS ALRES , ARGENTINA



Conference3rd international conference on ‘Adaptive computing in Design and Manufacture'

Date  April  1998, Place: Darlington Hall , Totnes , Devon

“TRUSS Optimization using Genetic Algorithms”

Authors: M.R. Ghasemi and E. Hinton

ConferenceProceeding Of The Third International Conference on ‘Computational Structures Technology’ In B.H.V. Topping (Ed.)

Date    1996, Place: Civil Comp. Press Edinburgh; Pp.59-75




Date    , Place: Technical Report


Authors: M.R. GHASEMI and E.HINTON


Date    , Place: Saxe – Coburg Press , Edinburgh ( eds . M Papadrakakis et al ) 1998

View: 21327 Time(s)   |   Print: 2922 Time(s)   |   Email: 155 Time(s)   |   0 Comment(s)

CV Barry H.V. Topping

Barry H.V. Topping


Date of birth





Program area

Structural Engineering


+44(0)1786870191                Fax: +44(0)1786870192


b.h.v.topping AT



Computer Aided Design(CivilEngineering)

City University



Academic and Professional Qualifications

Current Advanced Course Activity

Current Conference Activity

Journal Matters

Journal Papers


Conference Papers

Academic and Professional Qualifications

  • 1975: First Class Honours in Civil Engineering and the Kenchington Prize, City University, London.

  • 1978: PhD in Computer Aided Design (Civil Engineering), City University, London.

  • 1985: Member of The British Computer Society

  • 1986: Fellow of The Institute of Mathematicsand its Applications

  • 1988: Member of The Institution of Civil Engineers, Chartered Engineer

  • 1990: Member of The Institution of Structural Engineers

  • 1992: Chartered Mathematician

  • 1996:Memberof the Institution of Mechanical Engineers

  • 2004: Chartered IT Professional

Current Advanced Course Activity

  • High Performance Computations for Engineering, A Five Day Course for Engineering PhD Students, 4-8 June 2012, Pollack Mihály Faculty of Engineering, University of Pécs, Hungary.

Current Conference Activity

  • Railways 2012: The First International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, 18-20 April 2012, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
  • CST2012: The Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, 4-7 September 2012, Dubrovnik, Croatia
  • ECT2012: The Eighth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, 4-7 September 2012, Dubrovnik, Croatia
  • PARENG2013: The Third International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering, 25-27 March 2013, Pécs, Hungary
  • Railways 2014: The Second International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, 8-11 April 2014, Ajaccio, Corsica, France

Journal Matters

  • International Journal of Computers and Structures (CAS) journal webpage - submission portal - online repository
  • International Journal of Advances in Engineering Software (ADES) journal webpage - submission portal - online repository
  • Computers and Structures: K.J. Bathe Award 2012 notes on resubmission for CAS and ADES notes on revision for CAS and ADES

Journal Papers

  1. Magoules, F., Iv´anyi, P., Topping, B.H.V., Non-Overlapping Schwarz Methods with Optimized Transmission Conditions for the Helmholtz Equation, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 193: 47974818, 2004.
  2. Magoules, F., Iv´anyi, P., Topping, B.H.V., Convergence Analysis of Schwarz Models without Overlap for the Helmholtz Equation, Computers and Structures, 82: 18351847, 2004.
  3. Muylle, J., Iv´anyi, P., Topping, B.H.V., A new point creation scheme for uniform Delaunay triangulations, Engineering Computations, International Journal for Computer Aided Engineering and Software, 19(6): 707735, 2002.
  4. Iv´anyi, P., Topping, B.H.V., A new graph representation of cable-membrane structures, Advances in Engineering Software, 35: 273279, 2002.
  5. Topping, B.H.V., Iv´anyi, P., Partitioning of tall buildings using bubble graph representation, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 15(3): 178183, 2001.
  6. Sziveri, J., Seale, C., Topping, B.H.V., An enhanced parallel sub-domain generation method for mesh partitioning in parallel nite element analysis, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Eng., 47: 17731800, 2000.
  7. Sziveri, J., Topping, B.H.V., Transient Dynamic Non-linear Analysis using MIMD Computer Architectures, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 14(2): 7991, 2000, This paper was awarded a best paper prize by the American Society of Civil Engineers in 2001.
  8. Sziveri, J., Topping, B.H.V., Iv´anyi, P., Parallel transient dynamic non-linear analysis of reinforced concrete plates, Advances in Engineering Software, 30: 867882, 1999.
  9. Topping, B.H.V., Cheng, B., Parallel and Distributed Adaptive Quadrilateral Mesh Generation, Computers & Structures, 73 (1-5): 519536, 1999.
  10. Sziveri, J., Cheng, B., Bahreininejad, A., Cai, J., Thierauf, G., Topping, B.H.V., Parallel Quadrilateral Subdomain Generation for Finite Element Analysis, Advances in Engineering Software, 30(9-11):809823, 1999.
  11. Leite, J.P.B., Topping, B.H.V., Parallel Simulated Annealing for Structural Optimization, Computers & Structures, 73(1-5): 545564, 1999.
  12. Topping, B.H.V., Sziveri, J., Bahreininjad, A., Leite, J.P.B., Cheng, B., Parallel Processing, Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, Advances in Engineering Software, 29(10): 763786, 1998.
  13. Leite, J.P.B., Topping, B.H.V., Improved Genetic Operators for Structural Optimization, Advances in Engineering Software, 29(7-9): 529562, 1998.
  14. Wilson, J.K., Topping, B.H.V., Parallel adaptive tetrahedral mesh generation by the advancing front technique, Computers & Structures, 68(1-3): 5778, 1998.
  15. Cheng, B., Topping, B.H.V., Improved adaptive quadrilateral mesh generation using ssion elements, Advances in Engineering Software, 29(7-9): 733744, 1998.
  16. Topping, B.H.V., de Barros Leite, J.P., Parallel Genetic Models for Structural Optimization, Int. J. of Engineering Optimization, 31(1): 6599, 1998.
  17. Wilson, J., Topping, B.H.V., A New Element Bisection Algorithm for Unstructured Adaptive Tetrahedral Mesh Generation, Engineering Computations, International Journal for Computer Aided Engineering and Software, 15(5): 588615, 1998.
  18. Bahreininjad, A., Khan, A.I., Topping, B.H.V., Parallel Training of Neural Networks for Finite Element Mesh Generation, Computers & Structures, 63(4): 693707, 1997.
  19. Khan, A.I., Topping, B.H.V., Parallel Finite Element Analysis using Jacobi-Conditioned Conjugate Gradient Algorithm, Advances in Engineering Software, 25: 309319, 1996.
  20. Topping, B.H.V., Khan, A.I., Subdomain generation for non-convex parallel nite element domains, Advances in Engineering Software, 25(2-3): 253266, 1996.
  21. Bahreininejad, A., Topping, B.H.V., Khan, A.I., Finite Element Mesh Partitioning using Neural Networks, Advances in Engineering Software, 27(1-2): 103115, 1996.
  22. Topping, B.H.V., Khan, A.I., de Barros Leite, J.P., Topological Design of Truss Structures using Simulated Annealing, Structural Engineering Review, 8(2-3): 301314, 1996.
  23. Topping, B.H.V., Khan, A.I., Parallel Schemes for Dynamic Relaxation, Engineering Computations, International Journal for Computer Aided Engineering and Software, 11: 513548, 1994.
  24. Khan, A.I., Topping, B.H.V., A Transputer Routing Algorithm for Non-Linear or Dynamic Finite Element Analysis, Engineering Computations, International Journal for Computer Aided Engineering and Software, 11: 549564, 1994.
  25. Khan, A.I., Topping, B.H.V., Subdomain Generation for Parallel Finite Element Analysis, Computing Systems in Engineering, 4(4-6): 473488, 1993.
  26. Kirsch, U., Topping, B.H.V., Minimum Weight Design of Structural Topologies, Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 118(7): 17701785, 1992.
  27. Hampshire, J., Topping, B.H.V., Chan, H.C., Three Node Triangular Bending Elements with One Degree of Freedom per Node, Engineering Computations, International Journal for Computer Aided Engineering and Software, 9(1): 4962, 1992.
  28. Vincent, J.F.V., Jeronimidis, G., Topping, B.H.V., Khan, A.I., Biominetics of Flexible Composites: Towards the Development of New Materials, Biomimetics, 1(4): 251263, 1992.
  29. Hudson, P., Topping, B.H.V., The Design and Construction of Reinforced Concrete Tents, The Structural Engineer, 69(22): 379385, 1991.
  30. Topping, B.H.V., Wong, F.L., Finite Element Modelling of the Sonic Method of Testing Masonry Structures, Computers & Structures, 41(1): 109136, 1991.
  31. Khan, A.I., Topping, B.H.V., Parallel Adaptive Mesh Generation, Computing Systems in Engineering, 2(3): 75101, 1991.
  32. Moncrieff, E., Topping, B.H.V., The Optimization of Stressed Membrane Surface Structures, Engineering Optimization, 17(3): 205218, 1991.
  33. Kumar, B., Topping, B.H.V., Knowledge-Based Processing for Structural Design, Proc. Inst of Civil Engineers, Part 1, London, 90: 421446, 1991.
  34. Moncrieff, E., Topping, B.H.V., Computer Methods for the generation of membrane cutting patterns, Computers & Structures, 37(4): 441450, 1990.
  35. Kumar, B., Topping, B.H.V., Non-Monotonic Reasoning for Structural Design, Journal of Civil Engineering Systems, 7(4): 209218, 1990.
  36. Topping, B.H.V., Chan, H.F.C., The Theorems of Geometric Variation, Proc Inst of Civil Engineers, London, Part 2, 87, paper 9418: 469486, 1989, This paper awarded a Telford Premium by The Institution of Civil Engineers, 1990.
  37. Topping, B.H.V., Kumar, B., Knowledge Representation and Processing for Structural Engineering Design Codes, J of Engineering Applications of Arti cial Intelligence, 2(4): 214227, 1989.
  38. Topping, B.H.V., Abu Kassim, A.M., The Theorems of Geometric Variation for Finite Element Analysis , International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 26(12): 25772606, 1988.
  39. Kumar, B., Topping, B.H.V., INDEX: An Industrial Building Design Expert, Journal of Civil Engineering Systems, 5(65-76), 1988.
  40. Wong, F.L., Topping, B.H.V., Finite Element Studies for Non-Destructive Vibration Tests, Computers & Structures, 30(3): 653669, 1988.
  41. Topping, B.H.V., Abu Kassim, A.M., The Use and Ef ciency of the Theorems of Structural Varaition for Finite Element Analysis, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 24: 19011920, 1987.
  42. Topping, B.H.V., The Theorems of Structural and Geometric Variation, Journal of Engineering Optimization, 11: 239250, 1987.
    Abu Kassim, A.M., Topping, B.H.V., Static Reanalysis: A Review, Journal of Structural Engineering, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, 113(5): 10291045, 1987.
  43. Abu Kassim, A.M., Topping, B.H.V., The Theorems of Geometric Variation for Non-linear Finite Element Analysis, Computers & Structures, 25(6): 877893, 1987.
  44. Topping, B.H.V., Robinson, D.J., Optimization of Timber Frames Structures, Computers & Structures, 18(6): 11671177, 1984.
  45. Topping, B.H.V., Robinson, D.J., Selecting Nonlinear Optimization Techniques for Structural Design, Engineering Computations: International Journal for Computer Aided Engineering and Software, 1(3): 252262, 1984.
  46. Robinson, D.J., Topping, B.H.V., Frame Optimization and Column Design, Journal of Civil Engineering Systems, 1(4): 252223, 1984.
  47. Topping, B.H.V., Intuitive Form nding of Truss Structures, Journal of Civil Engineering for Practice and Design Engineers, 3(5): 491509, 1984.
  48. Topping, B.H.V., Shape Optimisation of Skeletal Structures: A Review, Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 109(8): 19331951, 1983.
  49. Topping, B.H.V., The Application of the Tehorems of Structural Variation to Finite Element Problems, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 19: 141144, 1983.


  1. Topping, B.H.V., Muylle, J., Iv´anyi, P., Putanowicz, R., Cheng, B., Finite Element Mesh Generation, Saxe-Coburg Publications, Stirling, 2004.
  2. Topping, B.H.V., Bahreininejad, A., Neural Computing for Structural Mechanics, Saxe-Coburg Publications, Edinburgh, UK, 1997.
  3. Topping, B.H.V., Khan, A.I., Parallel Finite Element Computations, Saxe-Coburg Publications, Edinburgh, UK, 1996.

Conference Papers

  1. Obia a, R., Iv´anyi, P., Topping, B.H.V., Genetic Algorithms applied to partitioning for parallel analyses using Geometric Entities, in Bathe, K.J., Editor, Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003, pages 20782081. Massachusetts Insitiute of Technology, Cambridge, USA, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, June 2003.
  2. Iv´anyi, P., Topping, B.H.V., Non-uniform partitioning of cable-membrane structures, in Topping, B.H.V., Editor, Proceedings of The Ninth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing. Civil-Comp Press, Stirling, UK, 2003, Paper 138.
  3. Muylle, J., Topping, B.H.V., Parallel Contact Detection Strategies for Cable and Membrane Structures, in Sloot, P.M.A., Tan, C.J.K., Dongarra, J.J., Hoekstra, A.G., Editors, Proceeding of the International Conference on Computational Science - ICCS 2002, pages 787796, ( LNCS 2330, Part II). (Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21-24, 2002), Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 2002.
  4. Obia a, R., Topping, B.H.V., Clark, D.E.R., Seed, G.M., Decomposition Method Applied to Orthogonal Polyhedra, in Topping, B.H.V., Bittnar, Z., Editors, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology. Civil-Comp Press, Stirling, UK, 2002, Paper 13.
  5. N´ez o, J., Topping, B.H.V., Dunai, L., Virtual Fabrication of Steel Welded Plate Girders, in Topping, B.H.V., Bittnar, Z., Editors, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology. Civil-Comp Press, Stirling, UK, 2002, Paper 101.
  6. Iv´anyi, P., Topping, B.H.V., Towards a CAD design of cable-membrane structures on parallel platforms, in Bathe, K.J., Editor, Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, pages 652654. Massachusetts Insitiute of Technology, Cambridge, USA, Elsevier Science Ltd, Amsterdam, June 2001 2001.
  7. Muylle, J., Topping, B., A Cable and Membrane Pseudo Stiffness Implementation, in Topping, B.H.V., Editor, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing. Civil-Comp Press, Stirling, UK, 2001, paper 24.
  8. Muylle, J., Topping, B.H.V., Contact Detection and Enforcement Techniques for the Simulatof Membrane Structures in Motion, in Topping, B.H.V., Editor, Computational Mechanics: Techniques and Developments, pages 243256. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 2000.
  9. Iv´anyi, P., Topping, B.H.V., Muylle, J., Parallel design of cable-membrane structures: The development of preprocessing tools, in Topping, B.H.V., Editor, Advances in Computational Mechanics with High Performance Computing, pages 187196. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1998.
  10. L, W., Baeck, E., Gajewski, R.R., Topping, B.H.V., Ef ciency Issues of the Object Oriented Finite Element Libraries, in Proceedings of the XIII Polish Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, Volume 4, pages 13711378. Poznan, Poland, 1997.
  11. Iv´anyi, P., Sziveri, J., Topping, B.H.V., Parallel Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Plates under Dynamic Loading, in Thierauf, G., Editor, Engineering Structures under Earthquake Loading, pages 6984. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1997.
  12. Iv´anyi, P., Iv´anyi, A., Topping, B.H.V., Mathematical Modelling of Hysteresis in Materials: A Discussion, in Proceedings of 1st Alpha Conference on Optimality and Reliability of Engineering Structures under Earthquake Loading. Essen, Germany, February 1997.
  13. Cheng, B., Topping, B.H.V., A Simple and Ef cient Method for Converting Triangular Meshes to Mixed Meshes in Parallel Mesh Generation, in Advances in Computational Mechanics with Parallel and Distributed Processing, pages 1523. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1997.
  14. Seale, C., Topping, B.H.V., Towards Three-Dimensional Subdomain Generation, in Advances in Computational Mechanics with Parallel and Distributed Processing, pages 5362. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1997.
  15. L¨ammer, L., Sziveri, J., Topping, B.H.V., MPI for the Transtech Parastation, in Advances in Computational Mechanics with Parallel and Distributed Processing, pages 219232. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1997.
  16. Iv´anyi, P., Topping, B.H.V., From a Beast to a Butter y: Evolution of a Communication Scheme, in Advances in Computational Mechanics with Parallel and Distributed Processing, pages 233240. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1997.
  17. Iv´anyi, P., Topping, B.H.V., Parallel and Distributed Dynamic Relaxation Form-Finding, in Topping, B.H.V., Leeming, M.B., Editors, Innovation in Computer Methods for Civil and Structural Engineering, pages 157165. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1997.
    Cheng, B., Topping, B.H.V., Parallel Adaptive Mesh Generation and Geometric Modelling using NURBS, in Innovation in Computer Methods for Civil and Structural Engineering, pages 167181. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1997.
  18. Topping, B.H.V., Sziveri, J., A. Bahreininejad, J.P.B.L., Cheng, B., Proceedings XII Polish Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, Volume 1, pages 3561. Poznan, Poland, 1997.
  19. Sziveri, J., Topping, B.H.V., Iv´anyi, P., Parallel Dynamic Non-Linear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Plates, in Proceedings of NAFEMS World Congress 1997 on Design, Simulation and Optimization -Reliability and Applicability of Computational Methods, Stuttgart, Germany, Volume 2, pages 806817. NAFEMS, Glasgow, April 1997.
  20. Sziveri, J., Seale, C., Topping, B.H.V., An improved Parallel Sub-domain Generation Method, in Proceedings of NAFEMS World Congress 1997 on Design, Simulation and Optimization - Reliability and Applicability of Computational Methods, Stuttgart, Germany, Volume 2, pages 806817. NAFEMS, Glasgow, April 1997.
  21. Topping, B.H.V., Sziveri, J., Bahreininejad, A., Leite, J.P.B., Cheng, B., Parallel Processing, Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms: Revisited, in Kumar, B., Editor, Information Processing in Civil and Structural Engineering Design, pages 197218. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1996.
  22. Wilson, J., Topping, B.H.V., Parallel and Distributed Adaptive Tetrahedral Mesh Generation, in Advances in Computational Structures Technology, pages 327342. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1996.
  23. Leite, J., Topping, B.H.V., Parallel Simulated Annealing Models for Structural Optimization, in Advances in Computational Structures Technology, pages 411427. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1996.
  24. Roth, O., Sziveri, J., Topping, B.H.V., Distributed Solution of Coupled Nonlinear Buckling of Plate Girders, in Advances in Computational Structures Technology, pages 365372. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1996.
  25. Topping, B.H.V., Cheng, B., Parallel Quadrilateral Mesh Generation, in Advances in Computational Structures Technology, pages 297312. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1996.
  26. Sziveri, J., Cheng, B., Bahreininejad, A., Cai, J., Thierauf, G., Topping, B.H.V., Parallel Quadrilateral Sub-domain Generation, in Advances in Computational Structures Technology, pages 313325. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1996.
  27. Sziveri, J., Topping, B.H.V., Iv´anyi, P., Parallel Transient Non-Linear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Plates, in Advances in Computational Structures Technology, pages 383395. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1996.
  28. Topping, B.H.V., Sziveri, J., Parallel Processing, Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, in Proceedings of the Second International Conference in Civil Engineering on Computer Applications, Research and Practice, Volume 3, pages 843859. University of Bahrain, April 1996.
  29. Cheng, B., Topping, B.H.V., Fission Element Mesh Generation, in Proceedings of the 4th ACME Annual Conference, pages 4548. Glasgow University, January 1996.
  30. Sziveri, J., Topping, B.H.V., Parallel Sub-domain Generation, in Proceedings of the 4th ACME Annual Conference, pages 3740. Glasgow University, January 1996.
  31. Cheng, B., Topping, B.H.V., Improved Adaptive Quadrilateral Mesh Generation using Fission Elements, in Topping, B.H.V., Editor, Developments in Computational Techniques for Structural Engineeing, pages 391401. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK, 1995.
  32. Wilson, J., Topping, B.H.V., Parallel Adaptive Tetrahedral Mesh Generation, in Developments in Computational Techniques for Structural Engineering, pages 403426. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1995.
  33. Bahreininejad, A., Topping, B.H.V., Subdomain Generation using Parallel Q-state Potts Neural Networks, in Developments in Neural Networks and Evolutionary Computing for Civil and Structural Engineering, pages 6578. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1995.
  34. Leite, J.P.B., Topping, B.H.V., Genetic Algorithm Based Optimisers for Engineering Optimization, in Developments in Neural Networks and Evolutionary Computing for Civil and Structural Engineering, pages 143169. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1995.
  35. Seale, C., Topping, B.H.V., Parallel Implementation of Recursive Spectral Bisection, in Developments in Computational Techniques for Structural Engineering, pages 459473. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1995.
  36. Topping, B.H.V., Sziveri, J., Parallel Sub-domain Generation Method, in Developments in Computational Techniques for Structural Engineering, pages 44457. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1995.
  37. Topping, B.H.V., Khan, A.I., Wilson, J., On the Ef ciency of Domain Decompostion and Parallel NonLinear Analysis, in Advances in Parallel and Vector Processing for Structural Mechanics, pages 215232. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1994.
  38. Bahreininejad, A., Topping, B.H.V., Khan, A.I., Subdomain Generation using Multiple Neural Network Models, in Advances in Parallel and Vector Processing for Structural Mechanics, pages 173184. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1994.
  39. Khan, A., Topping, B.H.V., Parallel Finite Element Analysis using the Jacobi-Conditioned Conjugate Gradient Algorithm, in Information Technology for Civil & Structural Engineers, pages 245255. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1993.
  40. Topping, B.H.V., Khan, A.I., de Barros Leite, J.P., Topological Design of Truss Structures using Simulated Annealing, in Neural Networks and Combinatorial Optimization in Civil and Structural Engineering, pages 151165. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1993.
  41. Khan, A.I., Topping, B.H.V., Bahreininejad, A., Parallel Training of Neural Networks for Finite Element Mesh Generation, in Neural Networks and Combinatorial Optimization in Civil and Structural Engineering, pages 8194. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1993.
  42. Khan, A.I., Topping, B.H.V., Design Development with Distributed Computing, in Information Technology for Civil and Structural Engineers, pages 510. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1993.
  43. Topping, B.H.V., Khan, A., Sub-Domain Generation for Non-Convex Domains, in Information Technology for Civil and Structural Engineers, pages 219234. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1993.
  44. Khan, A.I., Topping, B.H.V., Three Dimensional Adaptive Surface Remeshing for Large Displacement Finite Element Analysis, in Developments in Compatational Engineering Mechanics, pages 6370. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1993.
  45. Topping, B.H.V., Khan, A.I., Stang, J., Adaptive Dynamic Relaxation Analysis of Membrane Structures , in Hamelin, P., Verchery, G., Editors, TCIBC 92 - Textile Composites in Building Construction: Part 1 Cement-Based Composites, Tensile Structures and Geotextiles, pages 213229. Editions Pluralis, Paris, France, 1992.
  46. Vincent, J.F.V., Jeronimidis, G., Topping, B.H.V., Khan, A.I., The Mechanical Design of Skin towards the development of new materials, in Proceedings of the Second International Symposium of the SFB 230: Naturliche Konstruktionen Leichtbau in Architektur und Natur, Volume 8, pages 165170. Stuttgart, West Germany, 1992.
  47. Hansen, A.I., Kumar, B., Topping, B.H.V., A LISP Representation for Design Standards, in Arti cial Intelligence and Structural Engineering, pages 257262. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1991.
  48. Topping, B.H.V., Develeopments in Computational Technology for Structural Engineering, in Topping, B.H.V., Editor, Developments in Structural Engineering, Volume 2, pages 13191329. E. & F.N. Spon, London, UK, 1990.
  49. Kumar, B., Topping, B.H.V., A Prolog-Based Representation of Standards for Structural Design, in Arti cial Intelligence Techniques and Applications for Civil and Structural Engineers, pages 165169. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1989.
  50. Topping, B.H.V., Fully Stressed Design of Natural and Engineering Structures, in Proceedings of the First International Symposium of the SFB 230: Naturliche Konstruktionen Leichtbau in Architektur und Natur, Volume III, pages 311318. Stuttgart, West Germany, 1988.
  51. Kumar, B., Topping, B.H.V., Issues in the Development of a Knowledge-Based System for the Detailed Design of Structures, in Gero, J., Editor, Arti cial Intelligence in Engineering: Design, pages 295314. Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton, England, 1988.
  52. Kumar, B., Topping, B.H.V., An Integrated Rule-Based System for Industrial Building Design, in Adeli, H., Editor, Microcomputer Knowledge-Based Expert Systems in Civil Engineering: Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Structural Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers in conjunction with the ASCE National Convention, Nashville, Tennessee, May, 1988, pages 5371. American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, USA, 1988.
  53. Topping, B.H.V., Moncrieff, E., Membrane Structure Cutting Pattern, in Proceedings of the First Oleg Kerensky Memorial Conference: Tension Structures, Volume II, pages 6370. Institution of Structural Engineers, London, 1988.
  54. Kumar, B., Chung, P.W.H., Rae, R.H., Topping, B.H.V., A Knowledge-Based Approach to Structural Design, in The Application of Arti cial Intelligence Techniques to Civil and Structural Engineering, pages 7993. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1987.
  55. Kumar, B., Chung, P.W.H., Topping, B.H.V., Approaches to Fortran-Prolog Interfacing for an Expert System Environment, in The Application of Arti cial Intelligence Techniques to Civil and Structural Engineering, pages 1520. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1987.
  56. Wong, F.L., Topping, B.H.V., A Finite Element Study of Vibration Methods for Non-Destructive Testing, in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, Volume 2, pages 83102. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1987.
  57. Abu Kassim, A.M., Topping, B.H.V., The Theorems of Structural Variation for Linear and Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis, in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, London, Volume 2, pages 159171. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1985.
  58. Abu Kassim, A.M., Topping, B.H.V., Static Reanalysis of Structures: A Review, in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, London, Volume 2, pages 137147. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1985.
  59. Wong, F.L., Topping, B.H.V., Three Dimensional Finite Element Simulation of the Resistivity Technique for Non-Destructive Testing of Reinforced Concrete Piles, in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Structural Faults and Repair. Engineering Technics Press, Edinburgh, 1985.
  60. Sales, M., Topping, B.H.V., Legal and Ethical Issues for Civil and Structural Engineering Computer Users, in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Civil & Structural Engineering Computing, Volume 1, pages 1522. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, 1985.
  61. Batchelor, A.J., Forde, M.C., Topping, B.H.V., Slope Failure in Low and High Plasticity Clays, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Failures in Earth Works. Institution of Civil Engineers, London, 1985.
  62. Batchelor, A.J., Forde, M.C., Topping, B.H.V., Slope Design in Glacial Tills, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Construction in Glacial Tills. Engineering Technics Press, Edinburgh, 1985.
  63. Topping, B.H.V., Robinson, D.J., Computer Aided Design of Timber Space Frames, in Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computers in Design Engineering, pages 7888. Butterworths, 1984.
  64. Topping, B.H.V., Whittington, H.W., Wong, F.L., Two-Dimensional Finite Element Modelling of Mineshaft Detection Techniques Using the Resistivity Method, in Proceedings of the Conference on Construction in Areas of Abandoned Mineworkings, pages 221244. Engineering Technics Press, 1984.
  65. Topping, B.H.V., Whittington, H.W.,Wong, F.L., The Use of a Two-Dimensional Finite Element Simulation for the Interpretation of the Electrical Resistivity Method of Non-Destructive Testing of Reinforced Concrete Piles, in Proceedings of the United Kingdom Simulation Council Conference on Computer Simulation. Butterworths, 1984.
  66. Robinson, D.J., Topping, B.H.V., Optimization of Timber Space Structures, in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Space Structures, pages 724729. Applied Science Publishers, 1984.
  67. Topping, B.H.V., Forde, M.C., Lee, C.H., Interactive Microcomputer Aided Design of Earth Dams, in Proceedings of an International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering: Software and Applications for Micro and Mini Computers, London, pages 7081. Engineering Technics Press, Edinburgh, 1983.
  68. Topping, B.H.V., Whittington, H.W., Wong, F.L., A Two Dimensional Finite Element Simulation of Electrical Resistivity Testing of Reinforced Concrete Pile-Soil Systems, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, London, pages 100112. Engineering Technics Press, Edinburgh, 1983.
  69. Robinson, D.J., Topping, B.H.V., The Use of Optimisation Algorithms for Practical Microcomputer Aided Design, in Proceedings of an International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering: Software and Applications for Micro and Mini Computers, London, pages 119128. Engineering Technics Press, Edinburgh, 1983.
  70. Topping, B.H.V., A Modi ed Fully Stressed Technique using a Parallel Dynamic Relaxation Solution Method, in Proceedings of the World Congress on Shell and Spatial Structures, Volume 5, pages 251 263. International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, Madrid, 1979.
  71. Barnes, M.R., Topping, B.H.V., Wake eld, D.S., Some Aspects of Form-Finding by Dynamic Relaxation, in Proceedings of the International Conference on the Behaviour of Slender Structures, Volume IV.2, pages 136, 1977.

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CV A. Iranmanesh

Abbas Iranmanesh


Date of birth





Program area

 Structural Engineering




airanmanesh AT



  Structural Engineering

  Iran University of Science and Technology

 Tehran, Iran


MS. c

  Structural Engineering

  University of Oklahoma



BS. c

Civil Engineering

  University of Oklahoma





University of Esfahan



Accreditations and Licenses

Professional Background

Journal Papers

Conference Papers

Accreditations and Licenses

  •  The State of California’s Licensed Professional Engineer (P.E.).

Professional Background



Actively involved in the area of Civil and Structural Engineering mainly design and supervision of the construction process of different types of modern bridges in the State of California, USA.


Conducted contract work for several companies in the area of design and supervision on the construction of more than 40 steel and concrete structures, Kerman, Iran


Responsible for controlling structural design of development projects at the ran Structural Engineering Organization of Kerman.


1998-2001 : Assistant Professor, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran. Responsible for teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in Structural Steel Design, Pre-Tension and Post-Tension Concrete Structures, Matrix Method of Structural Analysis, Advanced Steel Design and Theory of Elasticity.
1982-1998 : Faculty member, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran, taught Vector Mechanics, Reinforced Masonry Design, Structural Steel Design, Foundation Design, Structural Analysis of Structures and Loading Procedures on Structures.


Journal Papers

  1. A. Iranmanesh and A. Kaveh, Structural Optimization by Gradient - Based Neural Networks, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 46, 297-311(1999).
  2. A. Kaveh and A. Iranmanesh, Comparative Study of Back-propagation and Improved Counter-Propagation Neural Nets in Structural Analysis, International Journal of Space Structures, Vol.13, No.4 (1998).
  3. A. Kaveh and A. Iranmanesh, Structural Optimization Using Artificial Neural Networks, Amirkabir Journal of Science & Technology, (Pub. University of Amirkabir, Iran) Vol. 10, No.40 (1999).
  4. A. Kaveh and A. Iranmanesh, Neural Networks as a Fast Analyzer In Structural Analysis, International Journal of Engineering Sciences, (Pub. Iran University of science and Technology).
  5. A. Iranmanesh, A. Avazdavani, "Application of the Modified ART2 Artificial Neural Network in Classification of Structural Members", Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2000,Vol., No.4, pp.69-75.

Conference Papers

  1. A. Iranmanesh and N. Zeini, Error Minimization of the Counter-propagation Net Response, The Second International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Sept. 2000, Leuven, Belgium.
  2. A. Iranmanesh and N. Zeini, Optimum Design of Plate Girders Using the Improved Counter-propagation Neural Net, 5th International Conference on Civil Engineering, May 2000,Mashhad, Iran.
  3. A. Iranmanesh and M. Fahimi, Genetic Algorithm Trained Counter-Propagation Neural Net in Structural Optimization., The Sixth International Conference on the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Civil and Structural Engineering Sept. 2001, Vienna, Austria. 

View: 21553 Time(s)   |   Print: 2967 Time(s)   |   Email: 159 Time(s)   |   0 Comment(s)

CV H. Nooshin

Hoshyar Nooshin


Date of birth





Program area

Space Structures


+44 1483 689251              Fax: +44 1483 450984 


H.Nooshin AT



Space Structures

London University




Civil Engineering

Imperial College


BS. c

Civil Engineering

Technical University of TehranTehran, Iran  


  • Member of Materials Surfaces & Structural Systems

Selected Publications

  1. M.R. Chenaglou, H. Nooshin Estimation of semi-rigidity of connections in space structures using neural networks Proc. Asia-Pacific Conf. on Shell and Spatial Structures, ed. Tien T. Lan, publ. China Civ. Eng. Soc., Beijing, pp.238-246, May, 1996.
  2. K. Ishikawa, H. Nooshin Improving the regularity of subdivisions of geodesic domes using the traviation process Proc. Asia-Pacific Conf. on Shell and Spatial Structures, ed. Tien T. Lan, publ. China Civ. Eng. Soc., Beijing, pp.358-365, May, 1996.
  3. H. Nooshin A technique for surface generation Proc. Int. Symp. on Conceptual Design of Structures, ed. K.U. Bletzinger et al., publ. Inst. fur Konstruktion und Entwurf II, Stuttgart, pp.331-338, October, 1996.
  4. H. Nooshin, F.G.A. Albermani, P.L. Disney Novational transformations Int. Assoc. Shell and Spatial Structures Colloquium: Structural Morphology - towards the new millennium, Univ. Nottingham, August, pp. 38-50, 1997 ISBN 0-85358-064-2.
  5. H. Nooshin, P.L. Disney, O.C. Champion Computer-aided processing of polyhedric configurations Chapter 12 (pp.343-384) of Beyond the cube: the architecture of space frames and polyhedra ed. J.F. Gabriel, John Wiley & Sons, 1997 ISBN 0-471-12261-0.
  6. H. Nooshin, H. Tomatsuri, M. Fujimoto Scallop domes Proc. IASS Int. Assoc. Shell and Spatial Structures Symp 1997: Design, Performance & Economics, Singapore, 10-14 November 1997, vol 2, pp.651-660 ISBN 981-00-8905-8.
  7. H. Nooshin, K. Ishikawa, P.L. Disney, J.W. Butterworth The traviation process J. Int. Assoc. for Shell and Spatial Structures, vol. 38, no. 3, pp.165-176, 1997 ISSN 0304-3622.
  8. H. Nooshin Space structures and configuration processing Progress in Structural Engineering and Materials, vol. 1, no. 3, pp.329-336, 1998 ISSN 1365-0556.
  9. H. Nooshin, Y. Kuroiwa, P.L. Disney A genetric method for regularisation of structural configurations Proc. IASS Int. Assoc. Space Structures - from recent past to next millennium, Madrid, 20-24 September 1999.
  10. H. Nooshin, P. Disney Formex configuration processing I Int. J. Space Structures, vol. 15, no. 1, pp.1-52, 2000 ISSN 0266-3511.
    O. Baverel, H. Nooshin, Y. Kuroiwa, G.A.R. Parke Nexorades Int. J. Space Structures, vol. 15, no. 2, pp.155-159, 2000 ISSN 0266-3511.

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CV Ch. Bucher

Christian Bucher

        AWT IMAGE

Date of birth





Program area

Structural Mechanics


  +43-1-58801-20100              Fax: +43-1-58801-20199 


christian.bucher AT



Engineering Mechanics

University of Innsbruck




Civil Engineering

University of Innsbruck



Research interests


International Experience

Journal papers



Research Interests

  • Stochastic mechanics
  • Structural dynamics and Probabilistic deterioration models
  • Structural reliability analysis
  • Numerical modelling
  • Structural stochasticity
  • Inverse parameter identification
  • Stochastic finite element analysis


  • Mechanics
  • Basics of stochastic mechanics
  • Structural Optimization

International Experience

  • Appointments as a research associate in Kyoto (1984)
  • Visiting fellow in New York (1986)
  • Boca Raton, Florida (1987-1988).
  • Visiting professor with the Polish Academy of Science of Warsaw, Poland (2003)
  • University of Tokyo, Japan (2004)
  • University of Colorado, Boulder, (2004)
  • University of Waterloo, Ontario (2005) 
  1. Bucher, C. and D. M. Frangopol (2007) Optimization of combined lifetime maintenance strategies. In P. D. Spanos and G. Deodatis, editors, Computational Stochastic Mechanics 5.  
  2. Bucher, C. M. Macke, and T. Most (2006) Application of approximate response functions in structural reliability analysis. In 3rd International ASRANet Colloquium, 10–12 July 2006, Glasgow, UK. on CD.
  3. Bucher, C. (2006) Applications of random field models in stochastic structural mechanics. In M. Pandey, W.-C. Xie, and L. Xu, editors, Advances in Engineering Structures, Mechanics and Construction, pp. 471–484. Springer.
  4. Bucher, C. and D. M. Frangopol (2006) On optimal lifetime maintenance strategies taking into account probabilities of violating performance and cost thresholds. In J. D. Sorensen and D. M. Frangopol, editors, Advances in Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems, pp. 73–80. Taylor & Francis/Balkema.
  5. Bucher, C. and D. M. Frangopol (2006) Optimization of lifetime maintenance strategies for deteriorating structures considering probabilities of violating safety, condition, and cost thresholds. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 21:1–8.
  6. Bucher, C. and V. Zabel (2005) Experiences with detection of damage in bridge structures using dynamics tests. In N. Gebbeken, M. Keuser, and I. Mangerig, editors, Proceedings, First Munich Bridge Assessment Conference MBAC 2005, on CD-ROM.
  7. Bucher, C. and H.-A. Pham (2005) On model updating of existing structures utilizing measured dynamic responses. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 1(2):135–143.
  8. Bucher, C. and M. Macke (2005) Response surface methodology. In E. Nikolaidis, D. M. Ghiocel, and S. Singhal, editors, Structural Reliability Handbook, pp. 19–1 to 19–23. CRC Press, Boca Raton.
  9. Higuchi, S. and C. Bucher (2004) Performance-based optimal design of structures. In Proceedings, 9th ASCE Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability. ASCE.
  10. Bucher, C., O. Huth, and M. Macke (2003) Accuracy of system identification in the presence of random fields. In A. DerKiureghian, S. Madanat, and J. Pestana, editors, Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, pp. 427–433. Millpress.
  11. Macke, M. and C. Bucher (2002) Reliability-based condition assessment of existing structures utilizing dynamic measurements. In H. Grundmann and G. Schuëller, editors, Structural Dynamics - EURODYN 2002. Swets & Zeitlinger, Lisse.

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CV. A. Afshar

Abbas Afshar


Date of birth





Program area

  Environmental and Water Resources Engineering


  +98-21-7896623 Fax: +98-21-7454053


  a_afshar AT



  University of California

  Davis, Ca, USA



  University of California

  Davis, Ca, USA



  Tehran University

 Tehran, Iran


Areas of Interest



Course Taught

Professional Memberships

 Member of the Editorial Board to


 Journal papers (in English)

 Conference Papers (In English)

 Honors and Awards

 Areas of Interest

  •   Hydro-System Engineering and Management
  •   Risk and Uncertainties analysis
  •   Reliability Based Optimum Design and Operation
  •   Environmental Impact Assessment
  •   Water Quality Modeling and Management  

Positions Held


  •   Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, IUST, 1998-Present
  •   Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, IUST, 1990-1998
  •   Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, IUST, 1979-1990
  •   Head of the Department, of Civil Engineering, IUST, 1998-2002
  •   Visiting Professor, University of California, Davis, 1989-1990
  •   Deputy in Research Affairs, Dept. of Civil Engineering, IUST, 1992-1994


  • Chairman of Board of Directors, Mahab Ghodss Consulting Engineers, (MGCE) 1996-1998
  • Member of the Board of Directors, Mahab Ghodss Consulting Engineers, 1990-2002
  • Director of Research Department, Mahab Ghodss Consulting Engineers, MGCE, 1990-1996
  • Member of National Water Standard Supreme Committee,1999-2002
  • Chief engineer, project manager, and design engineer, Mahab Ghodss Consulting Engineers, 1983-1990, in numerous storage-dam projects, namely
  • Baroon (Makoo) dam
  • 15th of Khordad dam
  • Tabarak abad dam
  • Kavar dam
  • Soofi chai dam
  • Barzoo dam  

Course Taught

 Graduate level (Ph. D programs)

  •   Hydro- Informatics
  •   Hydro - System Design and Management
  •   Flood and Drought Management

 Graduate Level (MSc Program)

  •   Water Supply
  •   Advance Hydraulics
  •   Water Resources Planning and Management
  •   Water Resources Quality Control
  •   Civil Engineering Systems
  •   Environmental Impact Assessment
  •   Hydraulic Structure Design
  •   Water Quality Management

Undergraduate Level

  •   Open Channel Flow
  •   Fluid Mechanics
  •   Hydrology
  •   Water Supply & Sewerage
  •   Water Resources System Engineering
  •   Civil Engineering Systems
  •   Water conveyance systems Design
  •   Design of small Dams

Professional Memberships

  •   Member, Iran Academy of Science
  •   Member, Society of Iran Value Engineering, Member of board of director and member of board of founders, ID# 181178
  •   Member of board of founders, Iran society of hydropower
  •   Member of board of founders, Iran society of construction management
  •   Member, Iran Society of Hydraulics, 1990-Present, ID# 74-1037-1
  •   Member, Iranian Water Resources Association, 1992-Present, ID# 73-01-118
  •   Member, Iran national committee on large dams, 1992-present
  •   Member, Iran National Committee in Irrigation and Drainage, 1992-Present
  •   Chief Editor of I.J of Water Resources Engineering 1992-1998  

Associate Editor to

  •   International Journal of Engineering and Science


Member of the Editorial Board to

  •   Modaress
  •   Iran Water Resources Research
  •   Sharif
  •   Water and Wastewater

Member of advisory board to

  •   Asian J. of Structural Engineering
  •   Amir- Kabir Journal

Reviewer to

  •   ASCE, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
  •   ASCE, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
  •   Journal of Environmental Management



  •  Hydrology, 1980 (in Persian)
  •  Design of Hydraulic Structures for Small Dams, 1988
  •  Wastewater Engineering, Vol. I, 1998 (in Persian)
  •  Wastewater Engineering, Vol. II, in press (in Persian)  

Journal papers (in English)

  1. Large-Scale Nonlinear Conjunctive Use Optimization Problem: Decomposition Algorithm, J of Water Resources Planning and Management, Vol.1, pp. 59-71, 2010.
  2. Ant-colony-based simulation–optimization modeling for the design of a forced water pipeline system considering the effects of dynamic pressures, Journal of Hydroinformatics, 12(2), pp. 212-224,2010
  3. Optimizing Multi-Reservoir Operation Rules; An improved HBMO Approach, Journal of Hydroinformatics, in press, 2010
  4. Risk-based optimization of large flood-diversion systems using genetic algorithms, Engineering Optimization, Vol.41, No.3, pp. 259-273, 2010.
  5. Risk-based approach to unbalanced bidding in construction projects, Engineering Optimization, In Press, 2010.
  6. Fuzzy-based MOGA approach to stochastic time–cost trade-off problem, Automation in Construction, Vol.18, No.5,2009.
  7. Total Dissolved Solid Modeling; Karkheh Reservoir Case Example, Int. J. Environ. Res., 3(4):671-680, 2009
  8. Fuzzy Rule Based Models Modification by New Data: Application to Flood Flow Forecasting, Water Resource Management, vol. 23, pp. 2491–2504, 2009.
  9. Fuzzy multi-objective optimization of finance-based scheduling for construction projects with uncertainties in cost, Engineering Optimization ,Vol. 41, No. 11, pp.1063–1080, 2009.
  10. An Improved Continuous Ant Algorithm for Optimization of Water Resources Problems, Water Resource Management ,Vol.23, pp.2119–2139, 2009.
  11. Reservoir Eutrophication Modeling, Sensitivity Analysis, and Assessment: Application to Karkheh Reservoir, Iran, Environmental Engineering Science, Vol. 26, No.7, pp. 1227-1238, 2009.
  12. Nondominated Archiving Multicolony Ant Algorithm in Time–Cost Trade-Off Optimization, ASCE,Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 135, pp. 668-674, 2009.
  13. Non-dominated archiving multi-colony ant algorithm for multi-objective optimization: Application to multi-purpose reservoir operation, Engineering Optimization, Vol. 41, No. 4, pp.313–325, 2009.
  14. Optimization of Non-Convex water Resource problems by Honey-bee Mating Optimization (HBMO) Algorithm, Engineering Computations, Vol.26, No.3, pp. 267-280, 2009.
  15. An iterative Penalty Method for the Optimal Design of Pipe Networks, International Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol.7, No.2, pp.109-123, 2009.
  16. Cyclic storage systems optimization: Semi-distributed parameter approach, Journal of American Water Works Association(AWWA), Vol.101, No.2, pp. 90-103, 2009.
  17. Total dissolved solid modeling: Karkhe reservoir case example, International Journal of Environmental Research,Vol.3 , No.4, 2009.
  18. Design-Operation of Multi-Hydropower Reservoirs: HBMO Approach, Water Resource Management,Vol.22, No.12, 2008.
  19. A case-based reasoning approach to application of value engineering methodology in the construction industry, Construction Management and Economics, Vol. 26, No.4, 363 – 372, 2008.
  20. Cyclic storage design and operation optimization; hybrid GA decomposition approach, International Journal of Civil Engineering. Vol. 6, No. 1, pp.34-47, 2008.
  21. Integrating system dynamics and fuzzy logic modeling for construction risk management, Construction Management and Economics, Vol.26, pp.1197-1212, 2008.
  22. Honey-bee mating optimization (HBMO) algorithm in deriving optimal operation rules for reservoirs, Journal of Hydroinformatics, Vol.10, No.3, pp.257-264, 2008.
  23. Lumped Approach to a Multi-Period–Multi-Reservoir Cyclic Storage System Optimization, Water Resource Management, Vol.22, No.12, pp.1741-1760, 2008.
  24. Time-cost optimization: using GA and fuzzy sets theory for uncertainties in cost, Construction Management and Economics, Vol. 26, Issue 7, pp. 679 – 691, 2008.
  25. Dynamic Risk Analysis in Construction Projects, Canadian J. of Civil Engineering, vol.35, pp. 820-831, 2008.
  26. System dynamics approach for construction risk analysis, International Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp.120-131, 2008.
  27. A Case-Based Reasoning approach to application of value engineering methodology in construction industry, Construction management and economics, Vol. 26, Issue 4, pages 363 – 372, 2008.
  28. Multi-Colony Ant Algorithm for Continuous Multi-Reservoir Operation Optimization Problem, Water Resource Management, Vol.22, No.12, pp.1741-1760, 2008.
  29. Multi-Reservoir Operation with Honey-Bees Mating Optimization Algorithm, Journal of Water Resources Management, in press, 2009.
  30. Dynamic Programming Approach to Optimal Design of Cascade Stilling Basins, ASCE, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol.133, No.8, pp.949 - 954, 2007.
  31. Rule-Based Fuzzy System for Assessing Groundwater Vulnerability, ASCE, Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 133, No. 5, pp.532-540, 2007.
  32. Multi-Objective Optimization of Time-Cost –Quality using Multi-Colony Ant algorithm, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol.8, No.2, 2007.
  33. Fuzzy Approach to Earth Work Optimization , ASCE (CEM), 133(2),pp.181-190 , 2007.
  34. Multi-reservoir Operation by Adaptive Pheromone Reinitiated Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm, International J. of Civil Engrg., vol. 5(4), pp.284-301, 2007
  35. Fuzzy Waste Load Allocation Model with Fuzzy Goals; Simulation-Optimization Approach, Journal of Water Resources Management, Vol.21, pp.1207–1224, 2007.
  36. Honey-Bee Mating Optimization Algorithm (HBMO) for Optimal Reservoir Operation, Journal of Franklin Institute, 344, pp.452–462, 2007.
  37. Hydrograph Based Storm Sewer Design Optimization by Genetic Algorithm, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 33, pp. 319-325, 2006
  38. Optimum Design of Water Conveyance System with Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm, International J. of Civil Engineering, vol. 3(1) 2006.
  39. Reservoir operation by ant colony optimization algorithms, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 30(B1),pp.107-117, 2006.
  40. Improved ant colony optimization algorithm for reservoir operation, Scientia Iranica, vol. 13(3), pp.295-302, 2006.
  41. Honey-Bees Mating Optimization (HBMO) Algorithm: A new heuristic approach for water resources optimization, Journal of Water Resources Management, vol.20, pp. 661-680, 2006.
  42. Fuzzy Decision Support System for Application of Value Engineering in Construction Industry, International J. of Civil Engineering, 4(4), pp.261-270, 2006.
  43. ‍Optimum Design of Cyclic Storage System; Lumped Approach ‍, WSEAS Transactions on Energy, Environment, and Sustainable Development, vol.2,No.6,pp.711-718, 2006
  44. Optimum Layout for Water Quality Monitoring Stations; Ant Colony Approach, WSEAS Transactions on Energy, Environment, and Sustainable Development, vol.2,No.6, pp. 763-770,2006
  45. Ant colony optimization algorithm (ACO); a new heuristic for engineering optimization. , WSEAS Transaction of information system and application. 5(2), pp. 606-610, May 2005
  46. Development of unit response matrix coefficients with ANN., WSEAS Transaction of information system and application. 11(4), pp.2121-2128, Nov.2005
  47. New look at the cyclic storage systems; 1-system definition and model formulation. WSEAS Transaction of information system and application. 11(4), pp.2058-2065, Nov, 2005
  48. New look at the cyclic storage systems; 2- model solution methodology and analysis of the results., WSEAS Transaction of information system and application.,11(4), pp. 2115-2120, N0v. 2005
  49. ‍Optimizing Ajichai Flood Levee's Encroachment; A GA Approach ‍, WSEAS Transactions of Information Science and Applications, 5(2), pp. 611-617, May 2005, ISSN 1790-0832.
  50. ‍GA in Least Cost Design of Stepped Spillways ‍, WSEAS Transactions of Information Science and Applications, 5(2), pp. 637-643, May 2005, ISSN 1790-0832.
  51. Static site layout optimization with ACO algorithm, WSEAS Transactions of Information Science and Applications, 5(2), pp. 630-637,2005.
  52. A stochastic dynamic programming model with fuzzy storage states for reservoir operation, Advances in Water Resources, vol.27, pp1105-1110, 2004.
  53. Optimization and simulation of multiple reservoir system operation, Journal of Water Supply, Research, and Technology,(AQUA), vol.56(6),pp.409-424, 2004.
  54. System dynamics modeling approach for gated and ungated flood routing in a cascade multi- reservoir system, International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol.2(4), pp. 213-222, 2004.
  55. Optimum design and operation of irrigation pumping stations, ASCE (IR), vol.129, no.3 pp.149-154, 2003
  56. Fuse gate design; an optimization approach, I. J. of Engineering, vol. 1 No. 1 pp 28-32, 2003
  57. Optimizing spillway design considering flood routing and hydrologic uncertainties, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, vol.27 (B1), pp. 111-121, Shiraz, Iran, 2003
  58. A coupled surface water and groundwater flow model (2003), Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, vol.28, No.B1, pp 137-144, Shiraz, Iran
  59. An improved storm water network design model in spreadsheet template (2002), I.J.of Engineering, 13(4), pp. 135-148
  60. Optimum design of labyrinth spillway for given flood hydrograph, IJ of Engrg. Vol. 10(2), PP. 37-51, 1999.
  61. Optimizing large river diversions, Hydropower and Dam, PP. 88-92, 1998.
  62. Labyrinth spillway design, an optimization approach, IJ of Water Resources Engineering, Vol. 3(2), PP. 1-12, 1995.
  63. River diversion optimization under hydraulic and hydrologic uncertainties. ASCE (WRRM), vol. 120, No.1, pp 36-47, 1994.
  64. Optimizing river diversion under hydraulic and hydrologic uncertainties, ASCE (WRRM), 120(1), PP. 36-46, 1994.
  65. An Optimum land leveling technique for surface irrigation, International Journal of Engineering, Vol. 3(1), PP. 31-42, 1992.
  66. Reservoir planning for irrigation district. ACSE (WRRM) vol. 117 No. 1 pp. 74-85, 1991
  67. Optimization model for wastewater reuse in Irrigation. ASCE (IR), vol. 115, No.2, pp. 185-202, 1990.
  68. Determining optimum spillway capacity based on estimated flood distribution. Water Power and Dam Construction, vol.42, No. 1. pp 44-53, 1990.
  69. Optimizing spillway capacity with uncertainty in flood estimator. ASCE (WRRM), vol. 116, No. 1, pp. 71-84, 1990.
  70. Optimization of hydropower model for integrating in water supply system. ACSE (WRPM), vol. 116, No. 5 pp.665-675, 1990.
  71. The development of labyrinth spillway design. Water Power and Dam Construction, pp. 36-39, May 1988.
  72. Model for simulating soil-water content considering evapotranspiration. Journal of hydrology, vol. 37, pp. 309-322, 1978.  

Conference Papers (In English)

  1. Quality-Quantity Simulation Model for Stream-Aquifer Interaction, 33rd IAHR Congress: Water Engineering for a Sustainable Environment, pp. 4592-4599, 2009.
  2. Optimal Design and Operation of Fuse-gates Considering Water Loss due to Gates Tilting, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009: Great Rivers, pp. 3053-3060, 2009.
  3. Fuzzy group decision making and its application in water resource planning and management, Improving Integrated Surface and Groundwater Resources Management in a Vulnerable and Changing World, pp.311,317, 2009.(is it conf. paper?)
  4. A fuzzy-based model for unbalanced bidding in construction, First International Conference on Construction In Developing Countries (ICCIDC–I), pp.57-63, 2008.
  5. An Improved Linear Programming Model For One-Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem, First International Conference on Construction In Developing Countries (ICCIDC–I), pp.51-56, 2008.
  6. Modeling Subcontractors Cooperation in Time; Cooperative Game Theory Approach, First International Conference on Construction In Developing Countries (ICCIDC–I), pp.312-319, 2008.
  7. Multiple Resource Constraint Time-Cost-Resource Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm, First International Conference on Construction In Developing Countries (ICCIDC–I), pp.42-50, 2008.
  8. Optimization of uncertain construction time-cost trade-off problem, First International Conference on Construction In Developing Countries (ICCIDC–I), pp.192-200, 2008.
  9. Uncertain scheduling based on Accepted risk level and optimism of a project manager, First International Conference on Construction In Developing Countries (ICCIDC–I), pp.201-209, 2008.
  10. Ant Colony Optimization for Continuous Domains: Application to Reservoir Operation Problems, Eighth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, pp.13-18, 2008.
  11. Modeling and Simulation of Quality Management Process, 4th International Project Management Conference, 2008.
  12. Financed- based Scheduling for Construction Projects with Improved ILP Model, CSCE 2008 Annual Conference, 2008.
  13. Fuzzy Approach to Project Delivery System Selection, International Project Management Conference, 2007.
  14. System Dynamics Approach to Optimum Response Selection in Construction Project Risks, International Project Management Conference, 2007.
  15. Optimum layout of water quality monitoring stations: Ant colony approach Int.conf. On Energy, Environment, Ecosystem, and sustainable development, Greece, July 11-13, 2006, pp.300-305.
  16. Optimum Design of Cyclic Storage System; Lumped Approach, Int.conf. on Energy ,Environment , Ecosystem, and sustainable development, Greece , July 11-13,2006, pp.499-504.
  17. Optimum Layout and Operation of Pumping System in Coastal Aquifers, GA Approach, 9th Inter-Regional Conf. on Environment-Water (EnviroWater 2006), May 17-19, 2006.
  18. Dynamic Site Layout Optimization; Ant Colony Approach, Joint International Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering, June 14-16, 2006 - Montréal, Canada.
  19. HBMO in Engineering Optimization, Proceedings of the 9th International Water Technology Conference (IWTC), Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, Mar. 17-20, 2005, pp 1053-1063.
  20. Simulation-Optimization Model for Fuzzy Waste Load Allocation, Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS Int. Conf. on EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTING, Lisbon, Portugal, June 16-18, 2005, pp 384-391.
  21. Fuzzy Decision Making In Water Quality Management Using Simulation - Optimization Approach, Proceeding of WSEAS Int. Conf. on EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTING, Corfu, Greece, August 23-25, 2005.
  22. ‍GA in Optimizing Ajichai Flood Levee's Encroachment‍, Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS Int. Conf. on EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTING, Lisbon, Portugal, June 16-18, 2005, pp 392-399.
  23. Simulation- optimization model for fuzzy waste load allocation. Proc. Of the 6th Int. Conf. on evolutionary computing, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2005, pp 384-391.
  24. ‍HBMO (Honey Bees Mating Optimization) Algorithm, A New Heuristic Approach in reservoir optimum operation ‍, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Modeling, Simulation & Applied Optimization (ICMSAO/05), Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, Feb. 1-3, 2005.
  25. ‍Honey Bees Mating Optimization Algorithm (HBMO); A new heuristic approach for engineering optimization ‍, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Modeling, Simulation & Applied Optimization (ICMSAO/05), Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, Feb. 1-3, 2005.
  26. ‍Multi-Reservoir Operation Optimization with Honeybees Mating Optimization (HBMO) Algorithm ‍, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Modeling, Simulation & Applied Optimization (ICMSAO/05), Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, Feb. 1-3, 2005.
  27. ‍HBMO in Optimal Reservoir Operation ‍, Proceedings of the 9th International Water Technology Conference (IWTC), Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, Mar. 17-20, 2005, pp 999-1008.
  28. ‍Evaluation of Artificial Neural Networks in Optimization Models of Hydropower Reservoir Operation ‍, Proceedings of the 9th International Water Technology Conference (IWTC), Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, Mar. 17-20, 2005, pp 985-998.
  29. ‍Optimization of Levee's Setback; A New GA Approach ‍, Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS Int. Conf. on EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTING, Lisbon, Portugal, June 16-18, 2005, pp 400-406.
  30. Simulation of eutrophication process with system dynamics approach in Karkheh reservoir. 24th International symposium, North American Lake Management Society, 2004.
  31. ‍MBO (Marriage Bees Optimization), A New Heuristic Approach in Hydro-systems Design and Operation ‍, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Managing Rivers In The 21st Century (ICMR): Issues and Challenges, Penang, Malaysia, Sep. 21-23, pp 499-504.,2005
  32. System dynamics modeling of hydropower reservoir operation, ICOLD. 2004, Seoul, South Korea.
  33. Generalized gate operation model for flood control in gated spillways, 1th national congress in civil engineering, Shariff University, 2004, Tehran, Iran.
  34. Water quality modeling of Karkheh river- reservoir system, First National Conference on Water Resources Management, Tehran, Iran, 2004.
  35. Flood forecasting with adoptive neuro- fuzzy inference system, First National Conference on Water Resources Management, Tehran, Iran, 2004.
  36. A stochastic dynamic programming model with fuzzy states applied to reservoir operation optimization, 6th international conference on computing anticipatory systems, Aug. 11-16, 2003, Liege, Belgium.
  37. Hydropower reservoir operation by system dynamics, 1st National Hydropower Conf., Tehran, Iran, 2003.
  38. Environmental assessment of Karun III reservoir by modified UNEP model, 1st National Hydropower Conf., Tehran, Iran, 2003.
  39. Modeling optimum operation of hydropower reservoirs, 1st National Hydropower Conf., Tehran, Iran, 2003.
  40. A conceptual model for reservoir damage estimation using GIS (2003), 4th international civil Engineering conference, Isfahan ,Iran.
  41. ‍Fuzzy approach to project delivery system selection‍, Nanyang Technological University, Centre for Infrastructure Systems, Reg. No. 200604393R
  42. Optimum layout and design of a water supply line (2002), proceeding 9th International Conference on Hydraulic Information Management, Hydrosft.
  43. Simulating joint operation of ground water and surface water system (2002), Third Iranian hydraulic Conference, Tehran, Iran.
  44. Integrated water resources management: A complex challenge, Int.C.E. Conference, Isfahan, Iran, 2002.
  45. Systematic Assessment of Flood Control Projects, Proc. Of First International Environmental Engineering Symposium, Tehran, 2001
  46. Water quality and ecosystem management models; Their merits and limitations (2001), Asian Conference on Water and Wastewater Management, Tehran, Iran.
  47. Flood Control Optimization, Using Reservoirs Flood Control Volume, Proc. Of Second Conference on Hydraulics Tehran, 1999.
  48. Spillway Design Optimization Considering Uncertainties and Flood Routing, Proc. Of Second Conference on Hydraulics, Tehran, 1999.
  49. Optimization and simulation model for reservoir design and operation. Proc. North American Water and Envi. Congress, ASCE, 1996.
  50. Optimum reallocation of reservoir storage volume, proc. Of North American Water and Envi. Congress, ASCE, 1996.
  51. Optimizing operational level in a major hydropower plant. Proceed of 2nd International Conference on hydropower 92, Norway 1992.
  52. Stilling basin optimizing model based on estimated flood distribution. Presented at the 4th International Conference Hydro soft, 92 Valencia, and Spain, 1992.
  53. Reliability based design of water distribution systems. Presented at the National Conference on the water and wastewater problems in: Large Cities ‍, Shiraz, Iran, 1992.
  54. Optimizing Operational level in a Major Hydropower Plant, Proc. Of 2nd International Conference on Hydropower, Norway, 1992.
  55. River basin development, simulation model. Proceed of international conference on computer applications in water resources Tamkang University, Taiwan, July 3-4, 1991.
  56. 0n-or off-stream groundwater storage in small scale for domestic use. Proceed of ASCE national meeting, PP 792-795. Sacramento, Ca, 1989.  

Honors and Awards

  • Distinguished professor (2001), Awarded by the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology, Tehran, Iran
  • Best journal Paper Award, (1990-1992), Iranian Research council in water, Tehran, Iran
  • Best journal Paper Award, (1992-1994), Iranian Research council in water, Tehran, Iran
  • Distinguished Book Award (1998), Ministry of Culture, Iran
  • Top B.Sc .Graduate Award (1972), Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Tehran, Iran

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CV M. Yaghoubi

Mahmood Yaghoubi


Date of birth





Program area

Mechanical Engineering


0098-71-672060                     Fax: 0098-71-301672


yaghoubi AT



Mechanical Engineering

Purdue University




Mechanical Engineering

hiraz University

Shiraz, Iran



Mechanical Engineering

Shiraz University

Shiraz, Iran


  • 1971-1973 Laboratory Instructor, Technical School of Electronic, Shiraz University, Iran.
  • 1973-1975 Instructor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz University, Iran.
  • 1978-1985 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz University, Iran.
  • 1985-1986 Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz University, Iran.
  • 1986-1987 Visiting Professor, Institute de Fisica, Tecnica, Universita de Palermo, Italy, Grant Awarded by Int.
    Center for Theoretical Physics.
  • 1987-1991 Associate Professor, Engineering School, Shiraz University, Iran.
  • 1991-1993 Professor, Engineering School, Shiraz University, Iran.
  • 1993-1994 Visiting Professor, Colorado State University, Colorado, USA.
  • 1994. Professor, Engineering School, Shiraz University Shiraz, Iran.

Research Areas

  • Convection Heat Transfer Energy, exergy analysis, Computational Heat Transfer,Solar Energy
List of Publications


  1. Yaghoubi, M. A. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer by Convection, Shiraz University Press, 1990.
  2. Yaghoubi, M.A. Editor,  Proceedings on the International Congress on Computational Methods In Engineering, 5 Volumes, Shiraz IRAN, May 1993.
  3. Bahadori, M.N. and Yaghoubi M., Ventilation and Natural Cooling in Traditional Buildings, Markaz Nasher Daneshgahi, 2007.


  1. Satter, M.A. and Yaghoubi. M.A. Free and Forced Vibrations of a Simply Supported Pipe Carrying Flowing Fluid, The Journal of the Industrial Mathematics Society, Vol.25, pp. 53-66,1975.
  2. Yaghoubi, M.A. and Manvi, R. Thermal Stresses in Transient Cooling of a Heat Generating Sphere, Nuclear Engineering and Design, No, 53, pp. 381-386. 1975.
  3. Incropera, F.P. and Yaghoubi, M.A.  Free Convection Heat Transfer from Heated Cylinder Immersed in a Shallow Water Layer, Journal of Heat Transfer ASME Trans. Vol. 101,pp.743-745, 1979.
  4. Incropera F.P. and Yaghoubi M.A.  Buoyancy Driven Flows Originating from Heated Cylinders Submerged in a Finite Water Layer, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 3, pp.315-330, 1980.
  5. Yaghoubi, M.A. and F.P. Incropera “Analysis of Natural Convection Due to Localized Heating in a Shallow Water Layer”, Numerical Heat Transfer, Vol. 3, pp. 315-330, 1980.
  6. Yaghoubi , M.A., “Flow Visualization Above Heated Horizontal Cylinders in a Shallow Water Layer”, Journal of the Flow Visualization Society of Japan, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 559-564, 1982.
  7. Yaghoubi, M., Prediction of Energy Demand 1360-1380 (2001) in Fars Province, J. of Engineering School, Mashhad Univ., Vol. 1, No. 1, 59-75 (in Persian) 1984.
  8. Yaghoubi ,M.A., Yearly Performances of Solar Stills, Energy, Vol. 2,No. 2 (in Persian), 1984.
  9. Yaghoubi, M.A. and A.A. Golneshan, Passive Cooling of an Underground Room (Sardab), Iranian J. of Science and Technology, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 89-98, 1985.
  10. Yaghoubi, M.A. and A. Sabzevari, Simulation of Passive Solar Building, Modeling, Simulation & Control, C, Vol. 8, No. 3, 1987.
    Yaghoubi, M.A. and A. Sabzevari, Studies on Simulation of Passive Solar Buildings, J. Solar & Wind Technology, Vol. 4, No.3, pp.337-346, 1987.
  11. Butera, F.M., G. Cannistarao, M.A. Yaghoubi, and A. Lauritano, Benesser Thermico e Ventilazione Naturale negle Edifici, Energie Alternative Habitate Territorio Energia, Anno 11, No. 59, pp. 183-189, 1989.
  12. Jafarpor, Kh. and M.A. Yaghoubi, Solar Radiation for Shiraz, Iran, J. Solar & Wind Technology Vol.6, No.2, pp. 177-179,1989.
  13. Golneshan A.A. and M.A. Yaghoubi, Simulation of Ventilation Strategies of a Residential Building in Hot Arid Regions of Iran, Energy and Buildings, Vol.14, pp.201-205,1990.
  14. Yaghoubi,M.A. and Kh. Jafarpor, Global Solar Radiation for Fars Province, Iran, Iranian J. of Science and Technology,Vol.14, No.1, pp.47-62, 1990.
  15. Yaghoubi, M.A., Air Flow Pattern Around Domed Roof Buildings, Renewable Energy,Vol.1, No.3/4, pp.345-350, 1991.
  16. Yaghoubi, M.A., A. Sabzevari, A.A. Golneshan, Wind Towers; an experimental study, Solar Energy, Vol. 47, No.2, pp. 97-106,1991.
  17. Karimi, G., M. Taheri and M.A. Yaghoubi, A Numerical Modeling for Natural Convection Heat Transfer in Porous Media with Generated Internal Heat Sources, Iranian J. of Engineering, Vol.4,No.3&4,pp.115-125, 1991.
  18. Butera, F., G. Cannistraro, G. Rizzo, and M.A. Yaghoubi, Simplified Thermal Analysis of Naturally Ventilated Dwellings, Renewable Energy, Vol.1, No. 5/6, pp. 749-756, 1991.
  19. Yaghoubi, M.A., G. Karimi, A.A. Karimi, A Boundary Element Modeling for Two-Dimensional Transient Heat Conduction, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 135 pp.227-285, 1992.
  20. Sabzevari, A. and M.A. Yaghoubi, Airflow Behavior In and Around Domed Roof Buildings, Wind Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 26-33, 1992.
  21. Kazeminejad, H., Yaghoubi, M.A. and Bahri, F., Conjugate Forced Convection-Conduction Analysis of The Performance of a Cooling and Dehumidifying Vertical Rectangular Fin, Int. Journal Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 36, No. 14, 3625-3631, 1993.
  22. Yaghoubi, M.A., H. Kazeminejad and Farshidiyanfar, A. , Heat and Mass Transfer with Dehumidification in Laminar Boundary Layer Flow Along a Flat Plate, Journal of Heat Transfer, ASME Transaction, Vol. 115, pp.785-788, 1993.
  23. Kazeminejad, H., Yaghoubi,M.A. and Sephri, M. , Effect of Dehumidification of Air on the Performance of Eccentric Circular Fins, Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers Vol. 207, pp. 141-146, 1993.
  24. Yaghoubi, M.A. and A. Sabzevari, Solar Radiation in Shiraz: A Comparative Study of Two Periods, International Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol. 3,No.6/7, pp.725-729, 1993.
  25. Yaghoubi M.A. The Program of Aerospace Engineering Education in Some of the Developed Countries, Sharif Monthly Publication in Science and Research, Vol. 9, No.3, pp.42-49, 1372 (1993) in Persian.
  26. Kazeminejad H., M. Ghamari, and M.A. Yaghoubi, Leading Edge Separation From a Blunt Plate at Low Reynolds Number; a Numerical Study, Iranian J. of Science and Technology, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 105-116, 1993.
  27. Shafie S., M. Taheri, M.A. Yaghoubi, A Case Study of Energy Saving for Cooling and Heating of Buildings, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 19, No.4, 333-346, 1995.
  28. Kazeminejad, H. M. Ghamari, and M.A. Yaghoubi, A Numerical Study of Convective Heat Transfer from a Blunt Plate at Low Reynolds Number, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 39, No. 1, 125-133, 1966.
  29. Yaghoubi, M.A., and Jahanara, M., Two Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Wind Flow and Ventilation in A Single Building Turbulence Model, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology. Vol. 20, pp.73-93, 1996.
  30. Yaghoubi, M.A., Divisions and Branches in Mechanical Engineering, J. Mechanical Engineers, Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1998 (in Persian).
  31. Yaghoubi, M., A. Kirkpatrick, and K. Knappmiler, Numerical Prediction of Contaminant Transport and Indoor Air Quality in a Ventilated Office Space, J. Particulate Science Technology, Vol.13, No. 2, PP.117-131, 1995.
  32. Yaghoubi, M., and A. Sabzevarri, Calculation of Hourly Output of a Solar Still for Various Cities of Iran, Renewable Energy, An International Journal, Vol. 7, No. 4, 427-435, 1996.
  33. Yaghoubi, M., Sabzevari, A., Further Data on Solar Radiation for Shiraz, Iran, Renewable Energy, an Int. J., Vol. 7, No. 4, 343-344, 1996.
  34. Yaghoubi, M., K. Knappmiler, and A. Kerkpatrick, Ashrae Transaction, Vol.115, 1031-1040, 1995.
  35. Yaghoubi, M. and P. Davvami, A Study on Engineering Education, Name-ye Farhangestan-e Ulum, No.3, Vol.3, pp.85-102, 1996.
  36. Eslami, M.R., Esmailzadeh, E., Yaghoubi, M., Sohrabpour, S., Molki, M., Sayyadi, A., The Role of Engineering Societies in Countries Progress, Nameh-Farhangestan, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1996.
  37. Rahnema, M. and Yaghoubi, M., A Numerical Study of Turbulent Flow Around a Series of Parallel blunt Plates, Scientia Iranica, Vol. 3, No. 3, 9-20, 1996.
  38. Rahnema, M. Yaghoubi, M., and Sabzevari A., Turbulent Wind Flow Patterns and Pressure Fields Across a Tall Rectangular Building, Journal of Wind Engineering, Vol. 20, No. 4, 241-257, 1966.
  39. Rahnema, M., M. Yaghoubi, and H. Kazeminejad, A Numerical Study of Convective Heat Transfer from an Array of Blunt Plates, Int. J. of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 18, No. 4, 430-436, 1997.
  40. Yaghoubi, M. and Dorrodgar, F., Design of a Parabolic Trough Collector for a 250 kW Solar Thermal Power Plant, J. of Energy of Iran, No. 1, 54-62, (in Persian).
  41. Mehryar, R. and Yaghoubi, M., Design Selection of 250 Solar Thermal Power Plant Cycle, J. of Energy of Iran, No. 2, 15-26, 1997, (in Persian).
  42. Yaghoubi, M., Zamankhan, P., and A. Sabzevari, Numerical Analysis of Two-Dimensional Wind Flow in and Around Rectangular Buildings Part I: Modeling and Simulation, Wind Engineering, Vol. 22, No.2, 1998.
  43. Yaghoubi, M., Zamankhan, P., and A., Sabzevari, Numerical Analysis of Two-Dimensional Wind Flow in and Around Rectangular Buildings, Part II:Flow Field and Ventilation, Wind Engineering, Vol. 22, No.2, 1998.
  44. Yaghoubi, M., and Atashkadi, P., Analysis of Dynamic Forces for Unsteady Laminar Flow Around a Rectangle, ISME Journal No.2, pp.57-67, (in Persian) 1999.
  45. Yaghoubi, M., and M., Rahnama, Numerical Study of Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer from an Array of Thick Plates, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 21, No. 2000.
  46. Yaghoubi, M., Non-conventional Training in Engineering Education, J. Iranian Engineering Education, Academy of Sciences, I.R. Vol. 1. No.1, Iran ,1999.
  47. Yaghoubi, M., et al., A Study of Typical Academy of Sciences Around the Word, Namey-Farangestan Oloom (in Persian), 2002.
  48. Yaghoubi, M. Mehryar, R. and A. Sabzevari, Design and Performance Simulation of a 250 KW Solar Thermal Power Plant for Shiraz, Iran, Iranian J. of Energy (in Persian), Vol. 3, No.6, 1999.
  49. Yaghoubi ,M., Definition of Heat in Science and Engineering, Iranian J. Engineering Education, Vol.1, No..3, 2000.
  50. Nori, P.M., and Yaghoubi, Unsteady State Analysis of 250 KW, Solar Thermal Power Plant in Shiraz, (in Persian), Iranian J. Energy, Vol.4, No.8, 2000.
  51. Yaghoubi, M. and Rahnama, M., Turbulent Heat Transfer around a Finite Thick Plate with Incident Angle, , Accepted for publication in Int. J. Communication in Heat Mass Transfer, Vol.28, No.2, pp267-276, 2001.
  52. Yaghoubi, M., Quality Assurance in Engineering Education, Iranian Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 2, No.1, pp.1-22, 2000 (in Persian).
  53. Rezvani, A., Karami, Gh and Yaghoubi, M., Thermal Analysis of Tire, Vol. 20., No. 1, J. of Esteghlal, (in Persian ) 2001.
  54. Yaghoubi, M. A History of Heat Transfer, Iranian J. of Engineering Education, Vol. 3, No.1 (in Persian ) 2001.
  55. With Graduate committee of I. R. Academy of Sciences, articles:
    The significance of Engineering PhD programs
    An Investigation to the Engineering PhD Qualifying Exam
    Residency Requirement
    Ph. D Student Admission Procedure
    Journal Publication a Pre0requiste for Ph. D Award
    A study on the PhD Research and Education
    Graduate Research Relation with University..
    Timetable of Engineering PhD Program
    Teaching Quality and Course Credit
    Peculiarity of Ph. D advisor
    Re-evaluation pf Ph. D Program
    Various Engineering PhD Curriculum and Development
  56. In Iranian Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 3, No.2, (in Persian ) 2001.
  57. Yaghoubi M., Karami, Gh., Taheri M., and Rahemi, Sh., Comparison of PH.D Specification Program in Other Countries, Submitted, Iranian J. of Engineering Education, Vol. 4, No.3, (in Persian ) 2002.
  58. Azizian, K., M. Yaghoubi, and A. Kenray, Design Experiences of the First Solar Parabolic Thermal Power Plant for Various Regions in Iran, Iranian Journal of Energy, Vol. 6, No. 12, (in Persian 2002).
  59. Amniah, H. and M.Yaghoubi, Three-dimensional Laminar Fluid flow and heat Transfer from Array of Finite length Plates, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, ISME, Vol.2, No.5, (in Persian) 2002.
  60. Tabei, M. and Yaghoubi, M., Engineering and Philosophy, Iranian Journal of Engineering Education, Vol.4, No.1, 2002 (in Persian).
  61. Serposhan, S. and Yaghoubi, M., Solar Energy on Three-dimensional Surfaces, Iranian Journal of Energy Vol. 7, No. 13 (in Persian) 2002.
  62. Yaghoubi, A. Kenary, and K. Aziziyan, Solar Thermal Power Plant, Mechanical Engineering Journal ISME, Winter 2002.
  63. Yaghoubi M., Azizian, K.and A. Kenray, Simulation of Shiraz Solar Power Plant for optimal Assessment, Renewable Energy Journal, Vol.28, pp.1985-1998 (2003).
  64. Yaghoubi, M. and M. N. Bahadori, About Engineering Prosperous, part I-Wisdom, Iranian Journal of Engineering Education (in Persian), Vol.5, No.17,, 2003.
  65. Bahadori, M. N, and Yaghoubi M. , About Engineering Prosperous, Part II-Principles, Iranian Journal of Engineering Education , Vol. 5, Number 17 ( in Persian), 2003.
  66. Yaghoubi, M., Aziziyan,K. and Zendehbodi, Solar Radiation Potential in Yasooj, Iranian Journal of Energy, Vol.8, No. 16 (in Persian) 2003.
  67. Yaghoubi, M and Bahadori, M.N., About Engineering Prosperous, Part III-Professional Ethics, Iranian Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 5, No.18, 2003 (in Persian).
  68. Yaghoubi, M., and Bahadori-nejad, Aziziyan, K., A Coarse of Engineering Ethics for Engineering Students, Iranian Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 5, No.20, 2004 (in Persian).
  69. Yaghoubi, M., and Bahadori-nejad, Aziziyan, K., Engineers Social Attitude in Industry Iranian Journal of Engineering Education, Vo. 6, No.22, 2004 (in Persian).
  70. Yaghoubi, M. and K. Aziziyan, Annual Performances of Shiraz Solar Thermal Power Plant with Steam Engine, Iranian Journal of Energy, Vol. 8, No.18, 2004 (in Persian).
  71. Yaghoubi, M. and S. Mahmoodi, Experimental Study of Turbulent Separated Flow around Blunt Plates, Int. J. of Experimental Heat Transfer , Thermodynamics And Fluid Mechanics, Vol.29, No.1, pp.105-112, 2004.
  72. Velayati, E. and Yaghoubi, M., A Numerical Study of Turbulent flow around Parallel Bluff Plates, International J. Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp.80-91, 2005.
  73. Yaghoubi, M. and Velayati, Undeveloped Convection Heat Transfer From an Array of Cubes in Cross-Stream Direction, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol 44/8 pp 756-765, 2005.
  74. Yaghoubi, M. and Velayati, E., Conjugate Heat Transfer from Surface Mounted Finite Blunt Plates to be appears in The Proceeding of the Mechanical Engineering, Part C, 2005.
  75. Davami, P. Yaghoubi. M., Ghafari, M. M. and Pakpor, M., Foresight for Technology and Science Development, and Available bases for Iran Progresses, Khabar-Nameh Shiraz University, No. 99 , 2005 ( in Peraian).
  76. Zahmatkesh, A, and Yaghoubi, Studies of Thermal Performance of Electrically Heaters by using Porous materials, Int. Communication in Heat and Mass Transfer, 33,259-267, 2006.
  77. Yaghoubi, M. and Azizian, K., Development of Ph.D Engineering Students and Significances of Research Methods, Iranian Journal of Engineering Education, Vol.8, No.29 (in Persian) 2006.
  78. Naeni, N. and M. Yaghoubi, Analysis of Wind Flow Around a Parabolic Collector, (1) Fluid Flow, Renewable Energy, An Int. Journal, Vol. 32, No.11, 1898-1916, 2007.
  79. Naeni, N. and M. Yaghoubi, Analysis of Wind Flow Around a Parabolic Collector, (2) Heat Transfer, Renewable Energy, An Int. Journal, Vol. 32, issue 8, 1259-1272, 2007.
  80. Yaghoubi, M. et al, A comparative study of science and technology development in Iran and some other countries, Iranian Journal of Engineering Education, Vol.31, 2006 (in Peraian).
  81. Yaghoubi M. and M. Ghafari, Conceptual Structure of Science and Technology Policy with Emphasis on Engineering, Iranian Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 8, No. 32, pp.21- 49, 2007 (in Perasian).
  82. Hadavand M., Yaghoubi, M., Emdad, H., Transient study of combined convection and radiation of vaulted roofs, Submitted to Energy and Environment, 2007.
  83. Diyalameh, J, Yaghoubi M., Aboali, O., Natural convection from an array of horizontal Rectangular thick fins with short length, Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 28, Issues 17-18, Pages 2371-2379, 2008.
  84. Zeini, J. Eghtesad M. and Yaghoubi, M., Hybrid modeling and supervisory switching control of complete solar power plant, accepted for publication in International Journal of Modeling and Simulation, 2007.
  85. Yaghoubi, M. Mokhtari, A., Feasibility of solar thermal plant in Iran, Accepted for publication in J. Of Energy Management and Planning, 2007 (in Persian).
  86. Hadavand, M. Yaghoubi, M. and H. Emdad, Thermal analysis of vaulted roofs, Energy and Building, Vol. 40, pp.265-275, 2008.
  87. Mohamadi,A., M. Yaghoubi, M. Rashidi, Analysis of local heat transfer in a spark ignition engine, International Communication in Heat and Mass Transfer, 35, pp.215-224, 2008.
  88. Ashjaee, M., A.H. Eshtiaghi, M. Yaghoubi, T. Yousefi, Experimental investigation on free convection from a horizontal cylinder beneath an adiabatic ceiling, Journal of Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 32 pp.614-623, 2007.
  89. Hadavand, M., M. Yaghoubi, Thermal behavior of curved roof buildings exposed to solar radiation and wind flow for various orientations, Applied Energy Journal, 85, pp.663-679, 2008.
  90. Salamanpour, M., O. Nourani Zonouz and M. Yaghoubi, analysis of frost formation through a two-dimensional duct with turbulent flow, Heat Transfer Research, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp.35-58, 2008.
  91. Tahavvor, A., M. Yaghoubi, Natural cooling of horizontal cylinder using Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Int. Communication Heat Mass Transfer, Volume 35, Issue 9, November 2008, Pages 1196-1203.
  92. Eshtiyaghi, A.H., D. Ehaei, M. Yaghoubi, M. Ashjaee, Free convection from a horizontal array of cylinders beneath an inclined adiabatic ceiling, Heat Transfer Research , in Press.
  93. Yaghoubi, M. and A. Mokhtari, Energy and teaching thermo-economic applications in engineering, Journal of Engineering Education, Vol.34, 2008.
  94. Zeini, J., Eghtesad, M., Yaghoubi,M., Fuzzy Switching Control of the Complete Oil Cycle of Shiraz Solar Power Plant, to be appear in Auto-Soft-Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing Journal, in press 2009.
  95. M. Yaghoubi, M. Ashjaee, A.H. Eshtiaghi, T. Yousefi Thermal study of an array of inline horizontal cylinders below a nearly adiabatic ceiling, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Volume 33, Issue 2, January 2009, Pages 232-239.
  96. Shaeri M.R. and M. Yaghoubi, Kh. Jafarpour,, Heat transfer analysis of lateral perforated fin heat sinks, Applied Energy, 86 (2009) 2019–2029.
  97. Shaeri, M.R. and Yaghoubi, Numerical analysis of turbulent convection heat transfer from 3 an array of perforated fins, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow Volume 30, Issue 2, pp.218-228, 2009.
  98. Shaeri, M.R. and Yaghoubi, M., Thermal enhancement from heat sinks by using perforated fins, Energy Conversion and Management , Volume 50, Issue 5, Pages 1149-1400, 2009.
  99. Yaghoubi., M., M.R. Shaeri,, Kh. Jafarpour, Three-dimensional numerical laminar heat transfer around lateral perforated fins, Computational Thermal Sciences, Vol.1, 2009.
  100. Tahavvor, A.R., Yaghoubi, M., Analysis of early stage frost formation in natural convection over a horizontal cylinder , International Journal of Refregiration, in press, 2009.
  101. M. I. Hasan, A.A. Rageb, M. Yaghoubi, H. Homayoni, Influence of channel geometry on the performance of a counter flow microchannel heat exchanger, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 48, 1607-1618, 2009.
  102. M.Mohammadi, M. Yaghoubi, E. Goshtasbi-rod, Analysis of cooling air jacket and air distributor in a co-current spray dryer, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction B: Engineering, Vol.33, No. B5, pp.371-385, 2009.
  103. M.M. Tavakol, M. Yaghoubi, M M. Masoudi Motlagh Air flow aerodynamic on a wall mounted hemisphere for various turbulent boundary layers. In press Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, pp.538-553, 2010.
  104. A. Mohamadi, M. Yaghoubi, Estimation of instantaneous local heat transfer coefficient in Spark-Ignition Engines, International Journal of Thermal Science, Volume 49, Issue 7, Pages 1309-1317, 2010.
  105. A. Baghernejad, M. Yaghoubi, Exergy Analysis of an Integrated Solar Combined Cycle System, Renewable Energy, An International Journal, 35, 2157-2164, 2010.
  106. H.A. Pakravan, M. Yaghoubi, Combined thermophoresis, Brownian motion and Dufour effects on natural convection of nanofluids, International J. of Thermal Science,Vo. 50, pp.394-402, 2011.
  107. A. Baghernezad, M. Yaghoubi, Multi objective exergoeconomic optimization of an integrated solar combined cycle system using evolutionary algorithms, International Journal of Energy Research, in Press, 2010.
  108. A. Tahavvor, M. Yaghoubi, Experimental and numerical study of frost formation by natural convection over a cold horizontal circular cylinder, Int. J. of Refrigeration, 33, 1444-1458, 2010.
  109. M.M. Tavakol, M. Yaghoubi, Experimental and numerical analysis of turbulent air flow around a surface mounted hemisphere, SCIENTIA IRANICA, Vol.17, No.6, pp.480-491, 2010.
  110. M. Yaghoubi, Responsibility of Professional Ethics in Engineering Education, Iranian Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 12, No. 46, 2010.
  111. A. Tahavvor, M. Yaghoubi, prediction of frost deposition on a horizontal circular cylinder under natural convection using artificial neural networks, International Journal of Refrigeration, Volume 34, Issue 2, March 2011, Pages 560-566.
  112. A. Baghernejad, M. Yaghoubi, Exergoeconomic Analysis and Optimization of an Integrated Solar Combined Cycle System (ISCCS) Using Genetic Algorithm, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.52, pp.2193-2209, 2011. 
  1. Yaghoubi, M.A. and Bahadori, M.N.  A Feasibility Study of Wind Energy Utilization in Iran Proceedings of the First Mechanical Engineering Congress pp. 520-531, Shiraz Iran, 1975.
  2. Yaghoubi, M.A. and Incropera, F.P. Natural Convection from a Heat Horizontal Cylinder Submerged in a Shallow Water Layer, Proc. of Sixth International Heat Transfer Conference, Toronto, Canada, 1978.
  3. Yaghoubi, M.A. and A. Sabzevari, Persian Windmills, Proceedings of International Symposium Workshop on Renewable Energy Sources, Lahor, Pakestan, pp. 211-220, March 1983.
  4. Yaghoubi, M.A., Solar Distillation Research in Solar Energy Center, 24th Science Week, Aleppo, Syria, Nov. 1984.
  5. Sabzevari, A. and Yaghoubi, M.A., Alternative Energy Sources of Iran, The State-of-the Art, Proc. 6th Miami International Conf. on Alternative Energy Sources, Miami Beach, pp.433-444. Dec. 1983.
  6. Jafarpor, Kh, Sabzevari, A. and M.A. Yaghoubi, Design of a Flat Plate Solar Cooker for Indoor- Cooling, Proc. of International Days on Heliothermie Transfer, pp.109-116, Tunisie, 1983.
  7. Golneshan, A.A. and M.A. Yaghoubi, Natural Cooling of a Residential Room with Ventilation in Hot Arid Regions, Proc. of World Congress on Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning, Vol.6, pp.309-314, Copenhagen, Aug. 1985.
  8. Jafarpor, Kh. and M.A. Yaghoubi, Comparison of the Empirical Models with the Measurements to Estimate Solar Radiation for Shiraz, Proc. of the 7th Miame international Conference on Alternative Energy Sources, Miame, pp. 53-55, Dec. 1985.
  9. Butera, F.M., M.A. Yaghoubi and G. Cannistraro, Natural Cooling of Buildings; A Design Tool for Predicting Comfort Conditions, ISES Conference, Homburg, pp. 13-18, Sep. 1987.
  10. Cannistraro,G., A. La Pica, D. Van Hattem, and M.A. Yaghoubi, Validazione Sperimentale Del Modello Di Ventilazione Naturale Native, Al 44 Congress Nazionale A.T.I. di Cosenza, pp.12-15, Italy, Sep. 1989.
  11. Sabzevari, A. and M.A. Yaghoubi, Wind Flow Visualization in and Around Domed Roof Structures, Proc. 9th Miame International Congress on Energy and Environment, Vol.1, pp.90, 1989.
  12. Yaghoubi, M.A. and A. Sabzevari, Wind Induced Ventilation in Domed Roof Buildings, Proc. of Third Int. Iranian Congress of Civil Engineering, Vol. 3 pp.723-731, Shiraz, May 1990.
  13. Yaghoubi M.A., Analysis of Naturally Ventilated Homes for Cooling; Modeling and Simulation, Proc, International AMSE Conference, United Arab Emirates, pp.71-80, 1990.
  14. Yaghoubi, M. A., Gh. Karimi, and M. Taheri, Numerical Modeling of Thermal and Hydrodynamic Structure of an Enclosure with Porous Medium and Internal Heat Generation, Proceedings of 3rd ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering, Joint Confernce, Reno, Vol. 4, pp.245-250, March 1991.
  15. Yaghoubi M.A., H. Kazeminajad, and A. Farshidiyanfar, Laminar Forced Convection Heat Transfer with Dehumidification Along a Cooled Flat Plate, Proceedings of International Conference on Numerical Methods in Laminar and Turbulent Flow, Vol.7, part 1,pp.64-74, Stanford, June 1991.
  16. Kazeminejad, H., M.A. Yaghoubi, and F. Bahri, Dehumidification of Humid Air Flow Over a Vertical Rectangular Fin with Non-uniform Heat Transfer Coefficient, Proccedings of 7th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Thermal Problems, Stanford, June 1991.
  17. Yaghoubi, M.A., and A. A. Karimi, A Boundary Element Modeling for Two-Dimensional Transient Heat Conduction, Proceedings of 11th Int. Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Vol. B, pp.117-122, August, Tokyo 1991.
  18. Yaghoubi, M.A., Recent Developments in Heat Exchanger Design and Their Classifications, Proceedings of The Seminar of Joint Engineering School and Ministry of Oil, pp.58-97 (in Persian), Shiraz, Iran, 1991.
  19. Yaghoubi, M.A., and G.R. Zandehbodi, Solution of Unsteady Heat Conduction in Axisymmetric Bodies by Finite Element Method, Al-Azhar Engineering Second International Conference, Vol. 7, pp.13-23, Dec. 1991.
  20. Yaghoubi, M.A., G. Karami, and A.A. Karmi, The Use of Boundary Element Method in Transient Heat Conduction, Proceedings of Int. Conference on Engineering Applications of Mechanics, Vol.3. Pp.81-88, 1992.
  21. Yaghoubi, M.A., and M.A. Sattar, Studies Related to Utilization of Photovoltaic Electricity for Remote Area Applications In IRAN, Proceedings of Workshop on Photovoltaic, S/N 17, Libya, June 1991.
  22. Taheri, M., M.A. Yaghoubi, G.Karimi, and M. Monabbati, Optimization of Solar Radiation on Cooling and Heating of Buildings, Third International Conference, on Applications of Solar and Renewable energy, April, 19-22, Cario, 1992.
  23. Taheri, M., M.A. Yaghoubi, M. Monabbati, and G. Karimi, Window Orientation for Reduced Cooling and Heating Load, Proceedings of Renewable Energy Technology and The Environment, Vol. 4, pp.2234-2238, Reading, 1992.
  24. Kochechkzadeh, M., Yaghoubi M.A., Janghorban, K. and A. Dehghan, Numerical Simulation of Continuous Casting Processes, Proceedings of International Congress on Computational Methods in Engineerig, Vol. 2, pp. 287-294, Shiraz, IRAN, May 1993.
  25. Kazeminejad, H., Ghamari, M. and Yaghoubi, M.A., A Numerical Study of Convective Heat Transfer in the Laminar Separated and Reattached Flow over a Blunt Flat Plate, Proceedings of 8th Int. Conf. in laminar and Turbulent Flows, pp.457-467, Swansea, U.K. July, 1993.
  26. Yaghoubi, M.A., Flow Visualizations; from Experiment to Computer, Proceedings of The First Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineering, pp. 118, Tehran, Feb. 1993. (Keynote Speech, In Persian).
  27. Yaghoubi, M.A., Kazeminejad, H. and Shafaf-Zadeh, G.R., Numerical Analysis of Transient Heat Transfer in Nozzles, Proceedings of Computational Methods in Engineering, Vol. 1, pp.729-734, Singapore, 1992.
  28. Yaghoubi, M.A., M. Rahnema, and A. Khorami, Application of Computer in Design of Auto Radiators, Proc. of the 1st Seminar of Industrial Radiators, pp. 14, Tehran, 1993. (In Persian).
  29. Yaghoubi, M.A., M. Rahnema, A. Khorami, A Simple Experimental Method in Evaluating the Performances of Radiators. Proc. of the 1st Seminar of Industrial Radiators, pp. 33, Tehran, 1993. (In Persian).
  30. Kazeminejad, H., M. Gamari, and M.A. Yaghoubi, Leading Edge Separation from a Blunt Plate at Low Reynolds Number: A Numerical Study, Proceedings of International Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, Vol. 2, pp. 247-253, Shiraz, Iran, May, 1993.
  31. Satter, M.A. and M.A. Yaghoubi, A Study of Energy Options for Electricity Production in Iran, 8th International Power System Conference, pp.528-537, Tehran, Nov. 1993.
  32. Yaghoubi, M.A., K. Knappmiller, and A. Kirkpatrick, Numerical Study of Air Contamination Distribution in a Ventilated Enclosure, Proc. of 25th Annual Meeting of the Fine Particle Society and 1994 Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Conference, NJ, July 1994.
  33. Yaghoubi M.A., R. Mehryar, and A. Dehghan, Computer Simulation of Liqued Metal Flow, Heat Transfer and Solidification in a Duct, Proceedings of The Second Annual ISME Conference, Tehran Iran, May 1994, pp. 286-293. (In Persian).
  34. Khadem, S. A., A. Dehghan, H. Shariat, and M.A. Yaghoubi, Study of Liquid Metal Flow in Evaporative Pattern Casting, Proceedings of The Second Annual ISME Conference, Tehran, Iran, May 1994, pp.294-301. (In Persian).
  35. Rahnema, M. and M.A. Yaghoubi, Numerical Solution of Laminar Flow in a Pipe With Sudden Contraction, Proceedings of Third Conference on Dynamic of Fluid Flows, Tehran, pp. 325-334, Jan. 1995 (in Persian).
  36. Jahanara, M., M.A. Yaghoubi, and M.S. Moayeri, Numerical Solution Of the k- Model of Air Flow Around a Simple Building, Proceedings of Third ISME Conference, May 1995, pp. 37-44 (in Persian).
  37. Rahnema, M., M. Yaghoubi, and H. Kazeminejad, Analysis of Steady State Laminar Flow and Heat Transfer Over Thick Plate, Proceedings of 4th Iranian Mechanical Conference, 44-56, 1996.
  38. Rahnema, M. and M. Yaghoubi, Analysis of Turbulent Flow in the Entrance Region of Thick Ducts, Proceedings of Forth Fluid Dynamics, 335-344, IRAN 1996.
  39. Rahnema, M. and M. Yaghoubi, Numerical Investigation of Turbulent Flow Around a Two-Dimensional Rectangular Block at Various Angle of Attacks, Proc. of Numerical Method in Laminar and Turbulent Flow, Vol. 1, 229-241, U.K., 1997.
  40. Rahnema, M. and M. Yaghoubi, Numerical Study of Flow Angle of Attack and Aspect Ratio in Turbulent Flow Around a Rectangular Prism, Proc. of Second International Seminar on Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, Bangladesh, 1997.
  41. Rezvani, A., Yaghoubi, M. and Gh. Karami, Thermal Conductivity of Tire Compound, 1st Seminar on Iranian Tire, pp. 212-217, Tehran, Iran.
  42. Rezvani, A., Yaghoubi, M. and Gh. Karami, Thermal Analysis of Tire by Finite Element, 1st Seminar on Iranian Tire, pp. 218-222, Tehran, Iran.
  43. Yaghoubi, M. and R. Mehryar, Thermal Design of 250 kW Solar Power Plant, Proc. of 6th Congress of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers, Tehran, 1998.
  44. Yaghoubi, M., Zamankhan, P., Numerical Simulation of Wind Flow Over Series of Buildings, Proc. of 6th Congress of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, 1998.
  45. Atashkadi, P., and M. Yaghoubi, Two-Dimensional Unsteady Laminar Flow Around a Thick Plate, Proc. of 5th Fluid Dynamic Conference, pp. 109-117, Mashhad, Iran, 1998.
  46. Yaghoubi, M. and P. Zamankhan, Analysis of Turbulent Air Flow in and Around Two-Dimensional Buildings, Process of Third Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress, pp. 131-138, Tehran, 1998.
  47. Yaghoubi, M. and R. Mehryar, Design of 250 kW Thermal Power Plants in Iran, Proc. of Third Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress, pp. 593-600, Tehran, 1998.
  48. Karami, G., Yaghoubi, M. and M. Ghasemzadeh, Analysis of Heat Transfer in Water Cooled Jackets of a Furnace with Finite Element, Proc. of 7th Iranian Mechanical Engineering Congress, pp. 169-176, Zahedan, 1999.
  49. Katibeh, K., Yaghoubi, M., and Kh. Jafarpor, Thermal Structure of Doordzan Lake, Proc. of the Iranian Mechanical Engineering Congress, pp. 255-262, Zahedan, Iran, 1998.
  50. Yaghoubi, M., and A. Montazeri-Hedash, Multi-Grid Technique for Turbulent Seperated Flows, Proc. of 8 AFMC Congress, China, pp.545-549, 1999.
  51. Rahnanam, M., Farhadi, M., Mansory S.H., and Yaghoubi, M., Turbulent Natural Convection in a Two-Dimensional Horizontal Annulus, Proc. of 8 AFMC, 616-619,1999.
  52. Ghasem-Zadeh, M. Karami. Gh., and, Yaghoubi, M., Study of Cooling Plate Material and Fluid Flow on Heat Transfer from Cooling Jackets of Furnaces, Proc. of 6 Fluid Dynamic Conference, pp.79-87, (in Persian) 2000.
  53. Ghambary, N. Yaghoubi, M., and Molaw, D., Design Performances of Multistage Flash Distillation Systems, Proceedings of 8 Iranian Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2000.
  54. Katibeh, K., Jafarpor, Kh, and Yaghoubi, M., Effects of Environmental Conditions on Thermal Structure of Dorodzan Lake, Accepted for presentation in 8 Iranian Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2000.
  55. Kenary, G.A., and Yaghoubi, M., Thermal Performances of Parabolic Collector of Solar Thermal Power Plant, 5th National Chemical Engineering Congress, April, Shiraz, Iran, 2000.
  56. Yaghoubi, M. and Gohari, D., Neat Transfer of Recirculating flow Around Prisms with Incident Angle, Proceedings of 9th Mechanical Engineering Congress 2001.
  57. Kenari A., Yaghoubi, M., and Doroodgar, F., Experimental and Numerical Studies of a Solar Parabolic Trough Collector of 250 Pilot Solar Thermal Power Plant in Iran, Proceedings of Sharjah Solar Energy Conference, 2001.
  58. Zaringchang, J, Aghamohamadi, A. and M. Yaghoubi, Performances of A Solar Water Pump in Southern Part of Iran, , Proceedings of Sharjah Solar Energy Conference, 2001.
  59. Kenary A. and Yaghoubi M., Error Analysis of A Parabolic Solar Collector and Its Effect on The Performances of a Solar Thermal Power Plant, Proc. Of Fifth Int. Mech. Engi. Congress, ISME, Vol. 2, pp.335-342, IRAN, 2001.
  60. Yaghoubi, M. and Gohari, D. Rahnama, M., Turbulent Heat Transfer from Thick Plate with Incident Angle, Proc. of Fifth Int. Mech. Engineering. Congress, ISME, IRAN, Vol. 2, pp.119-127, 2001.
  61. Montazeri, A. and Yaghoubi, M., Numerical Solution of Air Flow Around Domed Roof Buildings by Multi-Grid Method, Proc. Of Fifth Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress, ISME, Iran, Vol. 4, pp.211-218, 2001.
  62. Yaghoubi M., Gohari, Dynamic of Turbulent Flow Around a Finite Thick Plate with Incident Angle, Proceedings of 5th ISIAF Gdansk, Poland, 621-627, 2001.
  63. Amnieh, H. and Yaghoubi, M. Three-dimensional laminar flow around parallel, Thick Plates, Proc. of 9th AFMC, Esfahan, 2002, Iran.
  64. Yaghoubi, M. , Kirkpatrick, P. A., and K. Knappmiller, Ventilation Performances in a Room with Uniform Contaminant Generation over the a Floor, Proc. of 9th AFMC, Esfahan, 2002, Iran.
  65. Yaghoubi, M. , H. Amnieh, Analysis of Laminar Flow and Heat Transfer Around Parallel Thick plates Over a Surface, Submitted to 12th International Heat Transfer Conference.
  66. Taheri M., Yaghoubi M., and Rahimi A., A review on the studies Carried out in Shiraz Universit about Energy Conservation in Buildings, Submitted to The First Fuel Consumption Optimization in Buildings, 2002, Iran.
  67. Yaghoubi, M. Aziziyan, K. and Kenary, A., Effect of Dust Contamination on the Performances of Solar Parabolic Collectors, Proc. of 2nd Mechanical Student Conference, Oromieh, Oct. 2001.
  68. Yaghoubi, M., Aminieh, H. and E. Velayati, Laminar Fluid flow and Heat Transfer from Stacks of Blunt Fins with Finite Length, Proceeding of 6th Congress on Engineering and System Design Analysis, Istanbul, Turkey, 2002.
  69. Yaghoubi, M., Sefidbakht and A. Kenray, Performance Variation of a 250 KW Solar Thermal Power Plant for Various Locations in Iran, Porc. Second Int. Conference on Energy Research and Development, Kuwait, 765.-775, April 2002.
  70. Yaghoubi, M., M. Mortazavi and A. Kenray, Numerical Analysis of Wind Flow Around Domed Roof Buildings, Proc. of 10th ISME congress, Vol. 5, pp.433-440, 2002.
  71. Yaghoubi, M., M. Vazin-Afzal and A. Kenary, Comparative Studies of Various Parabolic Trough Collector, Proceedings Of Energy Conference, Tehran, Iran, 2002.
  72. Yaghoubi, M. Azizian, and M. Rahi, Alternative Application of Solar Power Plant , ISEEE, Izmir, Turkey, 2003.
    Yaghoubi,M, and Mahamoody S., Experimental Study on Separated flows, Proceedings of 9th ISME Conference, Mashhad, Iran, 2003.
  73. Yaghoubi, M. Velayati, E., Three-dimensional turbulent flows around blunt Plates, Proceedings of 9th ISME Conference, Mashhad, Iran, 2003.
  74. Velayati, E. and Yaghoubi, M., Studies of conjugate heat transfer from single cube, Proceedings of 8th Iranian Fluid Dynamic Conference, p.21, Tabriz, Iran, 2003.
  75. Yaghoubi, M and Velayati, Wind flow behavior Around Curved Roof Buildings, Proceedings of 12th ISME Congress, 2004.
  76. Hesami, R. and Yaghoubi, M., Numerical Studies of Convective Heat Transfer from Wavy shape Ducts, Proceedings of 12th ISME Congress, Tehran, May 2004.
  77. Poor-Mahbob, R., Khayatian, A., and Yaghoubi M., Temperature control of the oil Cycle of the Solar Power Plant, Proceedings of 12th Mechanical Engineering Congress, Tehran, p.417, 2004.
  78. Yaghoubi, M., Design of the First Solar Power Plant in Iran, Proceedings of the First Eco-Energy Urumie, Iran, p.123, 2004 (Keynote Speech).
  79. Ghadiri, J., and Yaghoubi, M. Exergy Analysis of the Solar Thermal Power Plant, Proceedings of the First Eco-Energy Urumie, Iran, p.16, 2004.
  80. Yaghoubi, M. and K. Aziziyan, Studies for Solar Energy Applications in Iran based on Predicted Solar Potential, Proceedings of the First Eco-Energy, Urumie, Iran, p.16, 2004.
  81. Yaghoubi, M. and Velayati, E., Analysis of Turbulent Convective Heat Transfer Around a Wall Mounted Cube, Proc. of Int. Mech. Congress,pp.209-217, Kuwait, Dec. 2004.
  82. Yaghoubi M. and Velayati, E. Analysis of Wind Flow Around Various Domes Type Roofs, Proc. Int. Mech. Congress, Kuwait, Dec. 2004.
  83. Yaghoubi, M., Aziziyan, K., Salim-Shirazi, M. and Kanan, P., Shiraz Solar Power Plant Simulation with Heat Exchanger Performance, Proc. of ESDA2004, paper No. 58537, Manchester, England, 2004.
  84. Zeini. M.J., J.M. Eghtesad and M.Yaghoubi, Hybrid Modeling and Switching Control of a Complete Oil Cycle of A Solar Plant, , Proc. Int. Mech. Congress, Kuwait, Dec. 2004.
  85. Heidar A. , Yaghoubi M. and E. Goshtasbirad, Numerical Analysis of Three Dimensional Fluid Flow Around a Mounted Cube with Multigrid Method, Proc. 9th Iranian Fluid Dynamic Conference, p.63, 2005.
  86. Mohamadi, M., Yaghoubi, M., & Goshtasbirad, E., Numerical Simulation of Spray Dryer with Cooling Jacket, Proc. 9th Iranian Fluid Dynamic Conference, p.97, 2005.
  87. Bozrogzad, E. and M. Yaghoubi, Numerical Modeling of Frost formation over a Cold Surface, Accepted for presentation in the 13th Mechanical Engineering Conference, Esfahan, Iran, May 2005.
  88. Naeeni, N. and M. Yaghoubi, Analysis of 3-D Turbulent flow Around a Parabolic Collector, Proc. of 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, p.149, Korea, Sept. 2005.
  89. Samareh, B and M. Yaghoubi, Two-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Wind Flow around a Large Parabolic Collector, , Proc. of 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, , p.151, Korea, Sept. 2005.
  90. Yaghoub, M and M.H. Bahmani, and M. Taheri, Thermal Performance of a Vaulted Roof Building with Wind Blowing Condition, Proc. of the Int. Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical and Material Engineering, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2005.
  91. Salmanpour, M. and M. Yaghoubi, Numerical Simulation of Frost Formation Through a Cold Duct with Fully Developed Turbulent Flow, Proc. of the Int. Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical and Material Engineering, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2005.
  92. Zeini, M.J., Eghtesad, M. Yaghoubi, M., Fuzzy Switching Control of the Complete Oil Cycle of Shiraz Solar Power Plant, Proceedings of Int. Symposium on Energy, Information and Cybernetics, EIC ‘05”, pp.274-379, USA, 2005.
  93. Mohammadi, M. Yaghoubi, and A. Goshtasbi Rad, Simulation of Spray dryer with Cooling Air Jacket by Computational Fluid Dynamics, Proceedings of 2th International Conference on Thermal Engineering: Theory and Applications, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates, p. 49, 2006.
  94. Yaghoubi, M., and S. Arebi, Simulation of turbulent Wind Flow over an Array of Parabolic collectors, ISME Congress, Esfahan, Iran, p.333., 2006.
  95. Naeeni, N. & M. Yaghoubi, Analysis of 3-D Turbulent Wind Around a Parabolic Collector, 2nd IC- SCCE Congress, Athen, Greece, p.67, 2006.
  96. Hridari, A, M. Yaghoubi, & E.Goshtasbi-Rod, Accelerating Simple Algorithm by Multigrid Method 2nd IC-SCCE Congress, Athen, Greece, p.11, 2006.
  97. Diyalameh, M. Yaghoubi, and O. Aboali, Natural Convection Heat Transfer from an array of Horizontal Rectangular Thick Fins, Proceedings, of 14th Mechanical Engineering Congress, Esfahan, p. 150, 2006.
  98. Yaghoubi, M., Ghafari, M., &Pakpor, L., Technology , foresight, comparison of Science and Technology in 30 countries, Proceedings of Futuring, Technology for Development, Amirkiabir University, Khordad ,B1-3, 2006.
  99. Ghafari, M., Yaghoubi, M. & Pakpor, L., Science and Technology Foresight, Proceedings of Futuring, Technology for Development, Amirkiabir University, Khordad ,A-3, 2006.
  100. Salmanpor, M. Yaghoubi, M., Numerical Analysis of frost growth for turbulent flow in a 2-D duct, 13th Int. Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, Book of Abstract p. 25, Australia, 2006.
  101. Yaghoubi, M. and Mokhtari, A., Solar Potential for Solar Power Plant in Iran, Proceedings 1th Int. Conference, Energy Management and Planning, Tehran ,June, 2006.
  102. Taheri, M. and Yaghoubi, M. Books of Articles on the Memorandum of Dr. Bahadori, Academy of Sciences, I.R. Iran, 2006.
  103. Hadavand, M., Yaghoubi, M., Emdad, H., Analysis of two-dimensional turbulent flow around vaulted and flat roofs building, Proceedings of 10th Fuild Dynamic Conference, Yazd, Nov. 2006.
  104. Raeszadeh, F., Yaghoubi, M., Goshtabi Rad, Analysis of turbulent air flow over curved shape roof with hot wire anemometry, Proceedings of 10th Fuild Dynamic Conference, Yazd, Nov. 2006.
  105. Alborzi, H. ,Yaghoubi, M., Hesami, R., and Mirhadi, S., Measurement of a collector modified incident angle by solar radiation flux, Proceedings of PSC-2006, Nov. 2006,Tehran, Iran, pp.2132-2144.
  106. Yaghoubi, M. and Ghaffari, M.M., The rule of the government in science and technology policy, Proceedings of 3th International Congress on Cooperation between Government, Industries and Universities, Dec. 2006, p. 11, Tehran, Iran.
  107. Dialameh,L, M. Yaghoubi, Conjugate natural convection and conduction from an array of cubes on a horizontal surface, Heat-Set 2007 Conference, France.
  108. Hadavand M. and M. Yaghoubi, Thermal exchange of vaulted roofs exposed to solar radiation for various wind directions , Heat-Set 2007 Conference, France.
  109. Mokhtari1, A. , M. Yaghoubi1*, P. Kanan2, A. Vadiee1. R. Hessami1. Thermal and optical study of parabolic trough collectors of Shiraz solar power plant, Abstract is accepted for presentation in The Third Int. Conference on Thermal Engineering, May 2007, Jordan.
  110. Yaghoubi, M., A. Mokhtari and R. Hesami, Thermo-economic Analysis of Shiraz Solar Power Plant, Abstarct acceptede for presentation in The Third Int. Conference on Thermal Enigineering: Theory and Application, Jordan, 2007.
  111. Mokhtari, A. , M. Yaghoubi, S. Chegeni, Thermo-economic Design of Parabolic collector, MEMEC-2007 Middle East Mechanical EXPO Conference and Exhibition, Bahrain, 2007.
  112. Mokhtari, A., M. Yaghoubi, S. Chegeni, Cost reduction schemes for solar thermal power plants with parabolic collectors, First Iranian Conference on Optimiziation of Energy Consumtion, Sajad University, Mashahd, Iran, 2007.
  113. Yaghoubi, M., J. Hejazi and M.M. Ghafari, Aspect of science development and aspect of technology development, Proceedings of IR. Iran Development Program in 1404, Vol. 4, pp. 57-76, 2007(in Persian).
  114. Tooraj Yousefi, Reza Fazeli, Amir hossein Eshtiaghi, Mehdi Ashjaee, Mahmood Yaghoubi, Interferometry and Neural Network Investigation of Natural Convection Heat Transfer from a Cylinder Array and Below an Adiabatic Ceiling, Proceedings of The Second International Conference on Modeling Simulation and Optimization, Abu Dhabi, 2007.
  115. Salmanpour M., and M,. Yaghoubi, Numerical Analysis of Frost Growth for Turbulent Flow in a 2-Dimensional Duct, Proceedings of 13 International Heat Transfer Conference, MPH-01, Australia, 2006.
  116. Aziziyan, K., M. Yaghoubi, S. Morhadi, and R. Hesami, The progresses of construction of Shiraz Power plant, First Iranian Energy Conservation, Mashhad, Iran ,2007.
  117. Mokhtari, A., M. Yaghoubi and P. Kanan, Thermal analysis of Shiraz power plant collector field in summer and Fall, First Iranian Energy Conservation , Mashhad, Iran , 2007.
  118. Mokhtari, A., M. Yaghoubi, S Chegeni, Methods of reducing electricity production cost of solar thermal power plant, First Iranian Energy Conservation, .Mashhad, Iran, 2007.
  119. Yaghoubi,M., M.M. Ghafari, and M. Pakpor, The role of Government in Science and Technology of Japan, Proceedings of Abstracts 12th Conference of Government, University and Industry, Tehran, p.16-17, 2008.
  120. Raiszadeh, F., M. Yaghouhi, E. Goshtasbi-rod, Experimental and Numerical studies of wind flow over arc roofs, Proceedings of 11th Fluid Mechanic Conference, Tehran, Iran, FD2008—1395, 2008.
  121. Choobineh, L., A. Raisi, M. Yaghoubi, Thermal conductivity and heat transfer in a semiconductor nano-tube, Proceedings of CHT-08, International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, Moracco, CHT-08-156, 2008.
  122. Mehdizadeh, M., M. Yaghoubi, Thermal Behavior of series of vaulted and flat roofs exposed to wind flow and solar radiation, Proceedings of CHT-08, International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, Moracco, CHT-08-254, 2008.
  123. Eshtiyaghi, A.H., D. Ehaei, M. Yaghoubi, M. Ashjaee, Free convection from a horizontal array of cylenders beneath an inclined adiabatic ceiling, Proceedings of CHT-08, International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, Moracco, CHT-08-376, 2008.
  124. Mohamadi, A., H.R. Mortazavi, M. Yaghoubi, A new correlation to predict local convection heat transfer in a SI engine, Proceedings of 16th Conference of Mechanical Engineers, Kerman, Iran, 2008.
  125. Kanan, P., A. Mokhtari,H. Pakravan, M. Yaghoubi, Thermal and optical performances of Shiraz Solar Power Plant during a year, Proceedings of 16th Conference of Mechanical Engineers, Kerman, Iran, 2008.
  126. Khoshnezar, H. and M. Yaghoubi, Study of natural frost formation on a horizontal cylinder, Proceedings of 16th Conference of Mechanical Engineers, Kerman, Iran, 2008.
  127. Bahadori, M., M. Yaghoubi, Ethics in Engineering as a Prerequisite for Technical Development of Proceedins of Sciences, Int. Workshop Science and Technology and the Future Development of Societies, The National Research Council Press, pp.117-124, 2008.
  128. Hasan, M. E., Yaghoubi, M., Ragheb, A. M., Improving thermal performances of a counter flow microchannel heat exchanger by using nanofluid, Proceedings of ICTEA-2009, Abu-Dhabi, 2009.
  129. Tahavor, A. R., Yaghoubi, M., Natural convection from a column of cooled horizontal cylinders using ANN, Proceedings of ICTEA-2009, Abu-Dhabi, 2009.
  130. Shaeri, M. R., Yaghoubi, M., Three-dimensional simulation of fluid flow and heat transfer around an array of rectangular fins with incident angle, Proceedings of ICTEA-2009, Abu-Dhabi, 2009.
  131. Yaghoubi, M., Studies of environmental compatible buildings using domed roof architectures for passive cooling in hot arid regions of Iran, AASA Beijing work-shop on Sustainable Energy Development in Asia, PP. 196-210, China, 2008.
  132. K. Aziziana, M. Yaghoubib, J. Ghadiri c Optimal Performance of Shiraz Solar Thermal Power Plant by Exergy Analysis, Proceedings of ICTEA-2009, Abu-Dhabi, 2009.
  133. A. Baghernezhad *a, M. Yaghoubi Energy, exergy and second law performance of parabolic Trough collector integration into combined cycle system (ISCCS), Proceedings of ICTEA-2009, Abu-Dhabi, 2009.
  134. Homayoni, H., M. Yaghoubi, Analysis of natural convection around a cooled horizontal isothermal circular cylinder by local-similarity method, Proceedings of ICTEA-2009, 2009 Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates.
  135. H. Homayoni a, H. Izanb,M. Yaghoubi, Pseudospectral solution of natural convection around a horizontal isothermal circular cylinder, Proceedings of ICTEA-2009, Abu-Dhabi, 2009.
  136. M. Yaghoubi, M.M. Ghafari, Social and cultural skills, in Engineering Education, Proceedings of Engineering Education, Creativity and Innovation, Rasht, (Iran) March, 2009.
  137. M.M. Tavakol, M. Yaghoubi, Air flow analysis over a hemisphere attached on a flat surface with thick boundary layer, Proceedings of 12th Fluid Dynamic Conference, Babol, IRAN, April, 2009.
  138. M.M. Tavakol, M.Yaghoubi, An experimental and numerical investigation of air flow over a wall mounted hemisphere inside a channel, 17th ISME Conference, Tehran, Iran, 2009.
  139. M. Yaghoubi, U. Armodly and P. Kanan, Shiraz Solar power Plant Constructionm and Steam generation, Proceedings of SolarPaces 2009 Conference, Berlin, Germany, Sep. 2009.
  140. A. Baghernejad, M. Yaghoubi, Thermoeconomic Analysis of Parabolic trough Collector Integration into Combined Cycle Syste, Proceedings. of SolarPaces 2009 Conference, Berlin, Germany, Sep. 2009.
  141. M. Yaghoubi, A.R. Tahavvor, An experimental study of frost formation on a horizontal circular cylinder in natural convection flo, Proc. ISMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, Jan., 2010, Mumbai, INDIA.
  142. B. Nabovati, M. Yaghoubi, Experimental study of condensation heat transfer over an inclind tube, Proc. ISMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, Jan., 2010, Mumbai, INDIA.
  143. M. Yaghoubi, H. Khoshnazar, Experimental study of natural frost formation on a horizontal cylinder, 10th AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference, June, 2010, Chicahgo.
  144. M. Yaghoubi, P. Haghi, Numerical analysis of convection heat transfer over multiple roof buildings, 10th AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference, June, 2010, Chicahgo.
  145. A. Baghernejad, M. Yaghoub Genetic algorithm for multi-objective exergetic and economic optimization of parabolic trough collectors integration into combined cycle system (ISCCS), Proceedings of the ASME 2010 10th Biennial Congerence on Engineering System Design and Analysis, Estanbul, Turky, July, 2010.
  146. K. Azizian, M. Yaghoubi, R. Hessami. S. Mirhadi, Shiraz pilot thermal solar mpower plant design, construction, installation and commissioning procedure, Proceedings HEFAT2010.
  147. 7thInternational Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics 19-21 July 2010 Antalya, Turkey.
  148. M. Mahadavi, M. Yaghoub, Experimental study of natural frost formation over a horizontal finned tubes, Proceedings of 13th Fluid Dynamic Conference, Paper 1712, Shiraz, Iran,, October 2010.
  149. HR Gezavati, Mn. Faafar, M. Yaghoubi, M.A. Hedayatizadeh, M. Ghigi, Urban car cabin exposure to carbonmonoxide in Selangorm Mayalysia, International Conference in Sustainable Mobility, Dec. 2010, Kuala Lumpur, 2010.
  150. M. Yaghoubi, K. Azizian, P. Kanan, Analysis, design, construction and performance evaluation of developed Shiraz solar thermal power plant, Proceedings of The role of Hi-Tech in Human Prosperity, Feb, 2011, Kish, Iran, pp. 21-29.
  151. M.M. Tavakol, M. Yaghoubi, Numerical analysis of air flow arpund a wall mounted hemisphere with different turbulence modles, Proceedings of Natinal congference on new technologies in Mechanical Engineering, Feb. 2011, Shiraz, Iran.
  152. A. Rahmatmand, M. Yaghoubi, E. Goshtasbi Rad, Analysis of passive ventilation for curved roof building and comparison with flat roof, Proceedings of 2th National Conference on Industrial Ventialion, Feb. 2011, Tehran, Iran ( in Persian).
  153. M. Mahdavi, M., Yaghoubi, Experimental study of frost formation on finned tube of Industrial cooling systems, Proceedings of 2th National Conference on Industrial Ventilation, Feb. 2011, Tehran, Iran(in Persian).
  154. K. Azizian, M. Yaghoubi, R. Hesami, P. Kanan, Design analysis for expansion of Shiraz solar power plant to 500 kW power generation capacity, Proceedings of World Renewable Energy congress, Linkoping, Sweden, May 2011.
  155. M. Yaghoubi,, S. Zarrini, S. Mirhadi, Optimum integration of a large size collector to a solar thermal power plant, Proceedings of World Renewable Energy congress, Linkoping, Sweden, May 2011.
  156. M.H. Sedaghat, M. Yaghoubi, M.J. Maghrebi, A. Sarreshetdaru, Comparison of convection heat transfer from a horizontal cylinder over an insulated surface from Fluiebt and OpenFoam software, Proceedings of 19th Annual conference of Mechanical Engineering May 2011, Birjand, Iran (in Persian).
  157. A. Rahmatmand, M. Yaghoubi. E. Goshtasbe-rod, 3D numerical analysis of natural ventilation of buildings with dome and flat roofs, 7th International Conference on Computational Heat Transfer, Istanbul, Turkey, July, 2011.
  158. M. Yaghoubi. M. golbahari, R. Rohi, 3D numerical study of combined free and force convection in an inclined channel with heat sources, 7th International Conference on Computational Heat Transfer, Istanbul, Turkey, July, 2011.
  159. M. M. Tavakol, O. Abouali, M. Yaghoubi Heat transfer feature of nanofluid for turbulent impinging jet, 7th International Conference on Computational Heat Transfer, Istanbul, Turkey, July, 2011.
  160. M. Yaghoubi, R. Rohi, A. Dastbelaraki, Numerical analysis of turbulent flow and heat transfer from an array of perforated trapezoidal fins. 7th International Conference on Computational Heat Transfer, Istanbul, Turkey, July, 2011.

Research Projects

  1. Experimental Study of Solar Energy Potential in Shiraz, Founded by Shiraz University, 1983.
  2. Natural Ventilation and Comfort in Passive Cooling Buildings, Founded by Shiraz University, 1985.
  3. Analysis of Heat and Mass Transfer from Humid Air over a Cooled Flat Plate, (with Dr. Kazeminejad), 1992.
  4. A Study Buildings Heating and Cooling Load with Respect to Orientation, (with Dr. Taheri), Founded by Shiraz University, 1994.
  5. A Survey of Engineering Education in the Developed Countries, Founded by Academy of Sciences, 1998.
  6. Design, Construction and Testing of the First 250 KW Solar Thermal Power Plant with Parabolic Solar Trough Collectors in Iran, Founded by Vice Minister in Energy Affairs, Minister of Energy, IRAN, 1996-continues.
  7. Heat and Mass Transfer in Laminar and Turbulent Flows, Founded by Shiraz University, 1997.
  8. Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Recirculating Flows, Founded by Shiraz University Research Council, 2000.
  9. Design and Construction Of 75 m2 Parabolic Trough Collector, Founded by Vice Minister in Energy Affairs, Minister of Power, IRAN, 1996-2001.
  10. Studies of Solar Energy potential in Yasooj, Iran (with Zandehbodi), 2002.
  11. Ethics of Engineers, Iranian Academy of Science, ( with Dr. Bahadori) 2003.
  12. A Survey of Ph.D Education Programs, Team working in Iranian Academy of Science, 2002.
  13. An Appropriate Model for Science and Technology Development Policy with relation to Engineering, Academy of Sciences of I. R. of Iran, 2004 - 2006. 

Given Seminars

Keynote Speeches

  • Fluid Flow Visualization, First Iranian Mechanical Engineering Congress, Tehran University, 1993.
  • Numerical Study of Flow Angle of Attack and Aspect Ratio in Turbulent Flow Around a Rectangular Prism, Bangladash Technical University, 1997.
  • Engineering Education in Iran, Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1998.
  • Solar Power Plant in the World and Iranian 250 kW Solar Thermal power plant, Shahid Abaspor University, 2004.
  • Design and Construction of First 250 kW Solar Thermal Power Plant, Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2004.
  • Solar Energy and Solar Thermal Power Plant, Eco-Energy, Oromieh University, 2004.
  • Solar Radiation and Methods of estimating Solar Potential in Iran, Renewable Energy Work Shop International Center for Science & High Technology & Environmental Science, Dec. Kerman, Iran, 2006.
  • Solar Thermal power plant in the World and Shiraz Solar Power Plant, Renewable Energy Work Shop International Center for Science & High Technology & Environmental Science, Kerman, Iran, Dec. 2006.
  • Design, Construction of Shiraz Solar Power plants, Fuel, Energy and Environment National Congress, May, 2008, Tehran, Iran.
    The state of art in Engineering Education, The first Symposium in Engineering Education, Innovation and Creativity, Rasht, Iran, March 2009.
  • Passive Cooling of Domed Roof Buildings, 2nd International Conference on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, June, 2010, Tehran, Iran. 

Courses Taught

Under Graduate level

  • Thermodynamics
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Heat Transfer
  • Heat and Mass transfer
  • Heat Transfer Laboratory
  • Ventilation and Air-conditioning
  • Heat Exchanger Design
  • Numerical methods
  • Mechanical Systems of Air-conditioning

Graduate level

  • Advance Conduction Heat Transfer
  • Advance Convection Heat Transfer
  • Computational Heat Transfer
  • Solar Energy Engineering

Honors and Awards

  • 1992 Distinguished Professor for the year, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.
  • 1993 Distinguished Professor for the year, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.
  • 1994 Distinguished Professor for the year, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.
  • 1995 Abadi prize, for the best project in optimization of building energy consumption, Ministry of building, Iran.
  • 1996 Distinguished Professor for the year, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.
  • 1997 Research Excellence, Shiraz University.
  • 1998 Distinguished Mechanical Engineering Professor, Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • 1999 High Rank Research Founder of Shiraz University, Shiraz University.
  • 2000 Letter of Research Excellence, Kharzami Prize Organization.
  • 2000 High Rank Research Founder of Shiraz University, Shiraz University.
  • 2001 Chehraye Mondegar, (Iranian Distinguished National Scholars) Radio-Television, Islamic Republic of Iran.
  • 2002 University Award for High University-Industry Grants.
  • 2003 Letter of Award for Research Cooperation with Industry from Fars Electricity Co. Iran.
  • 2003 Letter of Research Excellence , Engineering School, Shiraz University.
  • 2004 Letter of Award for the best MS Advisor in Mechanical Engineering, Iranian Mechanical Engineering Society.
  • 2005 Research Excellence, Shiraz University.
  • 2006 Research Excellence, Mechanical Engr. Dept., Shiraz University
  • 2007 Iranian Distinguished Professor, (Award from the President of I.R. Iran).
  • 2007 Research Excellence of the year, Mechanical Engineering Dept., Shiraz University 2007 Research Excellence of the year, Engineering School, Shiraz University
  • 2008 Book of the year, Award from the President of I.R. Iran
  • 2008 Best book in Mechanical Engineering, Tehran University Award, Tehran, Iran
  • 2008 Best book in Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University, Tehran, Iran
  • 2009 Kharazmi International Award
  • 2009 Islamic Cultural and Educational Award
  • 2009 Fars province award for the 30th year of I.R. Iran science and Technology development
  • 2009 Amirkabir University Award for the best published book in Engineering
  • 2009 Award for best project of 30 years in Fars Province, Local Fars Governor
  • 2009 Research Excellence of the year, Mechanical Engineering School,, Shiraz University
  • 2010 Research Excellence of the year, Mechanical Engineering School,, Shiraz University
  • 2011 Shiraz University Educational Award 

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CV T. Bakhshpoori

Taha Bakhshpoori


Date of birth




Assistant Professor

Program area



+98 (13) 4268-8447                   Fax: +98 (13) 4268-8447 


tbakhshpoori AT



Iran University of Science and Technology




Iran University of Science and Technology

Tehran, Iran



Guilan University

Rasht, Iran


Professional Background

Research Interests

Projects and Activities


Refereed Journals


Professional Background

Assistant Professor

2015- ...

Civil Engineering Department, Guilan University


Research Interests

• Metaheuristics, Artificial intelligence, Soft Computing based techniques, and Machine Learning algorithms and their applications to civil engineering problems
• Model Updating, Metamodelling
Reliability, robust, and risk-based design optimization


  • Metaheuristics: Outlines, MATLAB Codes and Examples, Springer, 2019

Refereed Journals

  1. E Afshari, F Mossaiby, T Bakhshpoori, " On the application of peridynamics to crack detection in membranes using an upgraded metaheuristic." Mechanica. 2022, 1-15.
  2. T Bakhshpoori, AA Abadi, A Cheraghi, M Farhadmanesh, " Performance-Based Seismic Design Optimization of Steel MRFs Under System and Component Constraints Using the IWSA Algorithm." Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering. 2022, 1-20.
  3. T Bakhshpoori, M Masoum Nejad, "Performance evaluation of U-shaped metallic-yielding damper in RC frames irregular in elevation." Modares Civil Engineering journal. 2022, 22(2), 50-75.
  4. E Afshari, F Mossaiby, T Bakhshpoori, "Truss layout and size optimization considering dynamic constraints uisng water evaporation optimization algorithm." IJOCE. 2022, 12 (1), 125-142.
  5. A Kaveh., KB Hamedani, SM Hosseini, T Bakhshpoori, "Optimal design of planar steel frame structures utilizing meta-heuristic optimization algorithms." Structures. 2020, 25, 335-346.
  6. A Kaveh., KB Hamedani, T Bakhshpoori, "Optimal design of reinforced concrete cantilever retaining walls utilizing eleven meta-heuristic algorithms: a comparative study." Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 2020, 64(1), 156-168.
  7. D Pourrostam, SY Mousavi, T Bakhshpoori, K Shabrang, "Modeling the compressive strength of concrete made with expanded perlite powder." International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, 10(2), 2020, 201-215.‎
  8. M. FakhariNia, T. Bakhshpoori, S. Pourzeynal, "The effect of lead rubber bearing sceismic isolator on progressive collapse potential of steel moment frames", Sharif Journal of Civil Engineering, 6(1.1), 2020, 79-90.
  9. R Ghiamat, M Madhkhan, T Bakhshpoori. "Cost optimization of segmental precast concrete bridges superstructure using genetic algorithm", Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2019, 72 (4), 503-512.
  10. M Barkhori, MA Shayanfar, MA Barkhordari, T Bakhshpoori. "Kriging-Aided Cross-Entropy-Based Adaptive Importance Sampling Using Gaussian Mixture", Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, 2019, 43; 81–88.
  11. A Kaveh, T Bakhshpoori, SM Hamze-Ziabari. "Development of predictive models for shear strength of HSC slender beams without web reinforcement using machine-learning based techniques" Scientia Iranica, 2019, 26; (2), 709-725.
  12. P Kakvan, T Bakhshpoori, S Pourzeynali, "The effect of earthquake aftershocks on the steel buildings with irregular plan", Modares Civil Engineering journal, 2019, 19 (1), 0-0.
  13. R Ghiamat, M Madhkhan, T Bakhshpoori. "Optimal operators of genetic algorithm in optimizing segmental precast concrete bridges superstructure",  International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, 2019, 9 (4), 651-670
  14. Z. M. Yaseen, M. T. Tran, S. Kim, T. Bakhshpoori, and R. C. Deo. "Shear strength prediction of steel fiber reinforced concrete beam using hybrid intelligence models: a new approach. " Engineering Structures, 2018; 177, 244-255.
  15. M. Barkhori, M. A. Shayanfar, M. A. Barkhordari, and T. Bakhshpoori. "Kriging-Aided Cross-Entropy-Based Adaptive Importance Sampling Using Gaussian Mixture. "Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, 1-8.
  16. A Kaveh, T Bakhshpoori, SM Hamze-Ziabari, "GMDH-based prediction of shear strength of FRP-RC beams with and without stirrups" Computers and Concrete, 2018; 22(2): 197-207.
  17. A. Kaveh, A. Dadras, and T. Bakhshpoori. "Improved thermal exchange optimization algorithm for optimal design of skeletal structures." Smart Structures and Systems, 2018: 21(3): 263-278.
  18. Hamze-Ziabari, S. M., and T. Bakhshpoori. "Improving the prediction of ground motion parameters based on an efficient bagging ensemble model of M5′ and CART algorithms." Applied Soft Computing, 2018; 68: 147-161.
  19. A Kaveh, T Bakhshpoori, SM Hamze-Ziabari, ''M5'and Mars Based Prediction Models for Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete Containing Fly Ash'', Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 2018, Accepted, (DOI: 10.3311/PPci.10799)
  20. A Kaveh, T Bakhshpoori, SM Hamze-Ziabari, ''Development of predictive models for shear strength of HSC slender beams without web reinforcement using machine-learning based techniques'', Scientia Iranica ,2017, Accepted, (DOI: 10.24200/SCI.2017.4509)
  21. A Kaveh, T Bakhshpoori, SM Hamze-Ziabari, ''Patient rule-induction method for liquefaction potential assessment based on CPT data'', Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2017, Accepted, (DOI: 10.1007/s10064-016-0990-3)
  22. A Kaveh, SM Hamze-Ziabari, T Bakhshpoori, ''Estimating drying shrinkage of concrete using a multivariate adaptive regression splines approach'', International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering. 2018; 8 (2): 181-194.
  23. A Kaveh, SM Hamze-Ziabari, T Bakhshpoori, ''Feasibility of pso-anfis-pso and ga-anfis-ga models in prediction of peak ground acceleration'', International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering. 2018; 8 (1):1-14.
  24. A Kaveh, SM Hamze-Ziabari, T Bakhshpoori, ''Soft computing-based slope stability assessment: A comparative study'', Geomechanics and Engineering, 2018, 14 (3) 257-2697.
  25. A Kaveh, T Bakhshpoori, SM Hamze-Ziabari, ''New Model Derivation for the Bond Behavior of NSM FRP Systems in Concrete'', Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, 2017, 41(3): 249-262.
  26. A Kaveh, SM Hamze-Ziabari, T Bakhshpoori, ''M5'Algorithm for Shear Strength Prediction of HSC Slender Beams without Web Reinforcement'', International Journal of Modeling and Optimization, 2017, 7 (1), 48
  27. A Kaveh, T Bakhshpoori ''An accelerated water evaporation optimization formulation for discrete optimization of skeletal structures'', Computers & Structures, 2016, 177, 218-228.
  28. A Kaveh, T Bakhshpoori. ''An efficient multi-objective cuckoo search algorithm for design optimization''. Advances in Computational Design, 2016, 1(1): 87-103.
  29. A Kaveh, T Bakhshpoori. ''A new metaheuristic for continuous structural optimization: Water evaporation optimization''. Structural Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2016, 00: 1-23.
  30. A Kaveh, T Bakhshpoori. ''Water Evaporation Optimization: A novel physically inspired optimization algorithm''. Computers and Structures, 2016, 167: 69-85.
  31. A Kaveh, T Bakhshpoori, SM Hamze-Ziabari. ''Derivation of New Equations for Prediction of Principal Ground-Motion Parameters using M5' Algorithm''. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2016, 00: 1-21.
  32. A Kaveh, T Bakhshpoori, E. Afshari. ''Hybrid PSO and SSO algorithm for truss layout and size optimization considering dynamic constraints''. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2015, 54(3): 453-474.
  33. A. Kaveh, T Bakhshpoori. ''Subspace search mechanism and cuckoo search algorithm for size optimization of space trusses''. Steel and Composite Structures, 2015, 18(2): 289-303.
  34. A Kaveh, T Bakhshpoori, M Azimi. ''Seismic optimal design of 3D steel frames using cuckoo search algorithm''. Tall and Special Buildings, 2015, 24(3): 210-227.
  35. A Kaveh, T Bakhshpoori, M Barkhori. ''Optimum design of multi-span composite box girder bridges using Cuckoo Search algorithm''. Steel and Composite Structures, 2014, 17(5): 705-719.
  36. A Kaveh, T Bakhshpoori, E Afshari. ''An efficient hybrid Particle Swarm and Swallow Swarm Optimization algorithm''. Computers and Structures, 2014, 143: 40-59.
  37. M A Shayanfar, M Ashoory, T Bakhshpoori, B. Farhadi. ''Optimization of modal load pattern for pushover analysis of building structures''. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2013, 47(1): 119-129.
  38. A Kaveh, M Ilchi-Ghazaan, T Bakhshpoori. ''An improved ray optimization algorithm for design of truss structures''. Periodica Polytechnic (Civil Engineering), 2013, 57(2): 1-15.
  39. A Kaveh, T Bakhshpoori, M Kalateh-Ahani. ''Optimum plastic analysis of planar frames using ant colony system and charged system search algorithms''. Scientia Iranica, 2013, 20(3): 414–421.
  40. A Kaveh, T Bakhshpoori. ''Optimum design of space trusses using cuckoo search algorithm with levy flights''. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology Transaction B- Engineering. 2013, 37(c1):1-15.
  41. A Kaveh, T Bakhshpoori. ''Optimum design of steel frames using Cuckoo Search algorithm with Lévy flights''. Tall and Special Buildings, 2013, 22(13): 1023-1036.
  42. A Kaveh, T Bakhshpoori, M Ashoory. ''An efficient optimization procedure based on cuckoo search algorithm for practical design of steel structures''. International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, 2012, 2(1): 1-14.
  43. A Kaveh, T Bakhshpoori, E Afshary. ''An optimization-based comparative study of double layer grids with two different configurations using cuckoo search algorithm''. International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, 2011, 1(4): 507-520.

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CV E. Salajegheh

Eysa Salajegheh


Date of birth

  12.0 8 . 1951




Program area

Structural Engineering


+98 341 2237001-9                     Ext : 2660


eysasala AT



Civil Engineering

Surrey University




Structural Engineering

Surrey University




Civil Engineering

Iran University of Science and Technology



Professional Qualifications

Topics of Research Interest

 Book Chapters


 Conference Presentations (in Proceedings)

 Honors and Awards

Professional Qualifications

  •  Member of Editorial Board of Int. Journal of Engineering, Islamic Republic of Iran.
  •  Member of Editorial Board of Asian Journal of Civil Engineering.
  •  Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.
  •  Member of the International Society for Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (ISSMO).
  •  Member of the New York Academy of Science.
  •  Member of the Iranian Society of Civil Engineers.
  •  Member of the Iranian Society of Earthquake Engineering.
  •  Member of the founders of the Kerman Journal of Science and Engineering.
  •  Member of the Islamic Republic of Iran Academy of Science.
  •  Member of Executive Committee of the University of Kerman.
  •  Consultant to many Civil Engineering Companies.
  •  Reviewer for 30 professional international journals.
  •  Chosen as chair of sessions for 22 international conferences.
  •  Chosen as referee for publication of 4 books.
  •  Chosen as external examiner for about 40 M.Sc. and Ph.D. thesis examinations.
  •  Chosen as the member of editorial board of about 20 international conferences.
  •  Elected by the people of Kerman City with a population of half a million as the member of Second Kerman City Council with highest votes among 132 candidates for the years 2003-2007 and elected as the chair of the City Council.
  •  Elected by the people of Kerman City as the member of Third Kerman City Council with thirty thousand votes for the years 2007-2011 and elected as chair of the engineering committee.
  •  Elected as the Head of City Councils of Kerman province and Kerman State and member of Higher Council of Iran Provinces, 2007-2011.
  •  Member of the Review and Promotion Boards of Kerman University and Sistan & Balochestan University.
  •  Member of Executive Boards of Vali Asre Rafsanjan University and International Center for Science and Environmental Technology of Kerman.
  •  Member of final referee committee of Khwarizmi International Award.
  •  Member of technical programming of civil engineering committee of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology.
  •  Member of engineering committee of Higher Council of Iran Provinces.
  •   Representative of the Higher Council of Iran Provinces in the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning.
  •  Founder and President of Fazaraz Consulting Engineering Co., Kerman, Iran, 2002.
  •  Designed about 200 different steel and concrete professional projects up to 20 stories for about 500000 squire meters for Fazaraz Co. and a total of one million squire meters over the past 25 years.
  •  Retrofitting and strengthening of 25 steel and concrete buildings from 6 stories to 12 stories with areas of about 100000 squire meters for Fazaars Co.

Topics of Research Interest

  •  Structural optimization.
  •  Analysis and design of space structures.
  •  Optimum design of structures including earthquake resistant design.
  •  Behavior of steel structures.
  •  Soft computing (genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic, neural networks, wavelet theory, wavelet networks, etc.).
  •  Earthquake engineering.
  •  Retrofitting and strengthening of existing


Book Chapters

  1.  E. Salajegheh and A. Heidari, “Optimum design of structures for an induced earthquake”, Chapter of the book “Intelligent Computational paradigms in Earthquake Engineering”, N.D. Lagaros and Y. Tsompanakis (Editors), National Technical University of Athens, Greece, (invited paper), Idea Group Inc., 2006.
  2.  E. Salajegheh, S. Gholizadeh, “Optimal Seismic Design of Structures using Soft Computing Techniques”, in B.H.V. Topping, Y. Tsompanakis, (Editors), “Soft Computing in Civil and Structural Engineering”, Saxe-Coburg Publications, Stirlingshire, UK, Chapter 5, pp 155-178, 2009. doi:10.4203/csets.23.5.


  1. E. Salajegheh and G.N. Vanderplaats, An efficient approximation method for structural synthesis with reference to space structures, Int. J. of Space Structures, 2, 165-175, 1986/87.
  2. G.N. Vanderplaats and E. Salajegheh, An efficient approximation technique for frequency constraints in frame optimization. Int. J. for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 26, 1057-106, 1988.
  3. G.N. Vanderplaats and E. Salajegheh, A new approximation method for stress constraints in structural synthesis, AIAA J., 27, 352-358, 1989.
  4. E. Salajegheh and G.N. Vanderplaats, Efficient optimum design of structures with discrete design variables, Int. J. Space Structures, 8, No. 3, 199-208, 1993.
  5. E. Salajegheh and G.N. Vanderplaats, Optimum design of trusses with discrete sizing and shape variables, Structural Optimization, 6, No.2, 79-85, 1993.
  6. E. Salajegheh, A two level approximation technique for structural optimization, Journal of Engineering, Islamic Republic of Iran, 7, No.2, 85-93, 1994.
  7. E. Salajegheh, Optimum design of plate and shell structures with discrete design variables, Asian Journal of Structural Engineering, 1, No. 1, 1-15, 1995.
  8. E. Salajegheh, Approximate discrete variable optimization of plate structures using dual methods, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An International Journal, 3, No. 4, 359-372, 1995.
  9. E. Salajegheh, Approximate discrete variable optimization of frame structures with dual methods, Int. J. for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 39, No. 9, 1607-1617, 1996.
  10. E. Salajegheh, Optimum design of structures with reference to space structures, Int. J. of Space Structures, 10, No. 4, 205-214, 1995.
  11. E. Salajegheh, Discrete variable optimization of plate structures using dual methods, Computers and Structures, An International Journal, 58, No. 6, 1131-1138, 1996.
  12. E. Salajegheh and J. Salajegheh, Continuous and discrete optimization of dam's outlet gates via penalty approaches and approximation concepts (in Persian), AMIRKABIR Journal of Science & Technology, 8, No. 29, 21-34, 1995.
  13. E. Salajegheh, Discrete variable optimization of plate structures using penalty approaches and approximation concepts, J. of Engineering Optimization, 26, 195-205, 1996.
  14. E. Salajegheh, Optimum design of structures with frequency constraints, Asian Journal of Structural Engineering, 1, No. 3, 243-254, 1995.
  15. E. Salajegheh, Optimum design of plate structures with frequency constraints, Engineering Computations, International Journal for Computer-Aided Engineering and Software, 14, No. 8, 869-882, 1997.
  16. E. Salajegheh, Structural optimization using response approximation and optimality criteria methods, Engineering Structures, 19, No. 7, 527-532, 1997.
  17. E. Salajegheh, Efficient optimum design of structures with frequency response constraints using high quality approximation, International Journal of Engineering, I.R. I., 10, No.2, 61-69, 1997.
  18. E. Salajegheh, Optimum design of plate structures using three point approximation, Structural Optimization, 13, No. 2/3, 140-147, 1997.
  19. E. Salajegheh, Optimum Shape Design of 3-D Continuum Structures using Second Order Approximation, Scientia Iranica, International Journal of Science and Technology, 6, Nos. 3&4, 219-224, 1999.
  20. E. Salajegheh, Optimum design of frame structures using two-point response approximation, Iranian Journal of Science & Technology, 24, No. 1 Transaction B, 1-10, 2000.
  21. E. Salajegheh, Optimum design of structures with high quality approximation of frequency constraints, Journal of Advances in Engineering Software, 31, No. 2, 381-384, 2000.
  22. E. Salajegheh, Optimum design of steel space frames with frequency constraints using three point Rayleigh quotient approximation, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 54, No. 2, 305-313, 2000.
  23. E. Salajegheh and J. Salajegheh, Optimum design of structures with discrete variables using approximation concepts, Journal of Structural Engineering and Mechanics, (submitted).
  24. E. Salajegheh and J. Salajegheh, Continuous-discrete optimization of space structures using approximation methods, Int. J. of Space Structures, 16, No. 4, 237-251, 2001.
  25. E. Salajegheh and J. Salajegheh, Optimum design of structures with discrete variables using higher-order approximation, Journal of Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 191, No. 13-14, 1395-1419, 2002.
  26. E. Salajegheh and J. Salajegheh, Optimum design of space structures with penalty functions and approximate structural analysis, (in Persian), Journal of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, 14, No. 1, 81-91, 2002.
  27. E. Salajegheh and A. Heidari, Dynamic analysis of structures against earthquake by combined wavelet transform and fast Fourier transform, Asian Journal of Structural Engineering, 3, 75-87, 2002.
  28. E. Salajegheh, J. Salajegheh and A. Heidari, Continuous-discrete optimization of structures using approximation methods, Int. J. Engineering, I.R.I., 17 (3), 227-242, 2004.
  29. E. Salajegheh, A. Heidari and S. Saryazdi, Dynamic analysis of structures by fast wavelet transform, International Journal of Science and Technology, (submitted), 2004.
  30. E. Salajegheh and A. Heidari, Optimum design of structures against earthquake by adaptive genetic algorithm using wavelet networks, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 28,277-285, 2004.
  31. E. Salajegheh, A. Heidari and S. Saryazdi, Optimum design of structures against earthquake by discrete wavelet transform, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 62, 2178-2192, 2005.
  32. E. Salajegheh and A. Heidari, Time history dynamic analysis of structures using filter banks and wavelet transforms, Computers and Structures, 83, 53-68, 2005.
  33. E. Salajegheh and A. Heidari, Optimum design of structures against earthquake by wavelet transforms and filter banks, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 34, 67-82, 2005.
  34. E. Salajegheh and S. Gholizadeh, Optimum design of structures by an improved genetic algorithm using neural networks, Advances in Engineering Software, 36,757-767, 2005.
  35. A. Heidari, E. Salajegheh, Time history analysis of structures for earthquake loading by wavelet networks, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering(Building and Housing), 7, 155-168, 2006.
  36. E. Salajegheh, S. Gholizadeh and P. Torkzadeh, Optimum design of structures with frequency constraints using wavelet neural networks, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering(Building and Housing), 8, 97-111, 2007.
  37. A. Heidari, E. Salajegheh, Approximate dynamic analysis of structures for earthquake loading using FWT, International Journal of Engineering, 20, 37-47, 2007.
  38. S. Gholizadeh, E. Salajegheh, and P. Torkzadeh, Structural optimization with frequency constraints by wavelet radial basis function neural networks, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 312, 316-331, 2008.
  39. E. Salajegheh, S. Gholizadeh and M. Khatibinia, Optimal design of structures for earthquake loads by a hybrid RBF-BPSO method, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 7, 13-24, 2008.
  40. E. Salajegheh, S. Gholizadeh and A. Pirmoz, Self-organizing back propagation networks for predicting the moment-rotation behavior of bolted connections , Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 9, 629-645, 2008.
  41. J. Salajegheh, E. Salajegheh, S. M. Seyedpoor, Optimum design of socket joint systems for space structures using second order approximation method, International Journal of Space Structures, 23, 35-43, 2008.
  42. P. Torkzadeh, E. Salajegheh, J . Salajegheh, Efficient methods for structural optimization with frequency constraints using higher order approximations, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 8, 439-450, 2008.
  43. P. Torkzadeh, E. Salajegheh, J . Salajegheh, Optimum design of steel framed structures including determination of the best position of columns, Steel and Composite Structures, 8, 1-17, 2008.
  44. A. Heidari, E. Salajegheh, Wavelet analysis for processing of earthquake records, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 9, 513-524, 2008.
  45. S. Gholizadeh, J. Salajegheh, E. Salajegheh, An intelligent neural system for predicting structural response subject to earthquakes , Advances in Engineering Software, 40, 630-639, 2009.
  46. E. Salajegheh, M. Mashayekhi, M. Khatibinia and M. Kaykha , Optimum Shape Design of Space Structures by Genetic Algorithm , International Journal of Space Structures, 24, 2009, 45-57.
  47. S.M. Seyedpoor, J. Salajegheh, E. Salajegheh, S. Gholizadeh , Optimum shape design of arch dams for earthquake loading using fuzzy inference system and wavelet neural networks , Engineering Optimization, 41, 473-493, 2009.
  48. S. Gholizadeh, E. Salajegheh, Optimal design of structures for time history loading by swarm intelligence and an advanced metamodel , Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , 198, 2936-2949, 2009.
  49. E. Salajegheh, J. Salajegheh, S.M. Seyedpoor and M. Khatibinia, Optimal design of geometrically nonlinear space trusses using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system, Scientia Iranica, 2009 (Accepted)
  50. S.M. Seyedpoor, J. Salajegheh, E. Salajegheh, Shape optimal design of arch dams including dam-water-foundation rock interaction using a grading strategy and approximation concepts, Applied Mathematical Modelling , doi: 10.1016/j.apm.2009.08.005 , 2009.
  51. S. Gholizadeh, E. Salajegheh, Optimal design of structures for earthquake loading by self organizing radial basis function neural networks , Advances in Structural Engineering , 2009. (Accepted)
  52. S.M. Seyedpoor, J. Salajegheh, E. Salajegheh, S. Gholizadeh, Optimal design of arch dams subjected to earthquake loading by a combination of simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation and particle swarm algorithms, Applied Soft Computing, doi: 10.1016/j.asoc.2009.10.014, 2009.
  53. S. Gholizadeh, E. Salajegheh, Optimal seismic design of steel structures by an efficient soft computing based algorithm , Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 66,1, 85-95, 2010.

Conference Presentations (in Proceedings)

  1. E. Salajegheh, Optimum design of double layer grids, Proc. 3rd Int. Conference on Space Structures, held at the Univ. of Surrey, England, H. Nooshin (ed.), Elsevier Applied Publishers, London, 661-668, 1984.
  2. E. Salajegheh, Behavior and design of space structures (in Persian), Proc. Third International Iranian Congress of Civil Engineering, University of Shiraz, Shiraz, Iran, Vol. V, 529-556, 1990.
  3. E. Salajegheh, Efficient optimum design of structures, Proc. 4th Int. Conference on Space Structures, held at the Univ. of Surrey, England, G.A.P. Parke and C.M. Howard (eds), Thomas Telford Services Ltd., London, 1735-1745, 1993.
  4. E. Salajegheh , Structural optimization technique involving discrete design vari­ables, Proc. 2nd Asian-Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics, held at the Univ. of New South Wales, Australia, S. Vallappan, V.A. Pulmano and F. Tin-Loi (eds), Balkema, Rotterdam, 975-980, 1993.
  5. E. Salajegheh, Approximate discrete variable optimization of frame structures with dual methods , Proc. 17th Energy-Sources Technology Conference & Exhibition, held at the University of Texas, USA, ASME 1994, PD.-Vol.61, Tribology Symposium, 81-89, 1994.
  6.  E. Salajegheh, Optimum design of plate and shell structures with discrete design variables, Proc. Second International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Civil Comp Ltd., Edinburgh, Scotland, B.H.V. Topping and M. Papadrakakis (eds), Advances in Structural Optimization, 187-193, 1994.
  7.  E. Salajegheh, Continuous-discrete variables optimization of plate and shell structures using force approximation, Proc. ETCE Energy and Environmental Expo 95, PD-Vol. 72, Tribology Symposium, ASME, Houston, USA, H. Masudi (ed.), 69-78, 1995.
  8.  E. Salajegheh, Optimum design of structures with reference to space structures, accepted for the International Conference on Light Weight Structures in Civil Engineering, Poland, 25-29, September 1995.
  9.  E. Salajegheh and J. Salajegheh, Discrete structural optimization via force approximation and penalty approaches, Proc. 26th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran, S.H. Javadpour & M. Radjabalipour (eds), 355-361, 1995.
  10.  E. Salajegheh, Optimum design of structures with frequency constraints, Proc. of the Second International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Tehran, Iran, M. Ghafory-Ashtiany and F. Nateghi-Alahi (eds), 997-1006, 1995.
  11.  E. Salajegheh, Discrete optimization of plate structures using penalty approaches and approximation concepts, Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, held in Berlin, Germany, P. J. Pahl and H. Werner (eds.), Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 661-667, 1995.
  12.  E. Salajegheh, Discrete optimization of plate structures using penalty approaches and approximation concepts, Proc. of the First World Congress of Structural and Multidisplinary optimization (WCSMO-1), held in Goslar, Germany, N. Olhoff and G.I.N. Rozvany (eds.), Pergamon, U.K., pp. 59-66, 1995.
  13.  E. Salajegheh and J. Salajegheh, Efficient discrete synthesis of skeletal structures with reference to an outlet gate, Proc. Sixth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK, B.H.V. Topping (ed.), Developments in Computational Techniques for Civil Engineering, pp. 221-226, 1995.
  14.  E. Salajegheh, Optimum design of plate structures with frequency constraints, accepted for The First World Conference on Integrated Design & Process Technology, University of Texas at Austin, USA, December 7-9, 1995.
  15.  G.N. Vanderplaats and E. Salajegheh, An approximation method for structural synthesis with discrete sizing and shape variables, using duality theory, AIAA-94-1361-CP, 35th AIAA/ ASME/ ASCE/ AHS/ ASC, Structures, Structural Dynamics and Material Conference, Hilton Head, SC, 417-426, April 1994.
  16.  E. Salajegheh, Optimum design of plate structures using three point approximation, accepted for the Third Biennial Joint Conference on Engineering Systems Design & Analysis (ESDA '96), July 1-4, 1996, Montpellier, France.
  17.  E. Salajegheh, Optimum design of frame structures using two-point force approximation, accepted for the Second International Conference in Civil Engineering on Computer Applications Research and Practice (ICCE-96), 6-8 April, 1996, Bahrain.
  18.  E. Salajegheh, Optimum design of structures with high quality approximation of frequency constraints, accepted for the Third Asian-Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics (APCOM' 96), 16-18 September 1996, Seoul, Korea.
  19.  E. Salajegheh, Structural optimization using response approximation and optimality criteria methods, Proc. of The Fourth Annual Mechanical Engineering Conference of ISME and Second International Mechanical Engineering Conference, H. Emdad (Editor), Shiraz University, Iran, Vol. 4, 769-776, 1996.
  20.  E. Salajegheh, Efficient optimum design of structures with frequency response constraints using high quality approximation, Proc. of the Third International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, (held in Budapest, Hungary), in: Advances in Structural Engineering Optimization, B.H.V. Topping (ed.), Civil Comp press, Edinburgh, 107-113, 1996.
  21.  E. Salajegheh, Discrete optimization of structures by combining branch and bound and multi point approximation, Sixth AIAA/USAF/NASA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, September 4-6, 1996, Bellevue, Washington State, USA, Part 2, Paper No. AIAA-96-4086-CP, 931-940, 1996.
  22.  E. Salajegheh, Optimum design of steel space frames with frequency constraints using three point Rayleigh quotient approximation, International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures (ICASS' 96), 11-14 December 1996, Hong Kong.
  23.  E. Salajegheh, Optimum shape design of 3-D continuum structures using second order approximation, Fourth International Conference on Civil Engineering, Volume 1, Structural Eng. - Earthquake Eng., pp. 20-27, May 4-6, 1997, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
  24.  E. Salajegheh, Optimum design of structures with frequency constraints using second order Rayleigh Quotient approximation, Second World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Zakopane, Poland, May 26-30, 1997.
  25.  E. Salajegheh, Optimum design of plate and shell structures with a three point approximation, International Symposium '97 on Shell and Special Structures, 10 - 11 November 1997, Singapore.
  26.  E. Salajegheh, Optimum design of structures with high quality approximation of frequency constraints, OPTI 97, 8 - 10 September 1997, Rome, Italy.
  27.  E. Salajegheh and O. Sheikholeslam, Optimum design of plate girders with genetic algorithm and simulated annealing (in Persian), Sixth Annual Mechanical Engineering Conference and Third International Mechanical Engineering Conference of the ISME, Tehran, Iran, Volume 3, pp. 1043-1051, 1998.
  28.  E. Salajegheh and Sattar Sheikhi, Optimum design of structures with frequency constraints (in Persian), Second Conference on Earthquake Eng. & Structural Dynamics, Gilan University, Gilan, Iran, 1998.
  29.  E. Salajegheh and A. Rahmani, Optimum design of plate structures with stress and deflection constraints (in Persian), Sixth Annual Mechanical Engineering Conference and Third International Mechanical Engineering Conference of the ISME, Tehran, Iran, Volume 3, pp. 1035-1042, 1998.
  30.  O. Sarmadi, E. Salajegheh and A.A. Maghsodi, P-SYMBOL 68 f "Symbol" Analysis of frame structures (in Persian), Sixth Annual Mechanical Engineering Conference of ISME and Third International Mechanical Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran, 1998.
  31.  E. Salajegheh and A. Heidari, Optimum design of structures against earthquake, (in Persian), Proc. of the Conference on Earthquake and Revenue of Educational Spaces, Shiraz, Iran. pp. 155-164, 1998.
  32.  E. Salajegheh and A. Rahmani, Optimum Shape Design of Three Dimensional Continuum Structures using Two Point Quadratic Approximation, Fourth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, (in: Advances in Computational Structural Mechanics, B.H.V. Topping, Ed.), Edinburgh, Scotland, Civil-Comp Press, pp. 435-439, 1998.
  33.  E. Salajegheh, Optimum design of structures with frequency response constraints using a 3-point function approximation, Eleventh European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, France, September 6-11, 1998.
  34.  E. Eslami, E. Salajegheh and M.R. Shahiri, Multiobjective optimum design of structures by fuzzy approaches, (in Persian), Proc. 28th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Tehran, Iran, 1998.
  35.  M.R. Shahiri, A. Menhaj, E. Salajegheh, Multiobjective optimization by fuzzy approaches, (in Persian), Proc. 28 th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Tehran, Iran, 1998.
  36.  R. Siabi-Shahrivar, A. Menhaj, E. Salajegheh, Optimum design of structures by neural network, (in Persian), Proc. 28 th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Tehran, Iran, 1998.
  37.  E. Salajegheh, A.A. Maghsoudi and M.R. Saeidipour, Optimization of concrete structures, (in Persian), The First Optimization Conference and its Applications, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, 1998.
  38.  E. Salajegheh, A. Tavakoli, Optimum design of steel structures, (in Persian), The First Optimization Conference and its Applications, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, 1998.
  39.  M.R. Shahiri, E. Salajegheh, E. Eslami, Optimum design of structures based on reliability theory fuzzy decision, (in Persian), The First Optimization Conference and its Applications, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, 1998.
  40.  M.R. Shahiri, E. Salajegheh, E. Eslami, Optimum design of structures with fuzzy parameters, (in Persian), The First Optimization Conference and its Applications, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, 1998.
  41.  R. Siabi Shahrivar, E. Salajegheh, E. Eslami, Optimum design of indeterminate structures by neural network, (in Persian), The First Optimization Conference and its Applications, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, 1998.
  42.  E. Salajegheh, M.R. Torkamani, An efficient approximation method for optimum design of plate structures with frequency constraints, (in Persian), The First Optimization Conference and its Applications, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, 1998.
  43.  E. Salajegheh, A.A. Maghsoudi and M. Heidary, Optimization of continuous prestreesed beams, (in Persian), The First Optimization Conference and its Applications, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, 1998.
  44.  E. Salajegheh and H. Saffari and B. Mianabadi, Modification of the effective length factor for open thin cross sections in the laterally restrained frames, (in Persian), Seventh Annual Mechanical Engineering Conference of the ISME, Zahedan, Iran, Volume 2, pp. 781-789, 1999.
  45.  E. Salajegheh and A. Heidari, An effective approach for structural optimization against dynamic loads with frequency constraints, (in Persian), Seventh Annual Mechanical Engineering Conference of the ISME, Zahedan, Iran, Volume 2, pp. 791-798, 1999.
  46.  E. Salajegheh and M.R. Torkamani, An approximation method for optimum design of plate structures with frequency constraints, (in Persian), Seventh Annual Mechanical Engineering Conference of the ISME, Zahedan, Iran, Volume 2, pp. 799-805, 1999.
  47.  E. Salajegheh and A. Heidari, An effective approach for optimum design of structures against earthquake by approximate dynamic analysis, (in Persian), Third International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Tehran, Iran, Volume 3, pp. 335-344, 1999.
  48.  E. Salajegheh and M.R. Torkamani, Optimum design of plate structures with frequency constraints using two point approximation, Seventh International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, (in: Optimization and Control in Civil and Structural Engineering, B.H.V. Topping and B. Kumar, Eds.), Edinburgh, Scotland, Civil-Comp Press, pp. 79-88, 1999.
  49.  A. Heidari, and E. Salajegheh, Optimum design of structures with harmonic support movements, (in Persian), The First Conference of Iranian Society of Civil Engineers, Tehran, I.R. Iran, Vol. 1, pp. 317-324, 1999.
  50.  E. Salajegheh, and J. Salajegheh, Advances in structural optimization, (in Persian), The First Conference of Iranian Society of Civil Engineers, Tehran, I.R. Iran, Vol. 1, pp. 23-37, 1999.
  51.  E. Salajegheh, G. Sattar Shaikhi and A. Heidari, Optimum design of structures with frequency constraints using second order approximation (in Persian), Fifth International Conference on Civil Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran, Vol. 2, pp. 68-74, 2000.
  52.  J. Salajegheh, and E. Salajegheh, Discrete optimization of space structures by penalty functions and approximate analysis, (in Persian), Fifth International Conference on Civil Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran, Vol. 2, pp. 60-67, 2000.
  53.  E. Salajegheh, and A. Tavakoli, Optimum design of steel structures by equivalent static and pseudo dynamic analysis methods, (in Persian), Fifth International Conference on Civil Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran, Vol. 2, pp. 282-289, 2000.
  54.  E. Salajegheh, and A. Heidari, Optimum design of structures by approximate dynamic analysis, (in Persian), Fifth International Conference on Civil Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran, Vol. 2, pp. 52-59, 2000.
  55.  M.R. Mohammadizadeh and E. Salajegheh, Optimum design of steel structures under earthquake loads by penalty functions with discrete variables, (in Persian), Fifth International Conference on Civil Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran, (poster section), 2000.
  56.  E. Salajegheh, and M. Moridi, Optimum design of double layer grids with height and area variables, (in Persian), Fifth International Conference on Civil Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran, (poster section), 2000.
  57.  H. Ebrahimi Farsangi and E. Salajegheh, Topological optimization of double layer grids using genetic algorithms, Fifth International Conference on Civil Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran, Vol. 2, pp. 45-54, 2000.
  58.  M.R. Mohammadi-Zadeh and E. Salajegheh, Optimum design of steel structures by penalty functions with discrete variables, (in Persian), Eight Annual Mechanical Engineering Conference of the ISME, Tehran, Iran, Volume 1, pp. 493-500, 2000.
  59.  E. Salajegheh and J. Salajegheh, Optimum design of structures with discrete variables using approximation concepts, Fifth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, (in: Identification, Control and Optimization of Engineering Structures, G. De Roeck and B.H.V. Topping, Eds.), Edinburgh, Scotland, Civil-Comp Press, pp. 85-93, 2000.
  60.  E. Salajegheh and J. Salajegheh, Continuous-discrete optimization of structures using approximation methods, (in: 8th AIAA/USAF/NASA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, J.F.M. Barthelemy, Ed.), Paper No. AIAA-2000-4752, Long Beach, CA, USA, 2000.
  61.  E. Salajegheh and J. Salajegheh, Optimum design of structures with discrete variables using a hybrid second and third order approximation methods, Fourth World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Dalian, China, June 4-8, 2001 (Proc. Published on CD).
  62.  E. Salajegheh and J. Salajegheh, Optimum design of space structures, First National Conference of Space Structures, Tehran, Iran, 2000 (in press).
  63.  E. Salajegheh and M. Najjar, Optimum design of structures with semi-rigid joints against earthquake, First Iran-Italy Workshop: Earthquake Engineering: Seismic, Vulnerability of Civil Constructions, Tehran, Iran, 2001, (accepted).
  64.  E. Salajegheh and K. Lotfi, Optimum design of structures by combination of genetic algorithm and simulated annealing using approximation concepts, 32nd Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, University of Gilan, (in Persian), 2001, (in press).
  65.  E. Salajegheh, A. Iranmanesh and H. Pouresmaeil, Optimum design of space structures with semi-rigid joints by genetic algorithm and neural networks, (in Persian), 6th International and 10th Annual Mechanical Engineering Conference of the ISME, KNT University, Tehran, Iran, May 2002 (submitted).
  66.  E. Salajegheh and M. Najjar, Optimum design of structures with semi-rigid joints against dynamic loads, EM2002, ASCE, Columbia University, New York, NY, June 2-5, 2002, (submitted).
  67.  E. Salajegheh and K. Lotfi, Optimum design of structures by combining genetic algorithm and simulated annealing using response surface approximation, Proc. Fifth International Conference on Space Structures, 19-21 August 2002, Space Structures Research Centre, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, UK., Thomas Telford, Vol. 1, (eds. G.A.R. Parke and P. Disney), pp. 487-496.
  68.  A. Heidari, E. Salajegheh and S. Saryazdi, Optimization against earthquake by combining genetic algorithm and simulated annealing using wavelet theory, (in Persian), 6th International and 10th Annual Mechanical Engineering Conference of the ISME, KNT University, Tehran, Iran, May 2002, Vol. 4, pp. 2183-2190.
  69.  E. Salajegheh and M. Najjar, Optimum design of structures with discrete variables against dynamic loads, (in Persian), 6th International and 10th Annual Mechanical Engineering Conference of the ISME, KNT University, Tehran, Iran, May 2002, Vol. 1, pp. 100-107..
  70.  E. Salajegheh and A. Heidari, Optimum design of structures against earthquake by an adaptive genetic algorithm using wavelet transform, 9th AIAA/USAF/NASA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, 4-6 Sep. 2002, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (accepted).
  71.  E. Salajegheh, J. Salajegheh and R. Yazdani, Optimum design of offshore structures by simulated annealing under time history analysis, (in Persian), Sixth International Conference on Civil Engineering, Technical University of Isfahan, 2002, (accepted).
  72.  E. Salajegheh, and A. Heidari, Optimum design of tall buildings by approximate dynamic analysis and genetic algorithm, (in Persian), Sixth International Conference on Civil Engineering, Technical University of Isfahan, 2002, (accepted).
  73.  A. Heidari and E. Salajegheh, Approximate dynamic analysis of structures against earthquake by wavelet theory, (in Persian), Sixth International Conference on Civil Engineering, Technical University of Isfahan, 2002, (accepted).
  74.  E. Salajegheh and M. Najjar, Optimum design of steel structures against earthquake with semi-rigid joints, (in Persian), Sixth International Conference on Civil Engineering, Technical University of Isfahan, 2002, (accepted).
  75.  E. Salajegheh and A.R. Lavaee, Optimum design of apace structures by wavelet theory, (in Persian), Sixth International Conference on Civil Engineering, Technical University of Isfahan, 2002, (accepted).
  76.  E. Salajegheh and S. Golizadeh, Optimum design of apace structures by radial basis neural network method and comparison with counter propagation, (in Persian), Sixth International Conference on Civil Engineering, Technical University of Isfahan, 2002, (accepted).
  77.  E. Salajegheh and P. Torkzadeh, Optimum design of tall steel tube buildings, (in Persian), Sixth International Conference on Civil Engineering, Technical University of Isfahan, 2002, (accepted).
  78.  E. Salajegheh, A. Iranmanesh and M. Arabnejad, Study of rigid and semi-rigid joints, (in Persian), Sixth International Conference on Civil Engineering, Technical University of Isfahan, 2002, (accepted).
  79.  A. Pooresmail and E. Salajegheh, Optimum design of space structures with semi rigid joints by nonlinear analysis and genetic algorithm, (in Persian), Sixth International Conference on Civil Engineering, Technical University of Isfahan, 2002, (accepted).
  80.  E. Salajegheh, and A. Heidari, Dynamic analysis of structures against earthquake by an adaptive wavelet, Forth International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Tehran, Iran, 2003 (Paper No. 36 on CD).
  81.  E. Salajegheh, and A. Heidari, Optimum design of structures against earthquake by a modified genetic algorithm using wavelet networks, Forth International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Tehran, Iran, 2003 (Paper No. 92 on CD).
  82.  E. Salajegheh, J. Salajegheh and R. Yazdani, Optimum design of offshore structures by simulated annealing with nonlinear analysis, (in Persian), Forth International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Tehran, Iran, 2003 (accepted).
  83.  E. Salajegheh and A. Heidari, Optimum design of structures against earthquake by wavelet transforms and filter banks, Fifth World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Italy, 19-23 May 2003 (accepted).
  84.  M.R. Ghasemi, E. Salajegheh and A. Ghorbani, Optimum design of steel frames with frequency constraints using wavelet neural networks, Fifth World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Italy, 19-23 May 2003 (accepted).
  85.  E. Salajegheh and S. Gholizadeh, Optimum design of structures by an improved genetic algorithm using neural networks, The Seventh International Conference on the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Civil and Structural Engineering, The Netherlands, Egmond-aan-Zee, 2-4 September 2003, (on CD).
  86.  E. Salajegheh, S. Gholizadeh and A. Lavaea, The comparison of radial basis function and wavelet network in the analysis of towers, First National Congress on Civil Engineering, University of Sharif, Proceedings on CD, (in Persian), (accepted), 2004.
  87.  E. Salajegheh and S. Gholizadeh, Estimation of structural responses against earthquake using RBF and GR neural networks, First National Congress on Civil Engineering, University of Sharif, Proceedings on CD, (in Persian), (accepted), 2004.
  88.  E. Salajegheh and S. Gholizadeh, Time-history analysis of structures against earthquake using neural networks, International Congress on Earthquake (A Memorial of Bam Disaster), Kerman, Iran, Proceedings on CD, (accepted), 2004.
  89.  E. Salajegheh and A. Heidari, Optimum design of structures against earthquake by discrete wavelet neural network, The Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology (CST 2004), Lisbon, Portugal, (on CD), 2004.
  90.  E. Salajegheh and A. Heidari, Approximate dynamic analysis of structures against earthquake by discrete wavelet neural network, The Third International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ICSCS04), Seoul, Korea, (on CD), 2004.
  91.  E. Salajegheh and M. Khageh Zadeh, Optimum Design of Frame Structures against Earthquake using wavelet neural network, Proceedings of National Conference on earthquake, Kerman, Iran, (in Persian), 154-161, 2004.
  92.  E. Salajegheh and A. Eraghi Zadeh, Evaluation of response factor of double layer space structures, Proceedings of National Conference on earthquake, Kerman, Iran, (in Persian),187-195, 2004.
  93.  E. Salajegheh and M. Kaykha, Optimum shape design of double layer domes using genetic algorithms, proceedings of the 6th Conference on Intelligent Systems, (on CD), University of Kerman, Iran, (in Persian), 2004.
  94.  E. Salajegheh and M. Khatibinia, Optimum geometry and support location of dome structures by genetic algorithms, proceedings of the 6th Conference on Intelligent Systems, (on CD), University of Kerman, Iran, (in Persian), 2004.
  95.  E. Salajegheh, M. Mashayekhi, M. Kaykha and M. Khatibinia, Optimum design of space structures using genetic algorithms, proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, (on CD), B.H.V. Topping (editor), Civil-comp press, Stirling, Scotland, 2005.
  96.  J. Salajegheh, E. Salajegheh and S.M. Seyedpoor, Optimum design of socket joint systems for space structures using second order approximation, proceedings of the Tenth International conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, (on CD), B.H.V. Topping (editor), Civil-comp press, Stirling, Scotland, 2005.
  97.  E. Salajegheh and O. Samavat, Dynamic analysis of space structures using wavelet, Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Space Structures, Sahand University, Iran, accepted, 2006.
  98.  E. Salajegheh, Optimum design of structures against earthquake, Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Space Structures, Sahand University, Iran, (invited paper), 2006.
  99.  E. Salajegheh, J. Salajegheh and S. Gholizadeh, Structural optimization against earthquake using neural networks and genetic algorithm, proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, (on CD), B.H.V. Topping, G. Montero and R. Montenegro, (Editors), Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, United Kingdom, 2006.
  100.  J. Salajegheh, E. Salajegheh, S. Gholizadeh and S.M. Seyedpoor, Optimum design of arch dams with frequency constraints using wavelet neural networks, proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, (on CD), B.H.V. Topping, G. Montero and R. Montenegro, (Editors), Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, United Kingdom, 2006.
  101.  S. Gholizadeh, E. Salajegheh, Intelligent neural system for predicting structural responses, proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology (on CD), B.H.V. Topping, G. Montero and R. Montenegro, (Editors), Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, United Kingdom, 2006.
  102.  E. Salajegheh and S. Gholizadeh, Designing of a new neural network for engineering applications, Proceedings of the 7th ICCE, Tarbiat Modarres University, Iran, (in Persian), May 8-10, 2006.
  103.  E. Salajegheh and S. Gholizadeh, Comparison of RBF, GR and BP with wavenet back propagation neural networks in approximation dynamic analysis of structures, Proceedings of the 7th ICCE, Tarbiat Modarres University, Iran, May 8-10, 2006.
  104.  E. Salajegheh and M. Sadeghi and A. Farbod, Effect of employing the exact response spectrum of a specific earthquake on the pushover analysis results, Proceedings of the 7th ICCE, Tarbiat Modarres University, Iran, (in Persian), 2006.
  105.  E. Salajegheh, J. Waseghi Amiri and H. Pour esmaeali, Optimum design of space structures with semi rigid joints by genetic algorithm and neural networks, Proceedings of the 7th ICCE, Tarbiat Modarres University, Iran, (in Persian), 2006.
  106.  E. Salajegheh, S. Gholizadeh, O.A. Samavati, Optimal design of structures subjected to earthquake using artificial intelligence and wavelet transforms , Proceedings of the 7th World Congresses of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, COEX Seoul, Korea, 2007.
  107.  J. Salajegheh, E. Salajegheh, S. Gholizadeh, S.M. Seyedpoor, Optimum Shape Design of Arch Dams Subjected to Response Spectrum Loading using Artificial Intelligence Methods, Proceedings of the 7th World Congresses of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, COEX Seoul, Korea, 2007.
  108.  E. Salajegheh, S. Gholizadeh, Optimization of structures for earthquake loads by a self-organizing neural system, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering (on CD), B.H.V. Topping, (Editors), Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, United Kingdom, 2007.
  109.  J. Salajegheh, E. Salajegheh, S.M. Seyedpoor, S. Gholizadeh, Optimum Design of Arch dams using a Combination of Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation and Genetic Algorithms, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering (on CD), B.H.V. Topping, (Editors), Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, United Kingdom, 2007.
  110.  E. Salajegheh, S. Ghaderi Sohi, A. Mohammadi, A new method for dynamic analysis of structures using cellular automata, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES), Tehran, Iran, 2007.
  111.  E. Salajegheh, S. A. Mohammadi, Ghaderi Sohi, Optimum automated performance based design of concentric steel braced frames , Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES), Tehran, Iran, 2007.
  112.  E. Salajegheh, S. Ghaderi Sohi, A. Mohammadi, Optimal design of space structures using cellular automata, Proceedings of the 3rd National Conference on Civil Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, (In Persian), 2007.
  113.  E. Salajegheh, A. Heidari, M.A. Sherafati, Dynamic analysis of structures using fast wavelet transforms, Proceedings of the 3rd National Conference on Civil Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, (In Persian), 2007.
  114.  A. Heidari, E. Salajegheh, A. Esmailzadeh, Eigen value analysis of plates using radial basis function neural networks, Proceedings of the 3rd National Conference on Civil Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, (In Persian), 2007.
  115.  E. Salajegheh, A. Ghorbani, F. Ajdari, Approximation of fundamental period of double layer space structures for vertical vibration, Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Space Structures, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, (In Persian), 2007.
  116.  F. Ajdari, A. Ghorbani, E. Salajegheh, An investigation on behavior factor of double layer space structures subjected to vertical loads, Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Space Structures, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, (In Persian), 2007.
  117.  A. Ghorbani, F. Ajdari, E. Salajegheh, Determining of the behavior factor of single layer barrel vaults subjected to vertical loads, Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Space Structures, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, (In Persian), 2007.
  118.  R. Kamali Salehabad, E. Salajegheh, M.H. Bagheripoor, Determination of the response spectrum for the vertical component of earthquake and its application for space structures, Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Space Structures, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, (In Persian), 2007.
  119.  E. Salajegheh, M. Ghalenoii, M. Layeghrafat, system identification of single layer space structures subjected to earthquake, Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Space Structures, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, (In Persian), 2007.
  120.  E. Salajegheh, A. Rasekhi, S.M. Seyedpoor, Optimum design of akam joints of space structures, Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Space Structures, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, (In Persian), 2007.
  121.   J. Salajegheh, E. Salajegheh, S.M. Seyedpoor and S. Gholizadeh, Optimum design of arch dams including hydrodynamic effects for earthquake loading using the simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation methodm, The Ninth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology (on CD), B.H.V. Topping, (Editors), Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, United Kingdom, 2008.
  122.  E. Salajegheh, H. Habib Aghahi, Performance based design of RC frames, 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2008.
  123.  E. Salajegheh, S. Ghaderi Sohi, A. Mohammadi, Nonlinear dynamic analysis of structures using cellular automata, 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2008.
  124.   J. Salajegheh, E. Salajegheh, S.M. Seyedpoor and S. Gholizadeh, arch dam optimization considering fluid-structure interaction with frequency constraints using artificial intelligent methods, 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2008.
  125.  E. Salajegheh, A. Mohammadi, S. Ghaderi Sohi, Optimum performance based design of concentric steel braced frames, 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2008.
  126.  E. Salajegheh, S. Gholizadeh, Metamodeling based Structural Optimisation for Earthquake Loading, in B.H.V. Topping, Y. Tsompanakis, (Editors), "Proceedings of the First International Conference on Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 30, 2009. doi:10.4203/ccp.92.30

Honors and Awards

  • Chosen as the "Distinguished Professor" of Kerman University in 1990 and was presented an award by the Chancellor of the University.
  • Chosen as the "Distinguished Researcher" of Kerman University in 1995 and was presented an award by the Chancellor of the University.
  • Chosen as the "Distinguished Researcher" of Iranian Society of Civil Engineers in 1996 and was presented an award by the Minister of Housing and Planning.
  • Chosen as the "Distinguished Researcher" of the 2nd. Scientific and Cultural Festival of Kerman Province in 1997 and was presented an award by the Chancellor of Kerman University.
  •  Chosen as the "Distinguished Researcher" of the 3rd. Scientific and Cultural Festival of Kerman Province in 1998 and was presented an award by the Governor of Kerman.
  •  Chosen as the "Distinguished Professor" of the Universities of Iran by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in 1998 and was presented an award by the President of Iran.
  •  Biographical Data published in the 15th Edition of Marquis Who's Who in the World, USA, 1998.
  •  Biographical Data published in the Twenty-Seventh Edition of Dictionary of International Biography, IBC, Cambridge, England, 1999.
  •  Chosen as the "Distinguished Professor" of Kerman University in 2001 and was presented an award by the Minister of Science, Research and Technology.
  •  Biographical Data published in the Asian/American Who's Who, India, 2001.
  •  Presented an award by the Chancellor of Kerman University and Vice Minister of Science, Research and Technology for organizing a National Short Course on Space Structures, 2001.
  •  Chosen as the "Distinguished Researcher" of Kerman University in 2001 and was presented an award by the Chancellor of the University.
  •  Chosen as the "Man of the Year 2001" by American Biographical Institute (ABI).
  •  Winner of the Afzalipour Prize, an award was presented by the Minister of Science, Research and Technology, University of Kerman, Iran, 2005.
  •  Biographical Data published in the 2005 Edition of Who’s Who in Computational Science and Engineering, Saxe-Coburg Publications, UK, ISBN 1-874672-18-0, 2005.
  •  Chosen as the "Distinguished Researcher" of the Scientific and Cultural Festival of Kerman Province in 2007 and was presented an award by the Governor of Kerman.   

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CV MP. Saka

Mehmet Polat Saka


Date of birth





Program area

  Structural Engineering


  +90 312 210 2382             Fax : +90 312 210 4462


  mpsaka AT

Education and Qualifications



  University of Aston in Birmingham

  Birmingham, U.K.




  Istanbul Technical University

  Istanbul, Turkey




  Istanbul Technical University

  Istanbul, Turkey



  Administrative Duties

  College Level

  University Level

  Courses Taught

  Academic Experience

  Short Courses

  Financed Research Projects Undertaken

  Membership in Scientific and Professional Societies

  Membership of Editorial Boards

  International Refereed Journal

  Proceedings of International Conferences

  Technical Reports



Administrative Duties

Departmental Level

At The Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering of University of Bahrain

  • Head of Departmental Accreditation Committee (2011-present)

  At the Department of Engineering Sciences of Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

  • Assistant Head of Department (February, 2006-present)
  • Member of Academic Program development Committee (2005-present)
  • Member of Planning and Self Evaluation Committee (2005-present)

  At The Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering of University of Bahrain

  • Prepared the new Associate Diploma Program for Civil Engineering (2001)
  • Prepared the new B.Sc. Program for Civil Engineering (1998)
  • Coordinator of M.Sc. Program in Civil Engineering (1992-2005)
  • Coordinator of Civil Engineering Section of the Department (2003-2005)
  • Chairman of Research and Graduate Committee (1986-1998)
  • Chairman of Academic Committee (1996-2001)
  • Chairman of Academic Standards Committee (1984-1992)
  • Chairman of Self-Evaluation Committee (1991-1992)
  • Coordinator of Structures Laboratory (1984-1990)-(1997-2005)
  • Coordinator of Microcomputer Laboratory (1986-1996)
  • Coordinator of Senior Projects (1984-2000)
  • Acting Head of Department (27th March-4th April 1988)

  College Level

  At The College of Engineering of University of Bahrain

  • Member of College Council (1993-2003)
  • Secretary to The College Council (2003-2005)
  • Chairman of College Academic Staff Promotion Committee (1990-2001)
  • Member of College Self Evaluating Committee (1993-1994)
  • Chairman of College Research Committee (1989-1991)
  • Member of College Academic Standards Committee (1992-1993)
  • Member of College Postgraduate Committee (1992-1998)
  • Prepared rules and regulations for Ph.D. program in the College of Engineering (1997)
  • Advisor to the Dean for the promotion of Academic Staff Promotion (2003-2005)

  University Level

  At The University of Bahrain

  • Member of University Research Council (1989-1991)
  • Representative of College of Engineering in the University Academic Staff Promotion Committee (1993-2001)
  • Invited by the Dean of College of Business to take part in the College Council Promotion Committee for the promotion cases of two of their academic staff (22-23 June 2002)

  Courses Taught

  Postgraduate Level:

  • Matrix Analysis of Structures
  • Nonlinear Analysis of Structures
  • Plastic Design of Structures
  • Advanced Steel Design
  • Advanced Mechanics of Materials
  • Optimization Techniques
  • Structural Stabilit
  • Elastic Stability
  • Advanced Numerical Methods in Engineering
  • Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Project Management

  Undergraduate Level:

  • Statics
  • Structural Analysis I and II
  • Structural Mechanics I and II
  • Steel Design I and II
  • Timber Design
  • Computer Applications in Civil Engineering
  • Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering
  • Computing Methods in Engineering
  • Computer Programming
  • Engineering Management and Operations Research
  • Senior Projects
  • Diploma Projects

  Academic Experience

  • Professor: Middle East Technical University, 2005- present .
  • Professor: University of Bahrain, Bahrain, 1993-2005 .
  • Associate Professor: University of Bahrain, Bahrain, 1984-1993 .
  • Associate Professor: Black Sea Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey, 1982-1984 .
  • Assistant Professor: Black Sea Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey, 1978-1982 .
  • Research Fellow : University of Aston in Birmingham, Birmingham, U.K., 1977-1978 .
  • Assistant Professor: Black Sea Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey, 1975-1977 .
  • Graduate Assistant: Black Sea Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey, 1969-1971 .

  Short Courses

  • Optimum design of Structures, 3 days course taught at the University of Yildiz Istanbul, August 1979
  • O ptimization Techniques, 15-days course taught in Postgraduate program of University of Firat, Elazig, Turkey, 1980
  • Microcomputer Analysis of Structures, 7-days course offered twice to practicing civil engineers in Bahrain in 1988 and 1992.
  • Design of Steel Structures According to BS 5950, 7-days course offered to practicing civil engineers in Bahrain, 1992 and repeated in 1998
  • Design of Steel Industrial Structures according to BS5950, 5-days course offered to practicing civil engineers in Bahrain,14-18 November 1998

 Financed Research Projects Undertaken

  • B. H. Ahmadi and M.P. Saka, Improvement and Cost Saving for Composite Wood-Concrete Floor Construction in Bahrain,Technical Report No. 18, Research Sponsored by Bahrain Center for Studies and Research, November 1991, Bahrain .
  • M.P. Saka, İ. Aydoğdu and A. Akın, Optimum Design of Steel and Reinforced Concrete Structures under Earthquake Loads, Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council (TUBITAK), Ankara, Turkey, Project No: 106M490, (50000US $), Started on: 1st February 2007, To be Completed on: 1st February 2009 .
  • O. Hasançebi, M.P. Saka, Ö.Kurç, S. Çarbaş, E. Doğan, F. Erdal, T. Bahçecioğlu, Optimum Design of 3-D Steel Frames using Stochastic Optimization Techniques and Applications in Structural Engineering in Turkey, Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council (TUBITAK), Ankara, Turkey, Project No: 108M070,(90000US $), Started on: 1st June 2008, To be Completed on: 1st December 2010 .

  Membership in Scientific and Professional Societies

  • Member of American Society of Civil Engineers (January 1991-present, ID # 284101) .
  • Member of the Association for International Cooperation and Research in Steel -Concrete Composite Structures, (January 1989-present) .
  • Member of International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering,(January 1997-present) .
  • Member of International Society for Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, (January 1994-present) .
  • Member of Asian Center for Engineering Computations and Software, Asian Institute of Technology, (May 1996-present, ID # D51-0450-1096) .
  • Member of Society of Civil Engineers, Turkey, (January 1970-present) .
  • Member of Center of

  Membership of Editorial Boards

  International Journals:

  • International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, (2011-present).

  • The Centre of Excellence for Fundamental Studies in Structural Engineering, (2009-present).

  • Computers and Structures, An International Journal, (2009-present) .
  • Design Optimization: International Journal for Product and Process Improvement, UK, (1999-2000) .
  • International Journal of Structural Engineering Review, U.K. (1995-1997) .
  • Asian Journal of Structural Engineering, Iran, (1995-1996) .
  • Asian Journal of Civil Engineering (Building and Housing), Iran, (1999-present) .
  • The Open Civil Engineering Journal, Bentham Science Publishers, USA, (2007-Present) .
  • The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal, Bentham Science Publishers, USA, (2007-Present) .

  International Conferences:

  • The First International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, 20-22 August 1991, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, U.K.
  • The Fifth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing and Artificial Intelligence, CIVIL-COMP 93, 17th-19th August 1993, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, U.K.
  • The Sixth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing and Artificial Intelligence, CIVIL-COMP 95, 28th-30th August 1995, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K.
  • The Mouchel Centenary Conference on Innovation in Civil and Structural Engineering, 19th-21st August 1997, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K.
  • The Fifth International Conference on Computer Aided Optimum design of Structures OPTI-97, 8th-10th September 1997, Rome, Italy .
  • The International Conference on Intelligent Information Systems, 8th-10th December 1997, Nassau, Bahamas .
  • The Seventh International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing and Artificial Intelligence, CIVIL-COMP 99, 13-15 September 1999, University of Oxford, Oxford, U.K.
  • MSMS 2001, Second International Conference on Mechanics of Structures, Materials and Systems, 14-16 February 2001, University of Wollongong, Australia .
  • The Eight International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing and Artificial Intelligence, CIVIL-COMP 2001, 19-21 September 2001, Eisenstadt, nr Vienna, Austria .
  • The Ninth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, CIVIL-COMP 2003, 2-4 September 2001, Egmond-aan-Zee, The Netherlands .
  • The Tenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing and Artificial Intelligence, CIVIL-COMP 2005, 30th August- 2nd September 2005, Rome, Italy.
  • The Eighth International Concrete Conference & Exhibition, Concrete in Hot & Aggressive Environments, 27th-29th November 2006, Bahrain Society of Engineers, Bahrain .
  • The Eleventh International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing and Artificial Intelligence, CIVIL-COMP 2007, 18th – 21st September 2007, St. Julians, Malta.
  • The Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing and Artificial Intelligence, CIVIL-COMP 2009, 1st – 4th September 2009, Madeira, Portugal.
  • The Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, CST 2009, 14-17 September 2010, Valencia, Spain .

  National Conferences:

  • The Second National Conference on Steel structures, Chamber of Civil Engineers Eskişehir Branch, 3-4 May 2007, Eskişehir, Turkey .

  International Refereed Journal

  1. K.I. Majid, M.P. Saka and T. Celik, The Theorems of Structural Variation Generalized for Rigidly Jointed Frames, Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers, London, Vol. 65, Dec., pp: 839-856, 1978 .
  2. K.I.Majid, P. Stojanovsky and M.P. Saka, Minimum Cost Topological Design of Steel Sway Frames, The Structural Engineer, Vol. 58 B, March, No.1, pp:14-20, 1980 .
  3. M.P. Saka, Shape Optimization of Trusses, Journal of Structural Division, ASCE Vol. 106, ST5, May, pp:1155-1174, 1980 .
  4. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Rigidly Jointed Frames, J. of Computers and Structures, Vol. 11, No. 5, May, pp:411-419 . , 1980 .
  5. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Nonlinear Space Trusses, J. of Computers and Structures, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp:545-551, 1988 .
  6. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Pin Jointed Steel Structures with Practical Applications, J. of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 116, No.10,Oct. pp:2599-2620, 1990 .
  7. M.P. Saka, Optimum Geometry Design of Roof Trusses by Optimality Criteria Method, J. of Computers and Structures, Vol. 38, No.1, pp:83-92, 1991 .
  8. M.P. Saka and M. S. Hayalioglu,Optimum Design of Geometrically Nonlinear Elastic-Plastic steel Frames, J . of Computers and Structures, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp:329-344, 1991 .
  9. M.P. Saka, Finite Element Application of Theorems of Structural Variation, J. of Computers and Structures, Vol. 41, No.3, pp:519-530, 1991 .
  10. M.P. Saka and M. Ulker, Optimum Design of Geometrically Nonlinear Space Trusses, J. of Computers and Structures, Vol. 41, No. 6, pp:1387-1396, 1991 .
  11. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Steel Frames with Stability Constraints, J. of Computers and Structures, Vol. 41, No. 6, pp:1365 - 1377, 1991 .
  12. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Multi-story structures with Shear Walls, J. of Computers and Structures, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp:925-936, 1992 .
  13. M. S. Hayalioglu and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Geometrically Nonlinear Elastic-Plastic Steel Frames with Tapered Members, J. of Computers and Structure, Vol. 44, pp: 915-924, 1992 .
  14. B. Ahmadi and M.P. Saka, Behavior of Composite Timber Concrete Floors, J. of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 119, Nov., pp:3111-3130, 1993 .
  15. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Steel Frames with Tapered Members, J. of Computers and Structures, Vol.63, No. 4, pp. 797-811, 1996 .
  16. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Grillage Systems Using Genetic Algorithm, Journal of Computer aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 13, pp:223-238, 1998 .
  17. M.P. Saka and E. Kameshki, Optimum Design of Nonlinear Elastic Framed Domes, Journal of Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 29, No.7-9, pp.519-528, 1998 .
  18. M.P. Saka, The Theorems of Structural Variation for Solid and Cubic Elements, Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 68, pp:89-100, 1998.
  19. M.P. Saka and E. Kameshki, Optimum Design of Unbraced Rigid Frames Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 69, pp:433-442, 1998 .
  20. S. S. Al-Mosawi and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Single Core Shear Walls Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 71, No.2, pp:143-162, 1999 .
  21. S. Weld Ali and M.P. Saka, Optimum Geometry and Spacing Design of Roof Trusses According to BS5950 Using Genetic algorithm, Design Optimization, International Journal for Product and Process Improvement, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp.198-219, 1999 .
  22. U. Uzman, A. Daloglu and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Parabolic and Circular Arches with Varying Cross-Section, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An International Journal, Vol. 8, No. 5, Nov., pp.465-476, 1999 .
  23. M.P. Saka, The theorems of Structural Variation for Grillage systems, Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 77, pp:413-421, 2000 .
  24. S.S. Al-Mosawi and M.P. Saka, Optimum Shape Design of Cold-Formed Thin- Walled Steel Sections, Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 31, No. 11, pp:851-862, 2000 .
  25. M.P. Saka, A. Daloglu and F. Malhas, Optimum Spacing Design of Grillage Systems using Genetic Algorithm, Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 31, No. 11, pp:863-873, 2000 .
  26. A. Sanad and M.P. Saka, Prediction of the Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams by Artificial Neural Networks, Journal of Structural Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 127, No. 7, pp:818- 828, 2001 .
  27. E. S. Kameshki and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Nonlinear Steel Frames with Semi-Rigid Connections Using a Genetic Algorithm, Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 79, pp:1593-1604, 2001 .
  28. E.S. Kameshki and M.P. Saka, Genetic Algorithm Based Optimum Bracing Design of Non-Swaying Tall Frames , Journal of Constructional Steel Research, An International Journal, U.K., Vol. 57, pp:1081-1097, 2001 .
  29. E.S. Kameshki and M.P. Saka, Genetic Algorithm Based Optimum Design of Nonlinear Steel Frames with Various Semi-Rigid Connections, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, An International Journal, U.K., Vol. 59, 1,pp:109-134, 2003 .
  30. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Pitched Roof Steel Frames with Haunched Rafters by Genetic algorithm, Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 81,pp:1967-1978, 2003.
  31. I. Amayreh and M.P. Saka, Failure Load Prediction of Castellated Beams Using Artificial Neural Networks, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp:35-54, 2005 .
  32. M.P. Saka, The theorems of structural variation for rectangular finite elements for plate flexure, J. of Computers and Structures, Vol. 83, pp:2442-2452, 2005 .
  33. M.P. Saka, Discussion of Design of Steel frames Using Ant Colony optimization by C. V. Camp, B. J. Bichon and S. P. Stovall, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 132, No. 7, July, pp:1179-1180, 2006.
  34. A. A. Khalaf and M.P. Saka, Evolutionary Structural Design of Steel gusset plates, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, An International Journal, U.K., Vol. 63, pp: 71-81, 2007. 
  35. E.S.Kameshki and M.P. Saka, Optimum Geometry Design of Nonlinear Braced Domes using Genetic Algorithm, Computers and Structures, An International Journal, Vol. 85, 1-2, 71-79, 2007. 
  36. M.P. Saka, Optimum Geometry Design of Geodesic Domes Using Harmony search Algorithm, Advances in Structural Engineering, An International Journal, Vol. 10, No.6, 595-606, 2007. 
  37. M.P. Saka, Optimum Topological Design of Geometrically Nonlinear single Layer Latticed Domes Using Coupled Genetic Algorithm, Computers and Structures, An International Journal, Vol. 85, 21-22, 1635-1646, 2007.
  38. S. O. Degertekin, M.P. Saka, M. S. Hayalioglu, Optimal Load and Resistance Factor Design of Non-Linear Steel Space Frames via Tabu Search and Genetic Algorithm, Engineering Structures, Vol. 30, 197-205, 2008.
  39. F. Erdal and M.P. Saka, Effect of Beam Spacing in the Harmony search based optimum design of grillages, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 9, No: 3, 215-228, 2008 .
  40. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Steel Swaying Frames To BS5950 Using Harmony Search Algorithm, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, An International Journal, Vol. 65, No. 1, 36-43, 2009 .
  41. S. Carbas and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Single Layer Network Domes Using Harmony Search Method, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 10, No: 1, 97-112, 2009.
  42. M.P. Saka and F. Erdal, Harmony Search Based Algorithm for The Optimum Design of Grillage Systems To LRFD-AISC, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 38, No: 1, 25-41, 2009.
  43. O. Hasançebi, S. Çarbaş, E. Doğan, F. Erdal, M.P. Saka, Performance evaluation of metaheuristic search techniques in the optimum design of real size pin jointed structures, Computers and Structures, An International Journal, Vol. 87, No: 5-6, 284-302, 2009.
  44. O. Hasançebi, F. Erdal and M.P. Saka, Optimum design of geodesic steel domes under code provisions using metaheuristic techniques, International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 2, 88-103, 2009.
  45. E. Doğan, O. Hasançebi and M.P. Saka, A Refinement of Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization for Large-Scale Truss Structures, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 3, 321-334, 2009.
  46. O. Hasançebi, S. Çarbaş and M.P. Saka, Improving the Performance of Simulated Annealing in Large-Scale Structural Optimization, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 41, 2, 189-203, 2010.
  47. O. Hasançebi, F. Erdal and M.P. Saka, An Adaptive Harmony Search Method for Structural Optimization, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, (Accepted for publication), 2010.
  48.   O. Hasançebi , S. Çarbaş, E. Doğan, F. Erdal, M. P. Saka, Comparison of Non-Deterministic Search Techniques in The Optimum Design of Real Size Steel Frames, Computers and Structures, An International Journal, 88, 17-18, 1033-1048, 2010.

  49.  E. Doğan and M. P. Saka, Optimum Design of Unbraced Steel Frames to LRFD-AISC Code Using Particle Swarm Optimization, Advances in Engineering Software, (Accepted for Publication), 2011.

  50.  F. Erdal, E. Dogan and M. P. Saka, Optimum design of cellular beams using harmony search and particle swarm optimizer, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 67, 2, 237-247, 2011.

  51.  İ. Aydoğdu and M. P. Saka, Ant colony optimization of irregular steel frames including effect of warping, Advances in Engineering Software, (Accepted for Publication), 2011.

  52.  O. Hasançebi, T. Bahçelioğlu, Ö. Kurç and M. P. Saka, Optimum Design of High-rise Steel Buildings Using an Evolution Strategy Integrated Parallel Algorithm, Computer and Structures, An International Journal, (accepted for publication), 2011.

  53.  S. Carbas and M. P. Saka, Optimum topology design of various geometrically nonlinear latticed domes using improved harmony search algorithm, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, (accepted for publication), 2011.

 Publications Under Review

  • M. P. Saka and Z. W. Geem, “Mathematical Modeling for design optimization of steel frames: A Review”, Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, T-11-0112, 2011.

 Special Lecture and Keynote speaker

  1. Invited to give a special lecture in the Ninth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, 2-4 September 2003, Egmond-aan-Zee, The Netherlands, titled “Optimization Design of Skeletal Structures- A Review”.
  2. Invited to give a special lecture in the Eleventh International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, 18-21 September 2007, St. Julians, Malta, titled “Optimum Design of Steel frames Using Stochastic Search Techniques- A Review”.
  3. Keynote Speech titled “Optimum Design of Steel Skeletal Structures Using Natural Optimization Techniques” in 9th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, September 27-30, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey, 2010.

Chapters in Books

  • Chapter 10: “Optimization Design of Skeletal Structures- A Review” in a book titled “Progress in Civil and Structural Engineering Computing”, Edited by B. H. V. Topping, Saxe-Coburg Publications, U.K, ISBN: 1-874672-20-9, pp: 237-284, 2003.
  • Chapter 6, “Optimum Design of Steel Frames using Stochastic Search Techniques Based on Natural Phenomena: A Review”, in a book titled “Civil Engineering Computations: Tools and Techniques”, Edited by B. H. V. Topping, Saxe-Coburgh Publications, UK, ISBN: 978-1-874672-32-6, pp:105-147, 2007.
  • Section 2.3, “Structural Design”, of the Chapter titled “Recent Advances in Harmony Search” in a book titled “Advances in Evolutionary Algorithms”, InTech Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-902613-32-5, May, 2008.
  • Chapter 8, “Optimum Design of Steel Skeleton Structures”, in a book titled “Music-inspired Harmony Search Algorithm, Theory and Applications”, Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 191, Ed. Z. W. Geem, ISBN: 978-3-642-00184-0, Springer, 2009.
  • Chapter 7, “Design Code Optimization of Steel Structures Using Adaptive Harmony Search Algorithm”, in a book titled “Harmony Search Algorithms for Structural Design Optimization”, Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Ed. Z. W. Geem, Vol. 239, ISBN: 978-3-642-03449-7, Springer, 2009.
  • Chapter 2, “Optimization in Structural Engineering”, in a book titled “Optimization in Civil and Environmental Engineering”, Old City Publishing, (Expected to be published in Spring, 2011).
  • Chapter 7, “Optimization of Offshore Structures” in the book titled “Stochastic Analysis of Offshore Steel structures”, An analytical appraisal By H. Karadeniz, Springer, 2011, (Under Preparation).
  • Chapter 17, “Harmony Search Algorithms in Structural Engineering”, in the book titled “Computational Optimization and Applications in Engineering and Industry”, Springer, (expected to be published in Fall, 2011).

Proceedings of International Conferences

  1. K. I. Majid and M. P. Saka, Optimum Shape Design of Rigidly Jointed Frames, Proceedings of Symposium on Application of Computer Methods in Engineering, Vol. 1, pp:521-532, University of Southern California, USA, August, 1977 .
  2. M.P. Saka, Structural Shape Optimization - A Review , Proceedings of 15th Yugoslavian Congress of the Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, pp:135-145, 1-5 June 1981, Kupari, Yugoslavia.
  3. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Grillages Including Warping, Proceedings of International Symposium on Optimum Structural Design, pp:9-13 to 9-20, 19-22 Oct. 1981, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA .
  4. M.P. Saka, Minimum Cost Topological Design of Trusses, Proceedings of International Symposium on Optimum Structural Design, pp:10-41 to 10-46, 19-22 Oct. 1981, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA.
  5. M. P. Saka, The use of Approximating Programming in the Optimum Structural Design, Proceedings of International Symposium on Mathematics Organized on the memory of Prof. Nazim Terzioglu, 15-25 Sept. 1982, University of Black Sea, Trabzon, Turkey .
  6. P. Stajonovsky and M.P. Saka, Optimizacija Konfiguracija Elicmh Ramovskih Konstruckja, Proceedings of Symposium of Yugoslavian Structural Engineers, 25-28 April 1982, Novcat, Yugoslavia.
  7. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Space Trusses with Buckling Constraints, Proceedings of Third International Conference on Space Structures, pp:656-660, 11-14 Sept. 1984, University of Surrey, Guilford, U.K.
  8. M.P. Saka and T. Celik, Nonlinear Analysis of Space Trusses by Theorems of Structural Variation, CIVIL-COMP 85, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing,Vol. 2, pp:153-158, Dec. 1985, London, U.K.
  9. T. Celik and M.P. Saka, The Theorems of Structural Variation in their General form, SECTAM XI, Proceedings of Southeastern Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol. II, pp:726-731, University of Southern California, April 1986, USA.
  10. M.P. Saka, Optimum design of Steel Grillage Systems, Proceedings of Third International Conference on Steel Structures, pp:273-290,Singapore Structural Steel Society, March, 1987, Singapore .
  11. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Nonlinear Space Trusses, CIVIL-COMP87, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, Vol. 1, pp:279-284, Institution of Civil Engineers, Sept. 1987, London, U.K.
  12. M.P. Saka and B. Attili, Shape Optimization of Space Trusses, Proceedings of International Conference on the Design and Construction of Non-conventional Structures, Vol. 2, pp:115-121, Dec.,1987, London, U.K.
  13. A. Barakat and M.P. Saka, Lateral Load Analysis of Irregular Tall Buildings by Microcomputers, SECTAM XIV, Proceedings of Southeastern Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, The University of Missisippi, April 1988, USA.
  14. A. R. Buzdar and M.P. Saka, Basic Concepts in Planning New Engineering Laboratories - Case Study of Bahrain University, Proceedings of Regional Conference on Establishing Engineering Laboratories in Colleges of Engineering, March 1988, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar.
  15. M.P. Saka, E. El-Khatip and B. Ahmadi, Effect of Curing methods on the Durability of Concrete in Aggressive Environments, Proceedings of International Conference on Re-evaluation of Concrete Structures, pp:47-57, July 1988 Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  16. M.P. Saka, Optimum Slope Design of Roof Trusses, Proceedings of The First International conference in Civil engineering, pp: 45-67, March 1989, University of Bahrain, Bahrain.
  17. M.P. Saka, S. Al-Mosawi and S. Hussain, Computer Aided Design of Composite Slabs with Profiled Steel Sheeting, Proceedings of The First International conference in Civil engineering, pp:77-101, March, 1989, University of Bahrain, Bahrain.
  18. M.P. Saka, Optimum Shape Selection in Roof trusses, Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on Structural Faults and Repair, June 1989, London, U.K.
  19. M.P. Saka and A. R. Buzdar, Nonlinear Analysis of Strip Foundations through Microcomputers, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Foundation and Tunnels, September 1989, Institute of Education, University of London, U.K.
  20. M.P. Saka and M. Ulker, Optimum Design of Geometrically Non-linear Space Trusses, CIVIL-COMP89, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, Vol. 2, pp:175-184, September 1989, City University, London, U.K.
  21. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Steel Frames with Stability Constraints, CIVIL-COMP89, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, Vol. 2, pp:141-155, September 1989, City University, London, U.K.
  22. M.P. Saka, Optimum design of Multi-Story Structures with Shear Walls, Proceeding of International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Vol. 1, pp:149-160, 20-22 August 1991, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, U. K.
  23. M.P. Saka, Finite Element Applications of the Theorems of Structural Variation, Proceeding of International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Vol. 1, pp:137-148, 20-22 August 1991, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, U. K.
  24. M. S. Hayalioglu and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Geometrically Nonlinear Elastic-Plastic Steel Frames with Tapered Members, Proceeding of First International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, 20-22 August 1991, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, U. K.
  25. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Composite Slabs with Profiled Steel, Parts 1 & 2, ICCS-3, Proceedings of Third International Conference on Steel and Concrete Structures, pp:497-508, 26-29 September 1991, Fukuoka, Japan .
  26. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Steel Frames with Tapered Members, CIVIL-COMP 93, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, pp:63-79, 17-19 August 1993, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, U.K.
  27. M.P. Saka and E. S. Kameshki, Optimum Design of Multi-Story Unbraced Frames, Proceeding of Second International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Vol. J, pp:27-34, 30th August-1st September 1994, Athens, Greece.
  28. M.P. Saka, The Theorems of Structural Variation for solid and Cubic Elements, CIVIL-COMP 95, Vol.: Developments in Computational Techniques for Structural Engineering, pp:261-272, August 1995, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K.
  29. M.P. Saka and E. S. Kameshki, Optimum Design of Nonlinear Elastic Framed Domes, CIVIL-COMP 95, Vol.: Developments in Computational Techniques for Structural Engineering, pp:295-304, August 1995, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K.
  30. A. Al-Tamimi and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Reinforced Concrete Frames According to BS 8110, CIVIL-COMP 95, Vol. : Developments in Computer Aided Design and Modeling for Structural Engineering, pp:91-100, August 1995, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K.
  31. U. Uzman, A. Daloglu and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Arches with Varying cross-section, CIVIL-COMP 95,Vol: Developments in Computational Technique for Civil Engineering, pp:227-235, August 1995, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U. K.
  32. A. Sanad and M.P. Saka, Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures Using Neural Networks Proceedings of the Second International Conference in Civil Engineering on Computer applications, Research and Practice, Vol. 1, pp:69-84, 6-8 April 1996, University of Bahrain, Bahrain .
  33. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Steel Grillage Systems Using Genetic Algorithm, Proceedings of the Second International Conference in Civil Engineering on Computer Applications, Research and Practice, Vol. 1, pp:285-296, 6-8 April 1996, University of Bahrain, Bahrain.
  34. M.P. Saka, A.Daloglu and F.Malhas, Optimum Spacing Design of Grillage Systems Using Genetic Algorithm, The Mouchel Centenary Conference on Innovation in Civil and Structural Engineering, Vol. E, pp: 137-148, 19-21 August 1997, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U. K.
  35. M.P. Saka, The Theorems of Structural Variation for Grillage systems, The Mouchel Centenary Conference on Innovation in Civil and Structural Engineering, Vol. E, pp:101-111, 19-21 August 1997, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K.
  36. S. Al-Mosawi and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Cold Formed Thin Walled Steel Sections, The Mouchel Centenary Conference on Innovation in Civil and Structural Engineering, Vol. C, pp:215-228,19-21 August 1997, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K.
  37. M.P. Saka and E. Kameshki, Optimum Design of Multi-Story Sway Steel Frames to BS5950 using Genetic Algorithm, The Fourth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, pp:135-141,18th-20th August 1998 Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K.
  38. A. Sanad and M.P. Saka, Prediction of Ultimate Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams Using Neural Network, CIVIL-COMP 99, The Seventh International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, pp:147-157, 13th-15th September 1999, Oxford, England.
  39. S. Weldali and M.P. Saka, Optimum Geometry and Spacing Design of Roof Trusses based on BS5950 using Genetic Algorithm, CIVIL-COMP 99, The Seventh International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, pp:119-130, 13th-15th September 1999, Oxford, England.
  40. E.S. Kameshki and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Nonlinear Steel Frames with Semi-Rigid Connections Using a Genetic Algorithm, CIVIL-COMP 99, The Seventh International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, pp:95-105, 13-15 September 1999, Oxford, England.
  41. H.M. Assiri and M.P. Saka, Condition Assessment of Deteriorated Reinforced Concrete Structural Components in the Bahrain Aluminum Smelter (ALBA), Proceeding of 6th International Conference on Deterioration and Repair of Reinforced Concrete in the Arabian Gulf, 23rd-25th October 2000, pp:761-782, Bahrain Society of Engineers, Bahrain.
  42. E.S. Kameshki and M.P.Saka, A Genetic Algorithm Based Optimum Bracing Design of Non-Sway Tall Steel Frames, Proceeding of 5th International Conference in Computational Structures Technology, pp:111-119, 6-8 September 2000,,Leuven, Belgium.
  43. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Pitched Roof Steel Frames with haunched Rafters by genetic algorithm, CIVIL-COMP 01, The Eighth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, Paper 46, 19th-21th September 2001, Einsenstadt, Austria .
  44. M.P. Saka, The theorems of structural variation for rectangular finite elements for plate flexure, CIVIL-COMP 03, The Ninth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, 2-4 September 2003, Egmond-aan-Zee, The Netherlands .
  45. S. Savas, M. Ulker and M.P. Saka, Evolutionary Topological Design of three-dimensional Solid Structures, CIVIL-COMP 03, The Ninth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, 2-4 September 2003, Egmond-aan-Zee, The Netherlands.
  46. E. S. Kameshki and M.P. Saka, Optimum Geometry Design of Non-linear braced domes using genetic algorithm, Paper No. 294, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures technology, Editors: B.H.V. Topping and C. A Mota Soares, Civil-Comp Press, 7-9 September 2004, Lisbon, Portugal.
  47. A. A. Khalaf and M.P. Saka, Evolutionary Structural Design of Steel gusset Plates, The Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Paper No. 122, CIVIL-COMP 05, 30th August-2nd September 2005, Rome, Italy .
  48. F. Erdal and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of grillage systems using the harmony search algorithm, Proceedings of The Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, CST 2006, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 12-15 September 2006. 
  49. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Steel Swaying Frames To BS5950 Using Harmony Search Algorithm, Proceedings of The Eleventh International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, 18-21 September 2007, St. Julians, Malta. 
  50. F. Erdal and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Cellular Beams Using The Harmony Search Method, Proceedings of The Ninth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Paper No:81, Civil-Comp Press, Stirlings, Scotland, 2008.
  51. S. Carbas and M.P. Saka, A Harmony Search Algorithm for Optimum Topological Design of Single Layer Lamella Domes, Proceedings of The Ninth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Paper No:50, Civil-Comp Press, Stirlings, Scotland, 2008.
  52. E. Doğan and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Unbraced Steel Frames to The LRFD-AISC Code Using Particle Swarm Optimization, Proceedings of The Ninth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Paper No:48, Civil-Comp Press, Stirlings, Scotland, 2008.
  53. F. Erdal and M.P. Saka, Optimum design of castellated beams using harmony search method, 8th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, June 1-5, 2009, Lizbon, Portugal.
  54. E. Doğan and M.P. Saka, Particle swarm design optimization of moment resisting steel frames with semi-rigid connections to LRFD-AISC, 8th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, June 1-5, 2009, Lizbon, Portugal.
  55. S. Carbas, I. Aydoğdu and M.P. Saka, An adaptive harmony search algorithm based optimum design of steel frames according to LRFD-AISC, 8th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, June 1-5, 2009, Lizbon, Portugal .
  56. I. Aydoğdu and M.P. Saka, Ant colony optimization of irregular steel frames including effect of warping, Civil-Comp 09, The Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, 1-4 September, 2009, Madeira, Portugal.
  57. O. Hasançebi, T. Bahçelioğlu, Ö. Kurç and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of High-Rise Steel Buildings Using an Evolution Strategy Integrated Parallel Algorithm, Civil-Comp 09, The Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, 1-4 September, 2009, Madeira, Portugal.
  58. M.P. Saka, I. Aydoğdu and O. Hasançebi, Evaluation of recent improvements in harmony search based structural optimization algorithms, The Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, 14-17 September 2010, Valencia, Spain.
  59. A. Akın and M.P. Saka, Optimum design of concrete cantilever retaining walls using harmony search algorithm, The Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, 14-17 September 2010, Valencia, Spain.
  60. A. Akın and M.P. Saka, Optimum detailed design of RC continuous beams using harmony search algorithm, The Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, 14-17 september 2010, Valencia, Spain.
  61. S. Savaş, M. Ülker and M.P. Saka, Evalutionary structural optimization of three dimesional solids under impact loads, The Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, 14-17 September 2010, Valencia, Spain.
  62. A. Akın and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of RC Column Sections Subjected to Axial Force andUniaxial/Biaxial Bending Using Harmony Search Algorithm, 9th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 27-30 September 2010, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey
  63. A. Akın and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Concrete Cantilever Retaining Walls Using Harmony Search Algorithm, 9th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 27-30 September 2010, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey.
  64. S. Çarbaş and M.P. Saka, Optimum design of cold-formed open thin-walled sections using harmony search algorithm , 9th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 27-30 September 2010, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey.
  65. O. Hasancebi, S. Carbas and M. P. Saka, A Reformation of Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Large-Scale Structural Optimization, Proc. of The 19 Thirteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, 6-9 September 2011, Chania, Crete, Greece.
  66. O. Hasancebi, S. Carbas and M. P. Saka, A Reformation of Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Large-Scale Structural Optimization, Proc. of The Thirteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, 6-9 September 2011, Chania, Crete, Greece.
  67. S. Carbas, E. Dogan, F. Erdal, M. P. Saka, Comparison of Metaheuristic Techniques in Finding The Solutions of Optimization Problems, 2nd International Symposium on Computing in Science and Engineering, June 1-4, 2011, Gediz University, Izmir, Turkey.

Technical Reports

  • B.H. Ahmadi and M.P. Saka Improvement and Cost Saving for Composite Wood-Concrete Floor Construction in Bahrain,Technical Report No. 18, Research Sponsored by Bahrain Center for Studies and Research, November 1991, Bahrain .
  • M.P. Saka, A. Akın ve İ. Aydoğdu, Optimum Design of Steel and Reinforced Concrete Structures under Earthquake Loadings, Technical Report No: 106M490, TÜBİTAK (Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council), October, 2010 .
  • O. Hasançebi, M. P. Saka, Ö.Kurç, S. Çarbaş, E. Doğan, F. Erdal, T. Bahçecioğlu, “Optimum Design of 3-D Steel Frames using Stochastic Optimization Techniques and Applications in Structural Engineering in Turkey”, Technical Report No: 108M070, TÜBİTAK (Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council), January, 2011, Turkey.

  Publications in Turkish

  1. M.P. Saka, The Application of the Theorems of Structural Variation to Rigidly Jointed Frames, Journal of Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul Turkey,Vol. 34, No. 6, 1976 .
  2. M.P. Saka, The Application of the Theorems of Structural Variation in Shape Optimization of Structures, Proceeding of Sixth Scientific Congress, Turkish Science and Research Council, Ankara, Turkey, October, 1977 .
  3. M.P. Saka, The Application of Theorems of structural Variation to frames with Tapered Members, Journal of Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, Vol. 37, No. 6, 1979 .
  4. M.P. Saka, Optimization Techniques, Lecture Notes, Published by State Academy of Engineering and Architecture, Elazig, Turkey, Publication No: 6, 1982 .
  5. M.P. Saka and N. Cihan, Optimum Design of Space Trusses by Optimality Criteria Method, Proceedings of Third National Congress of Mechanics, Bursa, Turkey, September, 1983 .
  6. R. Erdol, M.P. Saka and I. Sungur, The Effect of Warping in the Analysis of Grillages, Proceedings of Third National Congress of Mechanics, Bursa, Turkey, September 1983 .
  7. O. Demir and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Space Trusses by Mathematical Programming, Proceedings of Third National Congress of Mechanics, Bursa, Turkey, September 1983 .
  8. A. Turhan, M.P. Saka and I. Sungur, Nonlinear Analysis of Space Trusses Proceedings of Fourth National Congress of Mechanics , Istanbul Turkey, September, 1985 .
  9. M.P. Saka and O. Hartavi, Elastic-Plastic Analysis Frames with Tapered Members, Proceedings of Fourth National Congress of Mechanics, Istanbul, Turkey, September, 1985 .
  10. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of trusses by Mathematical Programming, Proceedings Fifth National Congress of Mechanics, Bursa, Turkey, September, 1987.
  11. İ. Aydoğdu and M.P. Saka, Effect of warping in the analysis of irregular 3D steel frames under the lateral loads, Proceedings of Fifteenth National Congress of Mechanics, pp: 167-176, Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey, 3-7 September, 2007 .
  12. E. Doğan and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Steel Frames Using Particle Swarm Optimization Method According To LRFD-AISC, Proceedings of Sixteenth National Congress of Mechanics, Paper ID:49, University of Erciyes, Kayseri, Turkey, 22-26 June, 2009.
  13. F. Erdal and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Cellular Beams Using Harmony Search Method, Proceedings of Sixteenth National Congress of Mechanics, Paper ID:50, University of Erciyes, Kayseri, Turkey, 22-26 June, 2009.
  14. S. Çarbaş and M.P. Saka, Optimum Topology Design of Single Layer Lamella Domes Using Harmony Search Method, Proceedings of Sixteenth National Congress of Mechanics, Paper ID:51, University of Erciyes, Kayseri, Turkey, 22-26 June, 2009.


  • Ministry of Education, Government of Turkey, scholarship for studying Ph.D., 1971 .
  • UNESCO Fellowship for Post Doctoral Research, 1977 .


  • TELFORD PREMIUM: Awarded by the Institution of Civil Engineers, London in 1979 for the paper titled The Theorems of Structural Variation Generalized for Rigidly Jointed Frames published in Proceedings of ICE, London, U.K. together with Prof. K. I. Majid and Dr. T. Celik.
  • Given an Academic Excellence Award by the University Administration for his outstanding academic performance in College of Engineering between 1994-1996 .
  • Included in Marquis Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, in each volume from 1998 to 2005.
  • Included in 2000 Outstanding Scientists of the 20th Century, International Biographical Center, Cambridge CB2 3QP, England .

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CV Y.M. Xie

Yi-Min (Mike) Xie


Date of birth





Program area







Civil Engineering

University of Wales

Swansea, United Kingdom



Engineering Mechanics

  Shanghai Jiao Tong University



 Area of Research and Consulting Expertise

 Professional Memberships

 Positions Held

 Previous Positions

  Professional Activities

  Selected Publications

  Other Achievements



  • Structural optimization
  • Computational mechanics
  • Structural dynamics 


  • Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
  • Fellow, Institution of Engineers Australia 


  • Jul. 2002 – present, Professor and Discipline Head of Civil Engineering, School of Civil, Environmental and Chemical Engineering, RMIT University, Australia
  • Jan. 2002 – Jun. 2002, Professor and Acting Head of School, School of the Built Environment, Victoria University, Australia
  • Jan. 1998 – Dec. 2001, Associate Professor, School of the Built Environment, Victoria University, Australia
  • Jul. 1995 - Dec. 1997, Senior Lecturer, Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Victoria University, Australia
  • May 1993 - Jun. 1995, Lecturer, Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Victoria University, Australia
  • Feb. 1992 - May 1993, Research Fellow of Department of Aeronautical Engineering and Manager of Finite Element Analysis Research Centre, University of Sydney, Australia
  • Oct. 1990 - Oct. 1991. Senior Research Assistant to Professor O.C. Zienkiewicz, FRS, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Wales, Swansea, UK 


  • Senior Research Assistant to Professor O.C. Zienkiewicz, FRS, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Wales, Swansea, U.K., Oct. 1990 - Oct. 1991. 
  • Research Fellow of Department of Aeronautical Engineering and Manager of Finite Element Analysis Research Centre, University of Sydney, Australia, Feb. 1992 - May 1993. 
  • Lecturer, Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Victoria University, Australia, May 1993 - Jun. 1995. 
  • Senior Lecturer, Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Victoria University, Australia, Jul. 1995 - Dec. 1997. 
  • Associate Professor, School of the Built Environment, Victoria University, Australia, Jan. 1998 – Dec. 2001. 
  • Professor and Acting Head of School, School of the Built Environment, Victoria University, Australia, Jan. – Jun. 2002. 


  • Chairman of Organising Committee for the Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics, Melbourne, 2005
  • Chairman of Organising Committee for the 4th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, 26-28 September 2007, Melbourne


  1. Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, Evolutionary Structural Optimization, Springer-Verlag, London, June, 1997, 200 pp., ISBN 3-540-76153-5.
  2. X. Huang and Y.M. Xie, Evolutionary Topology Optimization of Continuum Structures: Methods and Applications, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England, 2010, 235 pp., ISBN: 9780470746530.
  3. Z.H. Zuo, Y.M. Xie and X. Huang, ‘Reinventing the wheel’, ASME Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 133, pp 024502-1-024502-4, 2011.
  4. X. Huang, A. Radman and Y.M. Xie, ‘Topological design of microstructures of cellular materials for maximum bulk or shear modulus’, Computational Materials Science, 50, pp 1861-1870, 2011.
  5. X. Huang and Y.M. Xie, ‘Evolutionary topology optimization of continuum structures including design-dependent self-weight loads’, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 47, pp 942-948, 2011.
  6. X. Huang and Y.M. Xie, ‘Evolutionary topology optimization of geometrically and materially nonlinear structures under prescribed design load’, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 34(5), pp 581-595, 2010.
  7. Z.H. Zuo, Y.M. Xie and X. Huang, ‘An improved bi-directional evolutionary method for topology optimization for frequencies’, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 10(1), pp 55-75 , 2010.
  8. X. Huang and Y.M. Xie, ‘Evolutionary topology optimization of continuum structures with an additional displacement constraint’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 40, pp 409-416, 2010.
  9. X. Huang, Z.H. Zuo and Y.M. Xie, ‘Evolutionary topological optimization of vibrating continuum structures for natural frequencies’, Computers & Structures, 88, pp 357-364, 2010.
  10. Y.C. Koay, Y.M. Xie and S. Setunge, ‘Investigation of various methods for minimising uneven displacements in pedestrian concrete pavements’, accepted for publication in International Journal Road Materials and Pavement Design, 11(2), pp 479-488, 2010.
  11. K. Ghabraie, R.W. Chan, X. Huang and Y.M. Xie, ‘Shape optimization of metallic yielding devices for passive mitigation of seismic energy’, Engineering Structures, 32(8), pp 2258-2267, 2010.
  12. K. Ghabraie, Y.M. Xie, X. Huang and G. Ren, ‘Shape and reinforcement optimization of underground tunnels’, Journal of Computational Science and Technology, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 4(1), pp 51-63, 2010.
  13. X. Huang and Y.M. Xie, ‘A further review of ESO type methods for topology optimization’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 41(5), pp 671-683, 2010.
  14. J.W. Tang, Y.M. Xie, P. Felicetti, J.Y. Tu and J.D. Li, ‘Numerical simulations of wind drags of straight and twisted polygonal buildings’, accepted for publication in The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 11 June 2010 (available online: DOI: 10.1002/tal.657).
  15. Z.H. Zuo, Y.M. Xie and X. Huang, ‘Optimal topological design of periodic structures for natural frequencies’, accepted for publication in Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 6 November 2010.
  16. R. Das, R. Jones and Y.M. Xie, ‘Optimal topology design of industrial structures using an evolutionary algorithm’, accepted for publication in Optimization and Engineering, 20 December 2010 (available on line: DOI 10.1007/s11081-010-9132-0).
  17. X. Huang and Y.M. Xie, ‘Bi-directional evolutionary topology optimization of continuum structures with one or multiple materials’, Computational Mechanics, 43(3), pp 393-401, 2009.
  18. Z.H. Zuo, Y.M. Xie and X. Huang, ‘Combining genetic algorithms with BESO for topology optimization’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 38(5), pp 511- 523, 2009.
  19. J.A. Frumar, Y.Y. Zhou, Y.M. Xie and M.C. Burry, ‘Tensegrity structures with 3D compression members: development and assembly’, Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, 50(2), 99-110, 2009.
  20. Y.C. Koay, Y.M. Xie and S. Setunge, ‘Evaluating stepping displacement of pedestrian concrete pavements using EPDM rubber and PVC joiners’, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 9(4), pp 287-301, 2008.
  21. X. Huang and Y.M. Xie, ‘Topology optimization of nonlinear structures under displacement loading’, Engineering Structures, 30(7), pp 2057-2068, 2008.
  22. X. Huang and Y.M. Xie, ‘A new look at ESO and BESO optimization methods’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 35(1), pp 89-92, 2008.
  23. X. Huang and Y.M. Xie, ‘Optimal design of periodic structures using evolutionary topology optimization’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 36, pp 597-606, 2008.
  24. X. Huang, Y.M. Xie, and M.C. Burry, ‘Advantages of bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization (BESO) over evolutionary structural optimization (ESO)’, Advances in Structural Engineering, 10 (6), pp 727-737, 2007.
  25. T. Molyneaux, S. Setunge, R. Gravina and Y.M. Xie, ‘An evaluation of the learning of structural engineering concepts during the first two years of a project based engineering degree, European Journal of Engineering Education, 32(1), pp 1-8, 2007.
  26. X. Huang and Y.M. Xie, ‘Numerical stability and parameters study of an improved bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization method’, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 27(1), pp 49-61, 2007.
  27. X. Huang and Y.M. Xie, ‘Bi-directional evolutionary topology optimization for structures with geometrical and material nonlinearities”, AIAA Journal, 45(1), pp 308-313, 2007.
  28. X. Huang and Y.M. Xie, ‘Convergent and mesh-independent solutions for bi-directional evolutionary structural method’, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 43, pp 1039-1049, 2007.
  29. X. Huang, Y.M. Xie and G. Lu, ‘Topology optimization of energy absorption structures’, International Journal of Crashworthiness, 12(6), pp 663-673, 2007.
  30. J. Rong, J. Jiang and Y.M. Xie, ‘Evolutionary structural topology optimization for continuum structures with structural size and topology variables’, Advances in Structural Engineering, 10 (6), pp 681-695, 2007.
  31. X. Huang, Y.M. Xie, and M.C. Burry, ‘A new algorithm for bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization ’, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers International Journal Series A , 49(4), pp1091-1099, 2006.
  32. E. Kita, H. Saito, T. Tamaki, H. Shimizu and Y.M. Xie, ‘Three-dimensional structural design based on cellular automata simulation’, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 23, pp 29-42, 2006.
  33. X.Y. Yang, Y.M. Xie and G.P Steven, ‘Evolutionary methods for topology optimization of continuous structures with design dependent loads’, Computers & Structures, 83, pp 956-963, 2005.
  34. G. Ren, J.V. Smith, J.W. Tang and Y.M. Xie, ‘Underground excavation shape optimization using an evolutionary procedure’, Computers and Geotechnics, 32, pp 122-132, 2005.
  35. R. Das, R. Jones and Y.M. Xie, ‘Design of structures for optimal static strength using ESO’, Engineering Failure Analysis, 12(1), pp 61-80, 2005.
  36.   Y.M. Xie , P. Felicetti and J.W. Tang and M.C. Burry, ‘Form finding of complex structures using evolutionary structural optimisation’, Design Studies, 26(1), pp 55-72, 2005.
  37. J. Burry, P. Felicetti, J.W. Tang, M.C. Burry and Y.M. Xie, ‘Dynamical structural modelling – a collaborative design exploration’, International Journal of Architectural Computing, 3 (1), pp 27-42, 2005.
  38. W. Li, Q. Li, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘An evolutionary shape optimization for elastic contact problems subject to multiple load cases’, Computer Method in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 194 , pp 3394-3415, 2005.
  39. E. Kita, T. Toyoda, T. Tamaki and Y.M. Xie , ‘Design of truss structures based on concept of cellular automata’, Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, 11, pp 321-3335, 2004.
  40. Q. Li, G.P. Steven, Y.M. Xie and Q.M. Querin, ‘Evolutionary topology optimization for temperature reduction of heat conducting fields’, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 47 , pp 5071-5083, 2004.
  41. H. Kim, O.M. Querin, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘Improving efficiency of evolutionary structural optimization by implementing fixed grid mesh’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 24(6), pp 441-448, 2003.
  42. X.Y. Yang, Y.M Xie, J.S. Liu, G.T. Parks, P.J. Clarkson, ‘Perimeter control of the bi-directional evolutionary optimization method’, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 24(6), pp 430-440, 2003.
  43. W. Li, Q. Li, G.P. Steven and Y. M. Xie, ‘An evolutionary approach to elastic contact optimization of frame structures’, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 40, pp 61-81, 2003.
  44. H. Guan, Y.J. Chen, Y.C. Loo, Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, ‘Bridge topology optimization with stress, displacement and frequency constraints’, Computers & Structures, 81, pp 131-145, 2003.
  45. W. Li, Q. Li, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘An evolutionary shape optimization procedure for contact problems in mechanical designs’, Proceedings of Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, C217, pp 435-446, 2003.
  46. A. Lencus, O.M. Querin, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘Aircraft wing design automation with ESO and GESO’, International Journal of Vehicle Design, 28(4), pp 356-369, 2002.
  47. H. Kim, O.A. Querin, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘Determination of an optimal topology with a predefined number of cavities’, AIAA Journal, 40 (4), pp 739-744, 2002.
  48. G.P. Steven, Q. Li and Y.M. Xie, ‘Multicriteria optimization that minimizes maximum stress and maximizes stiffness”, Computers & Structures, 80, pp 2433-2448, 2002.
  49. K.A. Proos, G.P. Steven, O.M. Querin, Y.M. Xie, ‘Multicriteria evolutionary structural optimization using the weighting and the global criterion methods’, AIAA Journal, 39(10), pp 2006-2012, 2001.
  50. Q. Li, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘Evolutionary structural optimization for connection topology design of multi-component systems’, Engineering Computations, 18, pp 460-479, 2001.
  51. Q. Li, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘Thermoelastic topology optimization for problems with varying temperature fields’, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 24(4), pp 347-366, 2001.
  52. Q.Q. Liang, Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, ‘A performance index for topology and shape optimization of plate bending problems with displacement constraints’, Structural Optimization, 21(5), pp 393-399, 2001.
  53.   Q.Q. Liang, Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, ‘Generating optimal strut-and-tie models in prestressed concrete beams by performance-based optimization’, American Concrete Institute Structural Journal, 98(2), pp 226-232, 2001.
  54.   Q. Li, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘A simple checkerboard suppression algorithm for evolutionary structural optimization’, Structural and. Multidisciplinary Optimization, 22(3), pp 230-239, 2001.
  55.   Q. Li, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘Evolutionary thickness design with stiffness maximization and stress minimization criteria’, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 52, pp 979-995, 2001.
  56.   W. Li, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘Shape design for two- and three-dimensional contact problems using an evolutionary method’, International Journal of Computational Engineering and Sciences, 2, pp181-198, 2001.
  57.   J.H. Rong, Y.M. Xie, J.S. Jiang, B. Xu and J.Q. Fu, ‘Present situation and development of evolutionary structural optimization method’, Journal of Changsha Communications University, 17(3), pp 16-23, 2001.
  58.   K.A. Proos, G.P. Steven, O.M. Querin, Y.M. Xie, ‘Stiffness and inertia multicriteria evolutionary structural optimization’, Engineering Computations, 18(7), pp 1031-1054, 2001.
  59.   Q. Li, G.P. Steven, O.M. Querin, and Y.M. Xie, ‘Stress based optimization of torsional shafts using an evolutionary procedure’, International Journal of Solids & Structures, 38(32-33), pp 5661-5677, 2001.
  60.   Q. Li, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘Evolutionary structural optimization for stress minimization problems by discrete thickness design’, Computers & Structures, 78, pp 769-780, 2000.
  61.   D. Manickarajah, Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, ‘Optimum design of frames with multiple constraints using an evolutionary method’, Computers & Structures, 74, pp 731-741, 2000.
  62.   O.M. Querin, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘Evolutionary structural optimization using an additive algorithm’, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 34, pp 291-308, 2000.
  63.   H. Kim, O.M. Querin, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘A method for controlling the number of cavities in an optimized topology using evolutionary structural optimization’, Structural Optimization, 19(2), pp 140-147, 2000.
  64.   Q.Q. Liang, Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, ‘Optimal topology selection of continuum structures with displacement constraints’, Computers & Structures, 77(6), pp 635-644, 2000.
  65.   Q.Q. Liang, Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, ‘Topology optimization of strut-and-tie models in reinforced concrete structures using an evolutionary procedure’, American Concrete Institute Structural Journal, 97(2), pp 322-330, 2000.
  66.   J.H. Rong, Y.M. Xie and X.Y. Yang, “An improved method for evolutionary structural optimization against buckling”, Computers & Structures, 79, pp 253-263, 2000.
  67.   Q. Li, G.P. Steven, O.M. Querin and Y.M. Xie, ‘Structural topology design with multiple thermal criteria’, Engineering Computation, 17(6), pp 715-734, 2000.
  68.   J.H. Rong, Y.M. Xie, X.Y. Yang and Q.Q. Liang, “Topology optimization of structures under dynamic response constraints”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 234(2), pp 177-189, 2000.
  69.   G.P. Steven, Q. Li and Y.M. Xie, ‘Evolutionary topology and shape design for general physical field problems’, Computational Mechanics, 26, pp 129-139, 2000.
  70.   Q.Q. Liang, Y.M Xie and G.P. Steven, ‘Optimal topology design of bracing systems for multi-storey steel building frameworks’, Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 126(7), pp 823-829, 2000.
  71.   H. Kim, M.J. Garcia, O.M. Querin, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘Introduction of fixed grid in evolutionary structural optimisation’, Engineering Computations, 17(4), pp 427-439, 2000.
  72.   D. Manickarajah, Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, 'Optimization of columns and frames against buckling', Computers & Structures, 75, pp 45-54, 2000.
  73.   O.M. Querin, V. Young, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘Computational efficiency and validation of bi-directional evolutionary structural optimisation’, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 189, pp 559-573, 2000.
  74.   G.P. Steven, O.M. Querin and Y.M. Xie, ‘Evolutionary structural optimization (ESO) for combined topology and size of discrete structures’, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 188, pp 743-754, 2000.
  75.   Q.Q. Liang, Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, ‘Optimal selection of topologies for the minimum-weight design of continuum structures with stress constraints’, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science: Part C of Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, 213, pp 755-762, 1999.
  76.   X.Y. Yang, Y.M. Xie, G.P. Steven and O.M. Querin, ‘Topology optimization for frequencies using an evolutionary method’, Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 125(12), pp 1432-1438, 1999.
  77.   Q. Li, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘Displacement minimization of thermoelastic structures by evolutionary thickness design’, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 179, pp 361-378, 1999.
  78.   Q. Li, G.P. Steven, O.M. Querin and Y.M. Xie, ‘Shape and topology design for heat conduction by evolutionary structural optimization’, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 42, pp 3361-3371, 1999.
  79.   X.Y. Yang, W.J. Yi and Y.M. Xie, ‘Eigenvalue sensitivity of cracked beam structures’, Advances in Structural Engineering, 2, pp 199-205, 1999.
  80.   D.N. Chu, Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, 'An evolutionary method for optimal design of plates with discrete variable thickness subject to constant weight’, Structural Optimization, 17, pp 55-64, 1999.
  81.   X.Y. Yang, Y.M. Xie, G.P. Steven and O.M. Querin, ‘Bidirectional evolutionary method for stiffness optimization’, AIAA Journal, 37(11), pp 1483-1488, 1999.
  82.   H. Guan, G.P. Steven, and Y.M. Xie, 'Evolutionary structural optimization incorporating tension and compression materials’, Advances in Structural Engineering, 2(4), pp 273-288, 1999
  83.   Q. Li, G.P. Steven, O.M. Querin and Y.M. Xie, ‘Optimization of thin shell structures subjected to thermal loading’, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 7, pp. 401-412, 1999.
  84.   Q. Li, G.P. Steven, O.M. Querin and Y.M. Xie, ‘Evolutionary structural optimization for stress minimization’, Mechanics Research Communications, 26, pp 657-664, 1999. 
  85.   Y.M Xie , X.Y. Yang, G.P. Steven and O.M. Querin, ‘The theory and application of evolutionary structural optimization method’, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 16(6), pp 70-81, 1999.
  86.   V. Young, O.M. Querin, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘3D and multiple load case bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization (BESO)’, Structural Optimization, 18, pp 183-192, 1999.
  87.   H. Guan, G.P. Steven, O.M. Querin and Y.M. Xie, 'Optimization of bridge deck positioning by the evolutionary procedure’, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 7(6), pp 551-559, 1999.
  88.   Q. Li, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘On equivalence between stress criterion and stiffness criterion in evolutionary structural optimization’, Structural Optimization, 18, pp 67-73, 1999.
  89.   C. Zhao, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, 'Simultaneously evolutionary optimization of several natural frequencies of a two dimensional structure’, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 7, pp 447-456, 1999.
  90.   D.N. Chu, Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, 'An evolutionary structural optimization method for sizing problems with discrete design variables', Computers & Structures, 68, pp 419-431, 1998.
  91.   D. Manickarajah, Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, 'An evolutionary method for optimization of plate buckling resistance’, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 29, pp 203-230, 1998.
  92.   C. Zhao, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘A generalized evolutionary method for natural frequency optimization of membrane vibration problems in finite element analysis’, Computers & Structures, 66(2-3), pp 353-364, 1998.
  93.   C. Zhao, P. Hornby, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘A generalized evolutionary method for numerical topology optimization of structures under static loading conditions’, Structural Optimization, 15, pp 251-260, 1998.
  94.   O.M. Querin, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, ‘Evolutionary structural optimization (ESO) using a bi-directional algorithm’, Engineering Computations, 15, pp 1031-1048, 1998.
  95.   C. Zhao, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, 'Effect of initial nondesign domain on optimal topologies of structures during natural frequency optimization', Computers & Structures, 62, pp 119-131, 1997.
  96.   Y.M. Xie , 'An assessment of time integration schemes for nonlinear dynamic equations: author’s reply', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 201, p. 257, 1997.
  97.   C. Zhao, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, 'Evolutionary natural frequency optimization of two dimensional structures with nonstructural lumped masses', Engineering Computations, 14(2), 233-251, 1997.
  98.   C. Zhao, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, 'Evolutionary optimization of maximizing the difference between two natural frequencies of a vibrating structure', Structural Optimization, 13, pp 148-154, 1997.
  99.   D.N. Chu, Y.M. Xie, A. Hira and G.P. Steven, 'On various aspects of evolutionary structural optimization for problems with stiffness constraints', Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 24, pp 197-212, 1997.
  100.   B.G. Falzon, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, 'Multiple cutout optimization in composite plates using evolutionary structural optimization', Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 5(5), pp 609-624, 1997.
  101.   D.N. Chu, Y.M. Xie, A. Hira and G.P. Steven, 'Evolutionary structural optimization for problems with stiffness constraints', Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 21, pp 239-251, 1996.
  102.   Y.M. Xie , 'An assessment of time integration schemes for nonlinear dynamic equations', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 192, pp 321-331, 1996.
  103.   Y.M. Xie, 'An unusual stability property of a direct integration algorithm', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 192, pp 1015-1017, 1996.
  104.   Y.M. Xie, ‘Discussion on a precise time step integration method', Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science: Part C of Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, Vol. 210, 395-396, 1996.
  105.   Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, 'Evolutionary structural optimization for dynamic problems', Computers & Structures, 58, pp 1067-1073, 1996.
  106.   C. Zhao, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, 'Evolutionary natural frequency optimization of thin plate bending vibration problems', Structural Optimization, 11, pp 244-251, 1996.
  107.   Y.M. Xie, 'Comments on a direct integration algorithm and the consequence of numerical stability', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 192, p. 605, 1996.
  108.   B.G. Falzon, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, 'Shape optimization of interior cutouts in composite panels', Structural Optimization, 11, pp 43-49, 1996.
  109.   C. Zhao, G.P. Steven and Y.M. Xie, 'General evolutionary path for fundamental natural frequencies of membrane vibration problems: towards optimum from below', Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 4, pp 513-527, 1996.
  110.   Y.M. Xie , 'Further comments on relationship between fundamental natural frequency and maximum static deflection for various linear vibratory systems', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 186, pp 689-693, 1995.
  111.   Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, 'Instability, chaos, and growth and decay of energy of time-stepping schemes for nonlinear dynamic equations', Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 10, pp 393-401, 1994.
  112.   Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, 'Improving finite element predictions of buckling loads of beams and frames', Computers & Structures, 52, pp 381-385, 1994.
  113.   Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, 'Optimal design of multiple load case structures using an evolutionary procedure', Engineering Computations, 11, pp 295-302, 1994.
  114.   Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, 'A simple approach to structural frequency optimization', Computers & Structures, 53, pp 1487-1491, 1994.
  115.   Y.M. Xie and W.L. Wood, 'On the accuracy of time-stepping schemes for dynamic problems with negative stiffness', Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 9, pp 131-137, February, 1993.
  116.   Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, 'Explicit formulas for correcting finite-element predictions of natural frequencies', Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 9, pp 671-680, August, 1993.
  117.   Y.M. Xie and G.P. Steven, 'A simple evolutionary procedure for structural optimization', Computers & Structures, 49, No. 5, pp 885-896, 1993.
  118.   L.F. Zeng, N.-E. Wiberg, X.D. Li and Y.M. Xie, 'A posteriori local error estimation and adaptive time-stepping for Newmark integration in dynamic analysis', Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 21, pp 555-571, 1992.
  119.   O.C. Zienkiewicz and Y.M. Xie, 'A simple error estimator and adaptive time-stepping procedure for dynamic analysis', Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 20, pp 871-887, 1991.
  120.   O.C. Zienkiewicz and Y.M. Xie, 'Analysis of the Lower San Fernando Dam failure under earthquake', Dam Engineering, 2, pp 307-322, 1991.
  121.   Xikui Li, O.C. Zienkiewicz and Y.M. Xie, 'A numerical model for immiscible two-phase fluid flow in porous medium and its time domain solution', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 30, pp 1195-1212, 1990.
  122.   O.C. Zienkiewicz, Y.M. Xie, B.A. Schrefler, A. Ledesma and N. Bicanic, 'Static and dynamic behaviour of soils: a rational approach to quantitative solutions. II. Semi-saturated problems', Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, A429, pp 311-321, 1990.


  • Awarded The Most Inspiring Lecturer in Civil Engineering prize in 1999, Victoria University.
  • Awarded Vice-Chancellor’s Medal for Excellence in Research in 2000, Victoria University (the highest research award of the University).

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CV A. Bahreininejad

 Ardeshir Bahreininejad


 Date of birth




  Associate Professor

 Program area

  Parallel Computational in Structural Mechanics




  bahreininejad AT



 Computational Solid Mechanics

 Heriot-Watt University

  Edinburgh, United Kingdom



 Computer Aided Architectural Design

 Dundee University

  Dundee, United Kingdom



 Civil and Structural Engineering

 Aberdeen University

  berdeen, United Kingdom


  Research Interests

  Editorial Affiliations

  Journal Reviewe

  Professional & Academic Experience

  Conference, Seminar & Workshop


  Contribution to Books

  Refereed Journal Papers

  Refereed Conference Papers

  Computing Skills

 Research Interests

  • Computational Solid Mechanics: Finite Elements Domain Decomposition and Mesh Generation
  • Computational Engineering and Optimization
  • Computational Intelligence (Neural Networks, Agents, Genetic Algorithms, Particle Swarm, Ant Colony, Artificial Immune System, etc.) Applications in Engineering and Design
  • Parallel and High Performance Computing Applications in Engineering
  • Information Technology Applications in Engineering and Design

 Editorial Affiliations

  • Member of Editorial Board: The International Conference Series on Computational Structures Technology

 Journal Reviewer

  • Computers & Structures (Elsevier)
  • Advances in Engineering Software (Elsevier)
  • Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier)

 Professional & Academic Experience

 2010 – Present

 University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

 Academic Position:

 Associate Professor

 Department of Engineering Design and Manufacture Faculty of Engineering

 Course Taught:

 Computer Aided Drawing (undergraduate) Engineering Statics (undergraduate) Computational Intelligence for Engineers (undergraduate)

 2002 – 2010 

 Academic Position:

 Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

 Assistant - Associate Professor Information Technology Group, Industrial Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering & Technology

 Admin. Position:

 Other Positions:

 Director of University Computing and Information Services

 Member of University High Council, Member of University Research Council

 Course Taught:

 Emergent Computing Methods in Engineering (postgraduate) Enterprise Application Integration (postgraduate) Service Oriented Architecture (postgraduate) Ubiquitous Computing & Ambient Intelligence (postgraduate)

 2000 – 2002 


 Georgia Institute of Technology, United States of America
Postdoctoral Research Fellow


 Research on a variety of project domains related to the Manufacturing and Factory Information Systems, at the Manufacturing Research Center


 Enterprise Information and Distributed Systems

 Electronic Manufacturing and Software Development

 Servlet, Middleware, XML/XSL Schema/Instance Research and Development

 Network Administration and Management

 Internet and Web Applications Development


 Tarbiat Modares University, Iran


 Contract lecturer at postgraduate level


 Building and Housing Research Center, Iran


 Director of Information Systems and Computing Department


 Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom


 Technical Advisor at MSc Level and Co-network Administrator


 Teaching UNIX, C Programming and Parallel Computing at MSc Level

 Co-administrating a Small LAN, Based on One Sun Sparc Server Operating Under Sun Solaris 2.3 Supporting Over 50 PC’s Using PC-NFS Networking


 British Airports Authority, Gatwick Airport, United Kingdom


 Assistant System Administrator and CAD Manager


 Co-administration of the VAX/VMS-based Network

 Computer CAD/CAM Drafting Using AutoCAD, MOSS, GDS and 3D Studio

 Conference, Seminar & Workshop


  2010 Contribution to numerous conferences and seminars in Iran (in Persian)


  Seminar Presentation: Message Broker Development, Presented at the Factory Information Systems Seminar, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA.


  Seminar Presentation: Framework Tools, Presented at the Factory Information Systems Seminar, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA.


  Conference Presentation: Subdomain generation Using Parallel Q-state Potts Glass Neural Networks, Presented at the Sixth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering, “Developments in Neural Networks and Evolutionary Computing for Civil and Structural Engineering”, Cambridge University, 28th-30th August, Cambridge, UK.


  Seminar Presentation: Neural Networks for Learning and Optimization, Structural Engineering Presented at the Structural Engineering Computational Technology Seminar, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK.


  Conference Presentation: Subdomain Generation Using Multiple Neural Networks Models, Presented at the Second International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, “Advances in Parallel Vector Processing for Structural Mechanics”, 30th-1st September, Athens, Greece.


  Workshop Presentation: Subdomain Generation Using Multiple Neural Networks Models, Presented at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Emergent Computing Methods in Engineering Design, 25th-27th Nafplio, Greece.


  Seminar Presentation: A Brief Encounter with Neural Networks, Presented at the Scottish-Anglo-Hungarian Research Seminar, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, and UK.


  Conference Presentation: Parallel Training of Finite Element Mesh Generation, Presented at the Fifth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering, “Neural Networks and Combinatorial Optimization in Civil and Structural Engineering”, Heriot-Watt University, 17th-19th August, Edinburgh, UK.



  • Topping BHV and Bahreininejad A. Neural Computing for Structural Mechanics. Saxe-Coburg Publication, Edinburgh, UK, 1997. ISBN: 1874672024.


 Contribution to Books

  • Bahreininejad A, Finite Element Mesh Decomposition Using Evolving Ant Colony Optimization, in Chan FTS and Tiwari MK (eds.), Swarm Intelligence: Focus on Ant and Particle Swarm Optimization, I-Tech Publications, Austria, 2007. ISBN: 978-3-902613-09-7.
  • Topping, BHV, Khan, AI, Sziveri, J, Bahreininejad, A, Leite, JPB, Cheng, B, and Iványi, P. Neural Networks in Advanced Computational Problems, in Neural Networks in the Analysis and Design of Structures, Z. Waszczyszyn (Editor), CISM courses and lectures No. 404, Springer-Verlag, Wien, pp. 197-248, 1999.
  • Topping BHV and Bahreininejad A. Neural Networks for Learning and Optimization, in Grierson DE and Hajela P (Eds.), Emergent Computing Methods in Engineering Design, NATO ASI series, Springer, 1996. ISBN: 3540608737

 Refereed Journal Papers

  1. Bahreininejad A, Topping BHV and Khan AI, Finite Element Mesh Partitioning Using Neural Networks, in Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 27, 103-115, 1996.
  2. Topping BHV, Khan AI and Bahreininejad A, Parallel Training of Neural Networks for Finite Element Mesh Decomposition, Computers and Structures, Vol. 63, No. 4, 693-701, 1997.
  3. Sziveri J, Cheng B, Bahreininejad A, Cai J, Thierauf G and Topping BHV, Parallel Quadrilateral Subdomain Generation for Finite Element Analysis, in Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 30, 809-823, 1998.
  4. Topping BHV, Sziveri J, Bahreininejad A, Leite JPB and Cheng B, Parallel Processing, Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 29, No. 10, 763-786, 1998.
  5. Kaveh A, Bahreininejad A, and Mostafaei H, A Hybrid Graph-Neural Method for Domain Decomposition, Computers and Structures, Vol. 20, No. 6, 667-674, 1999.
  6. Bahreininejad A, A Hybrid Ant Colony Optimization Approach for Finite Elements Mesh Decomposition, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 28, 307-316, 2004.
  7. Bahreininejad A, Partitioning of Unstructured Finite Element Meshes Using Neural Networks, International Journal for Engineering Science, Vol. 16, No. 3, 49-55, 2005.
  8. Bahreininejad A, and Hesamfar P, Subdomain Generation Using Emergent Ant Colony Optimization, Computers and Structures, 84, 1719-1728, 2006.
  9. Bahreininejad A, E-Learning and Associated Issues in Iran, Int. Journal of Distance Education Technologies, Vol. 4, No. 4, IGI Global Publishing, 2007.
  10. Mehrjoo M, Khaji N, Moharrami H, Bahreininejad A, Damage detection of truss bridge joints using Artificial Neural Networks, Expert Systems with Applications, 35, 1122-1131, 2008.
  11. Hassani A, Bahreininejad A, and Moaveni M, Kenlayer Based Pavement Backcalculation Moduli Using Artificial Neural Networks, International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 1(4), 155-160, 2008.
  12. Jilani H, Bahreininejad A, Ahmadi MT, Adaptive finite element mesh triangulation using self-organizing neural networks, Advances in Engineering Software, 40, 1097-1103, 2009.
  13. Salehi, M. and Bahreininejad, A. Optimization process planning using hybrid genetic algorithm and intelligent search for job shop machining. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 2010.
  14. Hasheminezhad, M. Bahreininejad, A. A Multi-Agent Taxi Dispatching System. International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems. Vol. 2, Issue 2. 1-10. IGI Global Publishing. 2010.
  15. Moradi, H and Bahreininejad, A. A New Framework for Evaluating the Functional Capabilities of Intra-Enterprise Application Integration Technologies. Journal of Systems Integration. Vol. 1, No. 4. 2010.
  16. Alinaghi, T. and Bahreininejad, A. A Multi-Agent Question-Answering System for E-Learning and Collaborative Learning Environment. The International Journal of Distance Education Technologies. IGI Global Publishing.Vol. 9, No. 2, 2011.
  17. Shafeeifar, M. Bahreininejad, A. and Moghim M.N. Prediction of Wave and Current Forces on Slender Structures Using Artificial Neural Networks. The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Transactions. Vol 18, No. 1. 2011.
  18. Salehi, M Bahreininejad, A, and Nakhai, I. On-line analysis of out-of-control signals in multivariate manufacturing processes using a hybrid learning-based model. Neurocomputing Journal. doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2010.12.020. 2011.
  19. Soroush, AR, Bahreininejad, A, Jan van den Berg, "Developing a Multiple Forward Stepwise Logistic Regression model as a Hybrid Customer Prediction System", Intelligent Data Analysis – An International Journal, 16(2), 2012.
  20. Sadollah, A. and Bahreininejad, A. Optimum gradient material for functionally graded dental implant using metaheuristic algorithms. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. Accepted for Publications. doi:10.1016/j.jmbbm.2011.05.009. 2011.
  21. Sadollah, A and Bahreininejad, A. Optimization of die design using metaheuristic methods in cold forward extrusion process. Neural Computing and Applications, Springer, 10.1007/s00521-011-0630-6. 2011.
  22. Khademi F, Bahreininejad A, and Fathollahi Y, K. Miller. Fourier Entropy Based Subject Specific Channel Selection: A New Technique to Process Electrocorticogram Signals for Brain Computer Interfacing, Journal of Neural Engineering, (Under Review).
  23. Sadollah, A and Bahreininejad, A. Mine Blast Algorithm: A Novel Optimization Method. Target Journal: Applied Soft Computing. (Under review).
  24. Sadollah, A and Bahreininejad, A. Constraint Optimization Using Mine Blast Algorithm. Target Journal: Applied Soft Computing. (Under review).
  25. Additional 9 other articles are currently under review in various ISI indexed journals.

 Refereed Conference Papers

  1. Khan AI, Topping BHV and Bahreininejad A, Parallel Training of Neural Networks for Finite Element Mesh Generation, in Topping BHV and Khan AI (Eds.), Neural Networks and Combinatorial Optimization in Civil and Structural Engineering, Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK, 81-94, 1993.
  2. Bahreininejad A, Topping BHV and Khan AI, Subdomain Generation Using Multiple Neural Networks Models, in Topping BHV and Papadrakakis M (Eds.), Parallel and Vector Processing for Structural Mechanics, Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK, 173-184, 1994.
  3. Topping BHV and Bahreininejad A, Subdomain generation Using Parallel Q-state Potts Glass Neural Networks, in Topping BHV (Ed.), Developments in Neural Networks and Evolutionary Computing for Civil and Structural Engineering, Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK, 65-78, 1995.
  4. Topping BHV, Sziveri J, Bahreininejad A, Leite JPB and Cheng B, Parallel Processing, Neural Networks and Genetics Algorithms: Revisited, in Kumar B (Ed.), Information Processing in Civil and Structural Engineering, Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK, 197-218, 1995.
  5. Sziveri J, Cheng B, Bahreininejad A, Cai J, Thierauf G and Topping BHV, Parallel Quadrilateral Subdomain Generation, in Topping BHV (Ed.), Advances in Computational Structures Technology, Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK, 313-325, 1996.
  6. Topping BHV, Sziveri J, Bahreininejad A, Leite JPB and Cheng B, Parallel Processing, Neural Networks and Genetics Algorithms, in Proceedings of XIII Polish Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, 35-63, 1997.
  7. Arabzadeh A, Bahreininejad A and Omidinasab F, Prediction of Ultimate Shear Strength of Simply Supported RC Deep Beam Using Artificial Neural Networks, in Proceedings of 6th International Conference in Civil Engineering., May 2003, Isfahan, Iran.
  8. Soroush AR, A. Bahreininejad, RB Kazemzadeh, Time series fitting improvement using the self organizing map clustering algorithm for medium-term peak load forecasting, The 9th Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Science, December 12-14, 2007, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  9. Soroush AR, A. Bahreininejad, I. Nakhai Kamal-Abadi, Applications of artificial neural networks for supply chain management, First International Symposium on Supply Chain Management, April 26-27, 2008, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
  10. Soroush AR, A Bahreininejad, Customer segmentation and its role in marketing decision support as a subsystem of business intelligence, Conference on Operation Research and Global Systems, September 3-5, 2008, Augsburg, Germany.
  11. Khoshroo M, A. Bahreininejad, Toward an approach for SOA methodology, International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP'08), 382-385, 2008, USA.
  12. Bayati S, Nejad AF, Kharazmi S, and Bahreininejad A, Using association rule mining to improve semantic web services composition performance, 2nd International Conference on Computer, Control and Communication, IC4 2009, 2009.
  13. Goli, M, Bayati, S, Bahreininejad, A, Abolhassni, H, Faraahi, A. Selecting Suitable Semantic Web Service Composition, Using PROMETHEE Method and Non-Functional Parameters. Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications, 358-362, 2009.

 Computing Skills

  • Platforms: Windows, Linux and Unix (Solaris).


  • Platforms: Microsoft Active Directory Networking, Novell NetWare, Linux, Solaris (PC-NFS).
  • Protocols: TCP/IP, DNS, WINS, IPX, DHCP, SMTP, FTP, Telnet, Gopher and Proxy.

 Web Technologies: Microsoft IIS, Apache (HTTP Server, Tomcat), Java Servlets and Web-Services, Web Design, Application Programming, Javascript, Perl/CGI, PHP, Python, XML, CSS, HTML.

 Programming: Java, C/C++.

 Scientific Computing: Parallel C for Transputer Technology, Cluster Computing, PVM, MPI, MATLAB, ANSYS.

 Multimedia and Spreadsheet: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, FrontPage, Visio, Project), Open Office, Corel Draw, Adobe Products, etc.

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