چکیده: (10958 مشاهده)
Design optimization of structures with discrete and continuous search spaces is a complex optimization problem with lots of local optima. Metaheuristic optimization algorithms, due to not requiring gradient information of the objective function, are efficient tools for solving these problems at a reasonable computational time. In this paper, the Doppler Effect-Mean Euclidian Distance Threshold (DE-MEDT) metaheuristic algorithm is applied to solve the discrete and continuous optimization problems of the truss structures subject to multiple loading conditions and design constraints. DE-MEDT algorithm is a recently proposed metaheuristic developed based on a physical phenomenon called Doppler Effect (DE) with some idealized rules and a mechanism called Mean Euclidian Distance Threshold (MEDT). The efficiency of the DE-MEDT algorithm is evaluated by optimizing five large-scale truss structures with continuous and discrete variables. Comparing the results found by the DE-MEDT algorithm with those of other existing metaheuristics reveals that the DE-MEDT optimizer is a suitable optimization technique for discrete and continuous design optimization of large-scale truss structures.
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موضوع مقاله:
Optimal design دریافت: 1401/2/1 | پذیرش: 1401/2/1 | انتشار: 1401/2/1